Maid from Heaven – Part 44

Now my mind was quickly racing to find an appropriate and convincing answer. After arriving at none I decided to dodge, I said “let’s quickly go to the pub before it gets too late”.

Uma excitedly jumped at this, she said “yes, yes Krishna, let’s go”. We got into my car and drove off. Uma asked “so where are we going today”? I said “you have two choices, one the same pub where we met my friends, second the other pub where we were alone”.

Surprisingly she said “let go to the first one”, in a surprised undertone I asked “are you sure because all of them might be there”? She calmly said “yes I am sure, Chetan and Jiju are ok and I think I can handle Rahul and Zulfi too”.

I looked into her eyes and asked “who are you going to hunt down today”. She looked away shyly and whispered “I did not think about that, but do you want me to”?

I said “yes why not, if opportunity knocks on your door then why waste it”. Uma thought about it for a moment before nodding okay. I was mighty impressed with her level of confidence.

She sounded like she was going to have all of them tonight. We reached the place, only Chetan, Zulfi and Rahul were there. Guess Jiju was still out there maybe arranging money.

Each of them gave a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek to Uma and she too reciprocated. Then we settled at the table with Uma sitting in-between me and Chetan with Zulfi sitting opposite her and Rahul sitting opposite me.

This time Uma ordered only a beer for me, while I looked at her questioningly, she winked and smiled at me. Then we all said cheers and before I put my glass down Uma held my hand and took a sip from my mug.

Everyone at the table saw it bewildered and had their eyes popping out. She calmly looked at them and said “what happened, did I do something wrong”? No one had anything to say.

Then we got busy talking normal stuff and cracking adult jokes and Uma was openly enjoying it too. Then she turned to me and said “Krishna can you please escort me to the rest room”?

Grabbing the chance Chetan quipped in “I would love to escort you this time Uma”. Now the most unbelievable thing happened, Uma looked at him and said “Thank you Chetan, I would love it too but maybe next time”.

I was relieved that Uma did not take Chetan’s offer and make her intentions public because everyone knew what our rest room break meant.

But then she also told him “maybe next time”…. in front of everyone. We went to the same special needs rest room and indulged in a fiery bout of sex. One thing was very evident, Uma was crazily horny and on fire.

Today many a times I had to cover her mouth to prevent her from moaning loudly. During the one quick round we had she still had two orgasms before I climaxed.

Then we got back to the table and everyone was grinning at us. This time Uma very seductively smiled back at everyone creating more shocking reactions from everyone at the table.

After some more drinking and more adult jokes, Zulfi got up with Rahul and Chetan to go for a smoke. Uma held Chetan’s hand and asked “can I come with you too”?

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