Mother and son spend Christmas alone

When I felt confident the bulge in my pants had mostly disappeared I left my room, walking back to the kitchen once again. Mom was still there and it looked like she was pretty much done with the food.

She whistled as she saw me walk in. “Wow, you clean up nicely young man,” she complimented.

“Right?” I answered. On a whim I spun around, to give her the full view.

Rather than laugh, as I had expected, Mom let out an agreeing “Mmm…” and took her time inspecting me. I laughed it off and walked over to the living room, turning on the TV.

“Aren’t you going to change out of that apron soon, Mom?” I said loudly from the other room.

“I was going to take a shower right after I was done with this. You’d better not used up all the warm water!” she shouted back.

The phone interrupted me before I could think of a quip to throw back at her.

“Yes?” Mom answered in the other room.

“Hi. Oh. But… oh, okay. Yeah…” I heard her respond. It seemed to be bad news, so I got up from the couch and walked back to the other room.

“You’ve already talked to them? Yes, I understand. No it’s fine, really. Nick is here, yes. Okay.” She handed the phone to me.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Nick,” aunt Jen greeted. “I was just talking with your mother. It seems there is a storm coming in and our flight has been canceled. I don’t think we’re going to make it there for .”


“I’ve called the others and they’re in a similar situation, the roads are just too unsafe with the storm coming in.” I looked outside and saw that, indeed, the weather had gotten worse since I was out there.

“It’s good that you are there though. I hope it’s okay if you and your mother celebrate Christmas by yourselves,” she said, sounding apologetic.

“That’s fine Jen,” I answered. “There’s nothing you can do about it. Better to be safe than sorry, right? We’ll be fine.”

“Thanks for understanding. You take care of your mother now, okay? And merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” I responded and hung up. “Well, looks like we’re alone for Christmas…”

“Yeah… shit, what am I gonna do with all this food now?” Mom said, frowning. “Anyway, it’s okay, Nick. As long as I’ve got you here I’ll be just fine,” she said, bringing me in for a long, close hug.

We spent the rest of the day just hanging around. Watching TV, and getting lost in our phones and tablets. You could tell by the mood that we were both a bit disappointed, having prepared for a lot more people to arrive. Now it was just the two of us.


“Here you go,” Mom said, coming up from behind me where I sat in the sofa. She handed me one of the glasses she held.

She had just taken a shower, and was wearing tight jeans that showed off her perfect, toned ass and a brown sweater. I may have looked twice as she passed and sat down next to me on the couch.

“Eggnog?” I asked.

“Yes. I felt like we needed something to raise the mood in here. There’s no reason we can’t have fun on our own. I love spending time with you,” she said affectionately.

“I love spending time with you too,” I assured her and took a sip of the eggnog.

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