Norton Towers – perverted girdled seniors

‘Now, so as there are no big surprises, I will show run through each tenant’s profile. But before that, let’s have nice cup of tea…you’re going to need it! ‘

Sitting down in the back-office Yvonne opened the tenants’ profile book. I was surprised in that in all there were only 15 – three couples, 9 women and 4 men. ‘The youngest Joan is 60 and Peter, our eldest, at 82 is still active but needs a friendly hand to get started.

There were usual details, food, shopping, etc but at the end was a group of initials. I asked what they represented and Yvonne said ‘their sexual proclivities’. I am showing you them only because I want you be able to put into context what you may or may not, see various things which may appear slightly bizarre or odd.’
The list was interesting and included a roll call ranging from water sports to wanking with twists and kinks in between. Exhibitionists, bi-sexual, role player etc. Thankfully no one was into Bondage or Sadism but some did like mild domination.

‘As you see’ added Gwen, ‘a lot of the ladies are exhibitionists which I think is natural at 70 as at 17 as all women are nurtured to show off’. Looking down as my cock stretched out my crotch, she added … ‘and some men too!’

Then she asked ‘So as you are now with us, it is only fair that we know what you like, what turns you on. I know it’s hard to be honest by really, it will make your time here a lot more enjoyable. By the look at that lovely hard cock straining to get out of your trousers, you too are not shy…like me. Now what else’?

‘Well, Yvonne, like everyone, a lot of what turns me on goes back to adolescence’ My problem was how far I was prepared to ‘come out’ so to speak. She was obviously a sophisticated lady so I spelt it out.
‘Well first Yvonne, I am a devoted lover of ladies who wear girdles. Ever since I grew up in the early sixties looking at ladies in open gusset girdles especially with, untrimmed natural pubic hair and stockings just does it for me…like you did when you deliberately and slowly crossed your gorgeous legs at the interview’
‘Oh Robert, I am so pleased. Most of us ladies here wear girdles or full corselets as it tends to help keep us in a state of shall, we say, readiness. But today, it would not look good with these very tight trousers which I wanted to wear as I love the feeling and attention my displaying my fantastically large fanny bulge gets. I just love the fact that men cannot take their eyes off it. Heaven’.

Continuing, I added that I enjoyed role playing and whilst never tried it, I do get turned on by women pissing but never been fortunate in finding ladies who enjoyed it in a sexual context. I was open about liking naturally ladies, and my initiating in enjoying mutual wanking which started as a youth in cinemas with older men. To finish I included large busts with even larger aureoles and most important for me …my genuine desire to give others pleasure as well as myself. When I finished, Yvonne said that I would fit right in and guaranteed that I would be very happy working there. By the looks of it, I would.

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