A group snog and cuddle seemed to be the appropriate way to commence. Then as if by a predetermined plan. Ruth and Sarah continued kissing one another, while I with a tube of lube in one hand moved down the bed.
The slightest touch from me and Ruth spread her legs.
I like looking at a woman’s pussy. I guess over the years, I have become something of a connoisseur of pudenda, I have never seen two alike, each has its individual characteristics. Pussies also change with use. From being fisted very regularly, not only does Sarah’s pussy have a noticeable gape and is quite slack both of which is to be expected, But also her labia appear to have enlarged. Ruth had quite well developed firm labia, however what attracted my attention was her clitoris, I was goggle eyed! I had never seen one like it, not in real life, not even even in porn pictures. It is massive — about two to two and a half inches maybe a little more protruded from between her pussy lips, it looks like a small dick.
“Wow!” I exclaimed, “Sis you’ve got a clit like a dick.”
“I told you he’d like it,” I heard Sarah say to Ruth.
I would have said, she never told me, but by then I had parted her pussy lips and my mouth was full. I was fully engaged sucking and licking Ruth’s Amazonian clitoris. Ruth groaned, I heard her emit a muffled, “Oh yes.”
“Please ….. ” Ruth said when I stopped licking. Sarah, who knew what I was doing shushed her.
Using two fingers to keep her labia parted, I squirted copious quantities of lube into her gash. I inserted fingers into her vagina. Oh joy of joys! – It really felt as though it was totally untouched. In all honesty I had thought my fantasy of fisting a virgin was just that — a dream which was impossible to achieve.
I knelt between her legs so both my hands were free. With my right hand I gently grasped her clit between my forefinger and thumb and frigged her. Meanwhile I finger fucked her, introducing a second finger.
It was when I thrust in a third finger that Ruth cried out. I saw a thin smear of blood mixed with the glistening lube on my fingers. “Goodbye hymen.” I said continuing to finger fuck Ruth. “Did you feel that?” I asked.
“I felt something. It stung for a moment.”
“He just popped your cherry Sweet Pea — you are not a virgin any more!”
“Oh! Is that it – I thought it would be a bigger deal.”
“Just keep on enjoying it.”
“I’m not open, you’re not fisting me yet are you?”
“No Ruth, don’t be impatient. Enjoy what I am doing the pleasure and the pain.”
Sarah changed position, straddling Ruth so she could lick her. We had pre-agreed this move. Continuing to finger fuck Ruth with three fingers, I watched as Sarah lowered her pussy lips to Ruth’s tongue. I knew Ruth was in for a treat.
Relinquishing Ruth’s clit I squirted more lube over my fingers and hand. Pausing the finger fucking I squirted more lube down her open vagina. Sarah grabbed Ruth’s legs and raised them.
I shaped my hand into a four finger arrow-head, with my thumb folded into the palm. Although both my hand and Ruth’s vulva were well lubricated my hand could not penetrate beyond my major knuckles.