New life for Ruth

“Welcome my dear” Ruth tries hard to convince herself that Mr James wasn’t almost laughing has he showed her into his office.
He sat her down at the desk so they could both view the computer with the latest figure’s.
Ruth felt elated knowing after a thorough inspection everything would be in order. “Very pleasing Ruth” said Robert smiling “the books are just fine.
Just one little thing a small thing emanating from your office, in fact from your computer” her smiled dropped the feeling of elation left her. “I’m sure you can explain the external bill more than £ 800 from a porn company Mr Rees and I are sure it must be an error am I correct”

Ruth could feel her large mature boss standing over her, knowing she couldn’t explain, knowing he could end her fledgling career in that moment.
He had her “you see Ruth it isn’t really the bill I imagine we could pay that off simply, it’s more what the bill was for. There was a simple breakdown with the bill Ruth this was very, I repeat very hardcore porn” she tried to interrupt, Robert caught part of her statement “anything” ….yes my silly girl he thought that’s what I’ll have anything and everything.

As expected the tears began to flow, it won’t happen again bla,bla,bla, “to me my dear we have just two choices, we sack you with immediate effect”…. pleeeeease no she blurted… “or tomorrow the holiday Friday you come to this office at 10:30am to have your case thoroughly reviewed” he waited “well little miss pervert what will it be” her breath came in gasps at his statement little miss pervert, god what had she done. Unable to speak she simply nodded her agreement. Robert simply picked up a file and started reading, she was dismissed and new it.

Less than twenty four hours later and after a long and sleepless night, the feeling in the pit of her stomach had not receded. She was pleased she had hidden her dilemma from her husband, now she just wanted to hide her disgrace from him and anyone who may know her.
Robert James held her life in his hands. He responded to her knock with a smile on his face and a sharp “enter” he left her standing before him not speaking or looking at her, after what seemed an age he spoke “did you enjoy your filth Ruth…….. well did you?
He looked her in the eye waiting for her answer “I don’t know I” he looked hard at her “you don’t know for god sake you were long enough looking, now tell me did YOU ENJOY YOUR FILTH” tears ran down Ruth’s face “yes, yes I don’t know why, it was filth but I did enjoy it” his face broke into a sly smile.
“perhaps Ruth your enjoyment could help you save your job and keep all this very quite”
“How I don’t understand I’ll do anything, anything you ask” her mind was in turmoil what was happening to her
Sensing her distress Robert made his move quickly “in my dressing room is some clothing for you to try, if and when you come out wearing it we will review your employment status”

Ruth moved into the dressing room, she was totally shocked. The outfit if you could call it an outfit, black seamed stockings very sheer very expensive stockings, shoes bright red very high stiletto heel, a skirt a tiny black pleated skirt, a white sheer blouse and tiny quarter cup bra, Ruth had never even wore stockings before. Slowly she started to undressed, she was naked looking at herself in a full length mirror. She new she was being asked to dress like one of the sluts in her porn films, she looked at her bottom still tight, breasts she new men loved big tits like hers, next her pussy completely covered in a thick matt of black slightly greying hair so thick her pussy lips were almost hidden. Ruth so wished she’d done something she’d never done and trimmed. Why was she thinking like this could she really go through with this, parade in that outfit in front of a near stranger her boss, but she new she had no choice.

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