Norton Towers – perverted girdled seniors

After a week Gwendolyn phoned to offer me the job and after accepting, asked if I could start next week. She said that Mrs Hopwith had kindly offered to show me around (where, I wondered) and give me background notes to all the tenants.

Confidently striding into the reception dead on nine, I spied her sitting in an easy chair. Smiling she got up and slowly walked towards me.

‘Welcome Mr Young,’ Shaking my hand she added:’ as we are going to be working together today, I think we should be on first name terms. Mine is Yvonne and yours is? ‘

Robert, I replied. Talk about making the best of one’s assets. Although attractive, she also had what I call a wow factor. She was about 60, standing five four, with a very curvy and generous size 18 encased in a respectable blouse and clinging black stretch leggings that hugged cunt slit showing a very fat camel toe. The visible stain showed she was for up for action.

‘Before we start Robert, I would like clarify a few things. As you will have noticed we may getting on in life but we are far from gaga. Each of us, single or as a couple, live here because we all follow the same philosophy of personal fulfilment and enjoyment – individually and together. To the outside world we are ‘oldies’ but in here we are vibrant and enjoy each other’s company…in all ways. As soon as your eyes homed in when I crossed my legs at the interview, I knew that you probably shared our outlook on life. And unlike most others over 50 you will have noticed that we all always ensure we look good and make the best of what we have got’.

In a nutshell, they all enjoyed an active social and sex life and their have not stopped with age.
‘Here’ added Yvonne, ‘we can do anything without being scorned or laughed at. Do you understand?’

By now my interest was aroused. ‘Yvonne, may I ask a simple question…how did you all come together here?

‘Yes, we are very fortunate. It started about four years ago. Gwendolyn was the originator. Being a young girl in the sixties, when she hit 50, she realised that when a woman reached 40 or 50 the world and the majority of men believed their sex drive shrivelled up and died. But the biological fact is that it increases. The problem she found was how to ‘keep going’ so to speak. So, when she inherited this block in the early nineties instead of selling up, she tufted all the tenants out and began a campaign to find ‘like-minded’ owners. Of course, you don’t do that by going to an estate agent. No, she placed ads in relevant publications and other methods, friends of friends etc.

Don’t run away with thinking we’re all sex mad…we’re not. But if you enjoyed making love or whatever turns you on, say 3-4 times a week in your twenties and thirties then, if you are still healthy, it stands to reason that you would like to continue that as long as you can’.

Gwendolyn went to explain that both couples and singles did find ‘soul mates’ and there was always enough interest when something new came up! For example, if one has been living with someone for a long time and you mutually enjoyed what some would say was a fetish or different, and then it stopped…death, separation whatever…they could also find an interested participant.

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