A reader messaged me appreciating my previous story and we chatted a bit. He revealed that he has seen his parents having sex and also his mom fully naked once. And since then he has fantasy of seeing his mom getting fucked and requested me to do it since he got quite comfortable with me. He told me she looks like a serial actress in chats before and so i agreed to it and also i asked him to send some more pics of his mom to see how she actually is. she’s a bit chubby and not fat. Flesh ... Read more
Its a fictional story about the woman i me on insta. Her hands were tied to the both ends of the bed and eyes weren’t blindfolded but the room was pitch dark; lying in the bed with her jeans and tops in a oyo hotel room with this guy she met online. The silence and the dark made her heart beat faster. She could feel him getting above her without touching. Then she felt the touch of his bearded lips on her.. then those lips continued to peck her lips for some time. She felt a tingle for each peck ... Read more
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