Her Other Life – Cheating wife

At 7:30, I was showered and met Dave at the party. After the entrees, John handed out the bonus envelopes. I was very surprised when he called my name last. I was staggered when I opened the envelope and saw the amount. It was twice as much as the other girls got. I almost swooned at the implications of that. Here I was, sitting next to my husband, with John’s cum still leaking out, holding a big fat bonus cheque. It made me feel like a high class hooker. I loved it. If Dave hadn’t been there, I would have taken John back upstairs and given him my ass there and then.

Sadly, the night went downhill from there. I had to keep an eagle eye on John. Whenever he spoke to Dave, a condescending smile lit his face. If he wasn’t careful, he’d give us away. Then there was separating Dave from the hordes of single women that constantly surrounded him, some of them being altogether too familiar with him on the dance floor. He did look good in his suit though, so I couldn’t blame them. At one point, I saw he and Peta on the dance floor. She was practically rubbing her crotch up and down his leg. I stormed over, but as I approached them, he was in the process of forcing her away, reminding the drunk girl he was married. I had one dance with John, but he held me at arm’s length as his was there. In the end, I drank way too much and Dave had to assist me to our discounted room at the hotel, where I promptly passed out. I remember nothing until Dave getting back into bed, around dawn, roused me. I ended up spending Saturday hung over. Dave went fishing Sunday and I spent an hour in bed, twice masturbating to memories of Friday. My guilt was getting worse rather than lessening though, so even that made me feel bad. Dave had been his strong, supportive self on Friday and here I was, his wife, masturbating to memories of how my lover had made me feel like a hooker. I felt so bad, that when Dave came home, I begged off sex with him again that night.

With the new fiscal year came the resumption of the sales trips. Just in time too. The Wednesday after the party, I rang Dave during the day to say I’d be working late. He asked the question that should have been obvious to me. If my reason for working late over the last month or so had been for the end of financial year workload, why now? I know I stuttered when I made some excuse and promised not to be too late. Luckily, with restaurants out beforehand, the session was shorter than before. Unfortunately, with no romance, it was unsatisfying.

I found myself pondering. When the excitement of new sex started wearing off with Dave, he’d responded by becoming more loving and inventive. Now the novelty was wearing off with John, he responded by becoming less considerate and more demanding. Dave had made up for our lack of experience at the start by learning what I liked. John didn’t bother. We hardly even kissed now.

Peta was there when I got home but left shortly afterwards. I saw her to the door and reminded her Dave was my husband and spoken for. To ease the mood, I then threw out an off the cuff question. “How is the party planning going?” She smiled as she turned to go, so I knew my guess was right on the money.

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