Her Other Life – Cheating wife

He stopped so I could answer but I was still staring at the floor, too totally overwhelmed to talk.

“Glenda and Jackie were happy for just a grateful fuck when they told me about you proudly walking through the office with John’s cum on your lips. That was a relief. Your old friend Sophie was hoping for a relationship with me after I fucked her. That was the night you were sleeping off your bonus celebration. Come on, Lisa. You can’t have been stupid enough to think you could come home from girl’s nights with different panties on than you’d left with and not smelling of alcohol? Do you think me so unobservant that I didn’t hear you yell out, “Come in, John”, when I came to the hotel that time, or see you come out of the bathroom naked, or the dress you’d laid out to wear? Also, for the record, I know your period starts when your pills tell it to, not three days before. How stupid do you think I am?”

His voice was starting to rise, so he paused to settle down. I wondered if the pain he’d been feeling was anything like as big as that which I was right now.

“I’d like to say it was tearing me up, watching your fear and guilt eating you alive, while I was banging my way down your friend list, completely guilt free. But I’m not that good a liar, Lisa. I’m about as good as you at that. It was one of the things we shared that I always used to treasure.”

This time when he stopped, I instinctively knew he was going to stay silent until I responded. He was calm and in command again. My desperate mind, however, was spinning like a flywheel that had broken its mount—erratically and completely out of control. Slowly, the chaos subsided and focused on one faint glimmer of hope. Dave had let my guilt be my punishment, and in case that wasn’t enough, had had as much revenge sex as he could handle. Thus assured I would never do anything like this ever, ever again, he’d brought things to a head so we could move forward.

“So, we’re going to be alright, aren’t we, Dave. We can get past this?”

Finally, his self-possession snapped. He leapt to his feet and shouted this time.

“No, of course not, you stupid bitch! What part of our relationship ever made you think it could survive an affair? Especially after I’d warned you about John? I consider our marriage ended months ago. This is just the execution.”

He slumped back on his chair and I heard him struggling to get his breathing back under control. That gave me time to think. Not about the future though, that was too painful.

“If you’ve known that long, why didn’t you say something? Why didn’t you leave me?”

He’d obviously managed to rein in his emotions. His voice was again deadpan and… cold.

“I’ve seen men who leave in a huff and live lonely miserable lives. Loveless, trustless and alone. I was getting my meals cooked, my house cleaned, sex with my whenever I chose and all her friends. Plus, I felt destroyed, so I enjoyed hanging around to see my destroyer, destroy herself. It was cathartic. Plus…”

He paused at that point for a long moment. I knew there was more unpleasantness to come.

Please wait…

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