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After a few moments of waiting both felt the other refused to make the first move then Suzy rolled over with her back to Gary while saying softly, “Goodnight Gary, see you in the morning.” Strangely, Gary felt relaxed, slept peacefully and had a dream about pumping Lane’s giant tits with his penis. Gary never realized he had a whet dream until the next morning.

Monday morning was mayhem as usual, and both Gary and Suzy fled the house like they were escaping some spooky entity occupying their home. After their token morning goodbye kiss, they left for work unaware each had their own thoughts about what was happening. Gary was thinking about his next lesson with Lane and Suzy was thinking her husband was fooling around with a younger woman.

At the grocer’s that morning the manager approached Gary and told him to be at work at 5 o’clock on Saturday to help unload the week’s shipment. Gary knew if he was told to work unloading stock there was a promotion in the near future but he was torn knowing there was something else on his agenda. Gary panicked realizing he might be missing lesson number two if he worked overtime. Gary knew it took the stockmen about an hour to unload the semi trailer and another hour to stack the boxes in the stock room. He calculated he could rush home, clean up and be knocking on Lane’s door by 9 o’clock never considering he’d have a few extra dollars in his paycheck.

Later that day, Gary was gathering orphaned shopping carts in the isles. One of the tall stockmen was arranging cans on the canned vegetable isle and he saw Gary pushing a shopping cart. “Rumor has it he plans to give you dry goods,” the guy said with a condescending hint in his voice.

Gary stopped for a second, looked up at the guy and with no clue what dry goods were he said, “Yeah, I heard that too,” then he noticed the guy’s eyes look behind Gary.

“Holy shit, look at the set on that old broad,” said the guy in a near whisper.

Gary turned his head and saw Lane slowly walking in his direction while scanning the shelves. He snapped his head forward and as his heart began to beat faster he thought; “oh crap … I don’t need a hard-on right now I might be bagging for Mindy in a few minutes.”

When the tall stockmen looked down to teld Gary something immoral he liked to do with the old broad’s tits, Gary had vanished, and suddenly an older blonde woman was standing in front of the tall with her breasts leading the way. She looked up and asked, “Where’s the dried beans sweetie?”

The kid appeared dazed to Lane but he managed to blurt out the words, “Um … isle three, ma’am.”

A few minutes later, Gary found himself bagging at the cute blonde’s checkout counter. He had always thought Mindy too cute to be working in a grocery store and began studying her body the best he could while bagging groceries for a middle aged couple with two very young children and praying Lane wouldn’t appear at Mindy’s check out counter. Later that day, he walked into the break room and found Mindy sitting at one of two small tables reading a thick magazine. He approached with caution and sat down at the opposite table with a sandwich and a soda he purchased at the store’s deli then asked cautiously, “Hi Mindy, whatcha reading?”

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