Making Dreams Come True

Robin grunted and groaned as she flopped around the trunk like a largemouth bass on the deck of a fishing boat. I pinched her nose shut and gave her the same warning I’d given Spencer. After placing Robin on the ground, I shut the trunk of her sedan.

As if I was dead lifting weights, I slung Robin over my shoulder and began my thirty minute journey. Stopping only once, I followed my map back to the location I’d placed Spencer. Eighty steps, right turn, one hundred sixty four steps, left turn, and on and on it went. Fourteen turns with no room for mistakes. Robin was my umbrella as the water dropped randomly. Just when I was beginning to think I’d made a mistake, there he was. Spencer gurgled and groaned when my light appeared.

Very gently, I feathered Robin onto her butt.

“There you go kids. You can live out your life together. Wasn’t that your dream Robin? You wanted to live the rest of your life with Spencer. See, I make dreams come true. Unfortunately, I doubt you live longer than a few days though, but you will be together. No need to thank me. You’re welcome. Plus, now you don’t need to sneak around anymore. Hard to believe that, what’d you call me Robin? That hopeless wimp? So yeah, hard to believe that hopeless wimp has done this, isn’t it?”

Their pleading eyes gave me the warm fuzzies. I bet I could get anything I wanted from either of them. There wasn’t a thing that came to mind. I’m done with them. They killed me emotionally and turned me into a cold hearted maniac. They only have themselves to blame.

“Both of you were really proud of yourselves when Robin tricked me into eating your creampie. That pretty much pushed me over the edge when I found out about that. All that intimate giggling you two shared talking about it. Thanks for making a video of that encounter Spencer. You saved me thousands in private detective charges. As far as the world knows, I’m still that accepting cuckolded .”

Tears weren’t about to sway me. I did them one at a time. Kneeling on their back, I exchanged the duct tape around their head for a leather buckle up full head gag. I put a padlock on it. The only way it was coming off was if it was cut off with a sharp knife. Removing all of their clothing required me to remove the duct tape from their hands. Spencer tried to push me off, but once his head slammed on the rocky surface, he laid there dazed long enough for me to get his clothes off and hands restrained again. Robin, having seen that, didn’t struggle at all.

It was tough to understand what Robin was saying, but is sounded something like “I’m sorry Ned. Please don’t do this. My kids need me. I’ll be the best ever.”

“Here’s how it’s going to play out Robin. You and Spencer are currently about a thousand feet down in Eldon’s cave. The cave is home to bears, but it’s likely to be the rats that eat you. Once you relieve yourself, that smell will permeate the air and then the fun begins. Like a scouting party, one or two rats will find you, and then you’ll hear them signaling the mischief. Your hours are numbered once that happens. Not much you can do when a thousand rats descend on defenseless prey. Unlike you, they can see in the dark. You could survive a bite or two, but when you have a thousand trying to get at least one mouthful, well, you’ll be deboned quickly. Occasionally drops of water from the ceiling will hit you. You might mistakenly believe that the rats have found you. Try to ignore those drops”

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