Mother and son spend Christmas alone

I checked my phone, sorted through some of the clothes I was planning on wearing the next day and set my laptop on the desk before I decided it was time to get to work.

It was around noon when I walked outside, wearing stuffy winter clothes and fake leather gloves. I grabbed the snow shovel from the garage and set about shoveling snow. The driveway itself was fairly easy to get done, even though quite a bit of snow had fallen during the night. I brushed the worst of it off the roof and front of my car.

Next I had to clear out a parking spot for the third car that would be arriving. The driveway was fairly short and narrow. My mother’s car occupied the garage itself and the driveway probably couldn’t fit another car. Certainly not aunt Jen’s SUV. Unfortunately the side of the road was covered in mounds of snow, and it seemed that the snowplow had come by to add to that pile this morning. The result was a waist high pile of packed snow for me to move.

To make matters worse the sky had darkened since I came out. It snowed ever so lightly, but it looked like it might get worse. There was nothing I could do about the weather though and I began moving the pile one scoop at a time.

I paced myself, lifting only as much snow with each scoop as I could handle without tiring myself out too quickly. I kept up the pace though, and after only ten or so minutes I started feeling a faint burning sensation in my muscles. I slowed my pace and kept going, taking five minute breaks every now and then. I honestly didn’t mind the work. I did pretty much the same thing at the gym a few times a week after all.

By the time I was starting to see the end to my work the snowing had intensified. At the rate it was going I might have to come back out in the evening to finish the improvised parking space.

I finally finished and stepped back to admire my accomplishment. They would still have to move their car if anyone wanted to back out of the driveway, but I was confident there was more than enough space to park there comfortably and easily.

I felt how sweaty I had gotten once I stepped inside. I hung my clothes on the rack in the hall and shuffled into the kitchen, exhausted. Mom was preparing some the food for the next day.

“That took a while, huh?” she said, sounding sympathetic.

“Uh, yeah. It’s fine though, Mom. Happy to help.”

She was wearing a red apron, with a white sleeveless blouse underneath. The way the apron was tied around her waist and strained around her breasts only accentuated her sexy figure.

“Need any help?” I asked, watching her switch between preparing stuffing and making some sort of pie.

“No, I’ve got this,” she replied, turning from the food. “You’ve already done enough sweetie.”

She walked over and wrapped her arms around me, putting both her breasts and the rest of her body close up against me, in one of those barely appropriate hugs she was so fond of. Honestly, it was no wonder I’d developed an attraction to her. Mom breathed in deeply, making her tits push against me even harder and sending a twitch through my half hard cock.

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