A mom, son, grandpa tale – Family taboo

It was true, as he had told his daughter, that Lois took care of him sexually. What he had not disclose was that the woman, three years older than he, often took care of his needs under duress. Lois needed a bit of help financially. He was able to provide that little financial help and in return she spread her legs for him or sucked his cock if her joints hurt.

Don was not able to keep his erection strong over the next five days. Jane and her dad spent much of their time in lengthy foreplay, lengthy finger fucking, stroking cock and 69ing. However, the last night Don managed a lengthy, sensuous fuck, giving Jane two orgasms. Jane allowed her father to fuck himself to exhaustion, ignoring the possibility of a stroke or heart attack, him finally giving up, she, sucking him to completion.

Her father waited with her at the edge of the road for the bus. He thanked her for allowing him to finally fuck her, explaining why he had never pressured her was due to her mother’s wishes. He praised her feminine ability and attributes, telling her how tight her pussy had been. He was exceptionally thick. Seeing the bus approach from some distance away, they quickly kissed passionately on the mouth and said their goodbyes. Jane promised to visit soon and suggested he purchase a pack of rubbers, making him smile.

Jane made the walk from the bus station with a brisk stride. She walked the most direct route. Her mind was not on showing off. Her mind had spent the last seven hours filing through the sexual time she had spent with her father. He was quite expert at pleasuring her! Now, her mind was on being on her back with a man between her legs, a cock inside her. The desire to fuck was so great that finding a sailor at a bar was not even a consideration, at least until she went home with the hope of getting Joey to service her. See hoped desperately that Joey would be home.

Walking through the door, she shouted his name and made a beeline for her bedroom, seeing him coming from the kitchen.

Joey lean on the door frame.

Jane began to disrobe.

“Did you miss your mother?” She quizzed, as she unsnapped her bra, releasing her breast, the nipples hard. “Did you me… real bad?”

“Very much. How is grandpa?”

“He’s doing very well. Very well indeed. Get undressed. I’m so damn hot I’m about to catch fire.”

Joey walked into the room as she began to undress. There was not much to remove… a T-shirt and shorts… he was commando. He moved in close to his mother grasping her waist and sucking on her right nipple as she struggled with her skirt.

“How long has it been since you had pussy or masturbated?” She questioned.

“Pussy 2 days ago.” He acknowledged. “I jerked off early this morning. You don’t have to worry about me. Just get your panties off.”

Jane could not get into the bed and on her back fast enough. Joey followed her closely, touching her, dropping in between her legs as she spread and lifted them. As was customary, she took hold of his cock and placed it to her. They coupled and began fucking with a frenzied rhythm, both moaning, groaning and grunting like starved, depraved beast.

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