I hit the bathroom to take care of the three S’s. While I was standing at the sink shaving Mom came in, lowered her shorts and panties, and sat on the toilet to pee. This was the first time she’d ever bared herself below the waist in front of me. Needless to say getting the brief glimpse of her pussy and auburn bush, and hearing her stream splashing in the toilet, brought my cock to full attention. Since I was in my jockeys it was obvious what happened. It was like I’d stuffed a corncob in my shorts. Mom looked over and began to giggle quietly, knowing full well what she’d done.
After she finished peeing she spread her legs to wipe, giving me another full beaver shot. The extended view caused my cock to get even harder. Mom looked at me asking “You havin’ a problem? I decided that if you’ve seen one before it’s nothing new, if not, it’s high time you did.” There was a high risk of me cutting my throat while shaving. After finishing, she again stood, pulled up her panties and shorts, and kissed the back of my neck while leaving.
Her actions had me bumfuzzled. This was the first time she had been this blatant. It took all my concentration to finish shaving without some serious nicks. The old Gillette double edge sure got a workout.
I went into my room to dress. Mom had laid out a new bright blue western shirt, new blue jeans, and a new pair of boots for me. I stuck my head out the door asking, “Where’d the clothes come from?” Mom replied, “I felt like you needed something new so I bought ’em for you. Consider it a belated birthday gift. I can never repay you for the way you’ve stepped up and helped out since your dad died. We’re doing so much better now I feel you’ve earned it.”
After dressing I went to the living room where Mom was. She told me, “We need to set some ground rules. Since I’m your date tonight I’m not Mom. Call me by my given name, Patsy or Pat. You also have to talk to the staff at the restaurant. You’ll have to place the order and answer any questions. This will force you to communicate with people you don’t know. I know how reluctant you are to speak to strangers. You can talk. You do to me and the people you work with. Learn to do it in public.”
“Yes Ma’am,” I replied. “You’re forcing me out of my comfort zone, but I understand why. It won’t be easy, but I’ll try.”
“Depending on how successful you are there may be some rewards for good behavior,” Mom said. “You got a reward in the bathroom earlier.”
That statement got my attention. “What types of rewards are you talking about?” I asked.
“You’ll have to wait and see,” she replied, smiling. “Now, you clear out and come back in about forty-five minutes. That’ll give me time to finish getting ready. Take the cooler, ice it down, and get some drinks. See you later, Hon.”
I got into my truck and drove away. My mind was still whirling around the rewards statement. Could she be talking about what I was thinking about? I still hadn’t fully recovered from the beaver shot.
Returning home from my errand forty minutes later, I pulled into the driveway behind Mom’s car. I got out of the truck and went to the front door. Knocking as she’d requested got a “Just a minute” reply.