A new vibrator brings mother & son closer together

“There’s nothing wrong with being dedicated.”

She sighed, “I don’t think you understand.”

Things were getting confusing.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I need to experience this firsthand. But I’m terrified of it. I honestly don’t know how I could use it on myself. Just look at this thing.”

She held out the and waved it, showing me just how intimidating the thing was. And she had a great point. Not every woman could simply put a vibrating dildo inside of them (especially one that powerful).

At that moment, I kind of froze. Who exactly would know what to do when your mother waves a sex toy in front of you?

“Is there anything I could do?” I asked sheepishly.

Her face suddenly went blank. “I don’t know. You’re a handsome young college guy. I’m sure you have plenty of experience with other young women.”

“So you want advice?”

“I honestly don’t know,” she said.

Suddenly, it seemed like my highly intelligent mother was suddenly dumbfounded. Her world was legal analysis. Not sex.

“This is getting really weird.”

She nodded. “I know. Believe me, I know this is weird.”

“So what do you need me to do?”

She looked dumbfounded again. Then her facial expressions totally changed. There was a sudden look of resolve on her face, like she was determined to meet her goal. It was the exact attitude which helped her to become a successful corporate lawyer.

“First, I want you to promise me something,” she said firmly. “Promise me that this will remain purely professional.”

It was clear she meant business (literally and figuratively).

“I promise. Anything to help.”

“Second, this is only for tonight. Okay?”


“Third, I need you to be respectful about this,” she said. “No jokes. No laughing. No games. We’ll behave like two adults discussing adult matters.”

“I got it.”

“Fourth, no one can ever know. Ever. This will always remain between us.”

“I promise.”

My mother seemed as lawyerly as ever. I had seen her lawyer side before. But it was rare for her to be so professional in our home, late at night, and just between us. She definitely had good reason though.

She seemed content with my promises after giving me a long hard stare. She needed a reassurance that I would be respectful about this (whatever this is).

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way…” she said, hands on her hips while she thought for a moment. “How would you approach an issue like this? I mean, if you had a girlfriend who wanted to experiment with a SuperVibMax, how would you do it?”

This time, it was my turn to think for a moment. I had never been with a girl who used a vibrator on herself. So I wouldn’t know. But I had ideas.

“Given the size of that thing, I’d obviously need to arouse her first,” I said.

Her eyebrow rose. “I’m listening.”

It was obvious that mom was genuinely interested in my ideas. This was important to her and she was fully dedicated to her job, no matter how awkward things might get.

“Well, as you obviously know, arousal is the best way to get a woman ready for penetration.”

“Probably the only way,” she added. “At least in my case.”

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