Mom and son share a bed, and a lot more

Poor Vince was going to sleep in sweatpants and a t-shirt as he did the other two places they’d stayed. Rose told him not to be ridiculous and to sleep in a pair of shorts, or even his boxers if he wanted to.

They’d be under the sheet and she was his mother, not like she’d be checking him out. Admittedly, part of why she’d told him that was because there was no way she could wear a night shirt in this sweltering room.

While Vince sat on the bed with his back turned, Rose removed her bra, and shorts, and slipped under the sheet in a grey tank top and her panties. She didn’t feel the panties were that improper, they revealed about as much as her bikini bottom.

The top was another story, being smaller chested, Rose tended to wear tighter tops to show off what she had, and tank top was a size smaller than it should be. Without a bra, the shirt was tight enough to show off her nipples and the shape of her breasts themselves.

Rose didn’t want to keep the sheet over her chest, so she figured after they watched a little TV, she’d just sleep with her back to him the sheet only up to her waist. That was the final straw on the night, the remote was dead, and the TV had no external way to change the channel. When Vince got up to turn it on, it was stuck on a local access channel.

At that point, they’d decided to call it a night, and go to sleep. That was an hour ago, and Rose couldn’t nod off. She hated being on her side, so decided since it sounded like Vince was asleep to roll over onto her back which is how she usually slept.

They left the light over the bathroom mirror on, and the door open so they could find the bathroom. That left the room lit enough that if Vince looked over, he’d get a look at her in the skimpy tight shirt because there was no way she could keep the sheet over her.

But again, if he did, he did. He was her son; not like he’d be checking out his mother’s tits. Then again, Rose found herself looking at Vince in a way that wasn’t quite motherly. Staring at him as he slept, she couldn’t help noticing he was a good-looking young man.

Brian had been damn fine in his younger years, and Vince looked just like him. The short thick black hair, strong jaw, rugged features that made him attractive, but not in the pretty boy way. The one trait Vince had of Rose was his deep blue eyes, which coupled with his dark hair and his tanned face, stood out even more than they did on her. Neck down, Vince reminded Rose of Brian in his heyday as well. Vince’s shoulders and chest were wide, and even relaxed the muscles in his arms stood out.

His stomach, partially visible with the sheet pulled a few inches over his waist was flat and hard, his ‘six pack’ well defined. Even his legs looked good, his thighs thick, and the muscles in his claves standing out even when he was just walking.

Amazing he didn’t have a girlfriend. He’d broken up with Tara a few months ago, and unless he was just hooking up, he hadn’t been dating anyone. Not for the first time, Tara, and any other young woman Vince had been with was one lucky bitch.

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