Landlords sexual desires

Rima is a married lady of 27 years as I am enjoying my life with my hubby Ankit,I have extramarital affairs also with a businessman Rashid,as my hubby gifted me a cock of his friend Iqbal and lastly,our landlord Afroz have given me a nice & hard fuck as he came to me for monthly rent ( read previous story “Landlord’s indecent behaviour:paid rent),so as getting different cocks in life is good for sexual health,it mounts your hunger and thirst for as my hubby Ankit left early morning for an official tour,I am thinking about Rashid and Afroz ,as both have enjoyed sex with me,Rashid have been with me number of times but I have been with Afroz once as my maid Zarina is cleaning floors ,I prepared a cup of tea and while having it,I am thinking about my landlord’s long I took my mobile and called Afroz,as he received the call ………

“Hi rima madam,how are you ?
(Rima)fine and you
(Afroz)nice ,how you remember me?
(Rima)you can think it better but my hubby Ankit is not here for 2-3 days ,so I thought to meet you
(Afroz)ok I will come in the afternoon ,and as you wish we will enjoy some nice time together.”

And Afroz got the massage of a horny married lady as he is a 30 years guy with nice physique,his wider chest as well as strong arms have made me his admirer and his long thick cock have got the ability to fuck hard for 15-20 minutes inside glory hole,so what a whore lady needs more as I put my empty cup on as zarina’s household works finished,he walked out of my home and I locked the prepared my breakfast as I walked inside my bedroom,now I took out my black leggings with a tops as I removed my nightwear ,frisked inside washroom nudely as I opened the sitting on my legs under cascade ,as I put a bottle of body shampoo near my legs,water is flowing on my body as it’s running through deep gorges (inbetween my boobs).

So my body got wet and I put cascade on hold as I started putting shampoo on my back,while sitting on my legs ,my hand is on my sexy ass and my back is well covered with I started putting it on my boobs to waist as I am rubbing it with my palm,now my thighs to legs are wide as it’s covered in my sexy body is full of shampoo and than I opened the cascade as I am having my bath,took my bath and than walked nudely to my bedroom.while standing infront of a large mirror,I am looking my sexy nude body and than I started rubbing it with a towel,so as my body is glittering like diamonds ,I took my mobile and than have a nude selfie ,so started putting black brassiere on my breasts with a G string on waist.looking sexy and wild as my figure is attractive with measurements of 36-28-38 ,I put my hand on my tummy and than walked to kitchen as I am in my undergarments took my breakfast and have it but it’s a red wine that is complementing with my breast toasts,it’s addiction is made with my hubby but I love to drink red wine before enjoying with other guys (except my hubby).

So I have my two large drinks with butter toast and now feeling bit unconscious,I walked to my bedroom as I slept there with my mobile on my eyes are closed,my semi nude body is curious to have love with Afroz and there ,I slept soundly ,as last night I have great sex with my hubby ,so my tired body is in rest.I slept soundly for an hour and my eyes opened with sound of door bell started ringing and I walked towards door as I am in my undergarments looked out through door hole and I can see Afroz standing there , so I opened the door and stood behind it ,he came inside as his eyes are looking for as I pushed the door to lock it,looking at me ,he is bit surprised and Afroz hold my waist as we both walked towards dinning mouth is alcoholic as my body is bit unconscious,so Afroz hold me in his arms as he started rubbing my nude back and his lips are loving my face to semi-nude body is in his arms as I started pressing my boobs on his chest and as he put his lips on my lips,I hold his lips and started sucking it wildely.

So Afroz is pressing the fleshy parts of my buttocks and as I sucked his lips ,he opened his mouth soon and it’s my long tongue in his he is sucking my tongue as his hand is rubbing my sexy back ,while standing on ground we both are holding eachother and his finger is moving on my vagina from behind as it’s covered with G feeling too hot and horny as landlord is sucking my tongue,I am brushing my boobs on his chest but he is in jeans and shirt ,so getting nude feeling is near to impossible.later on ,Afroz freed my tongue as I put my head on his shoulder and while standing ,I put my hand on his jeans and started removing it quickly,so his jeans is on his legs as my hand have hold his bulge on I have hold his hard bulge as I am unbuttoning his shirt,so Afroz is pressing my breast hard as he smiled………

“you are too sexy ,looks great in your lingerie
(Rima)yes but I know your long cock also.”and he is standing in his undies only,so as his hairy chest is inciting me for love ,I put my lips on it and my kisses are on his chest to tummy as his undies is going down to legs,I have pulled it and now I knelt infront of Afroz.looking at him,I hold his penis as he is smiling on me and there I removed it’s skin , started kissing it with my lips as my hand is on his getting hotter as my lips are loving his penis ,so I took out my tongue and put it’s glans on it, started rubbing it on tongue as I can see penis growing harder and than his 2/3 Rd penis is in my mouth ,as I hold his waist and started sucking it like a wild pro,giving hard jerk on his penis as my body is in Sensation,my boobs aerola is getting harder as my vagina is in it works readers,sucking of cock is like having a great sexual organs in your mouth as I felt it’s growing bigger,I took it out and have a short break as Afroz is screaming in pleasure”oohh uuhh sexy suck dick hard”and than I put my tongue on his wet penis as its odour is natural,so licking his penis with my tongue as he is too hot and than I took it’s glans only as I sucked it for a we both sits on sofa and Afroz is in fire as he put his hand in my back and removed my brassiere strings as his hand unhooked my G string ,so putting legs crossed as trying to cover my vagina and than Afroz put his hand on my breast as he is squeezing it my legs are going away as it’s shivering also and I can expect oral sex on my cunt as Afroz,put his hand inbetween my thighs and pushed his long finger inside cunt and than put his mouth on my boobs,like a mom ,I put my breast in kids mouth to suck as Afroz is sucking it hard while fingering my hot cunt.

As my legs are wide ,he is fingering it fast and than his mouth is giving my boobs a hard suck ,as my hand is on his hairs “oohh my son drink your mom’s milk aahh suck it “and he took my other boobs as he is sucking it my vagina is getting fucked with his finger and it’s going to cum soon, so shouting louder”oohh aahh Afroz now I will cum lick my vagina you bastard “and he freed my boobs as his finger made my cunt wet ,so he took out his wet finger and put it in my mouth ,I got the taste of my vaginal Afroz asked………”Rima have you drunk wine
(Rima holding his cock)yes and I will drink it’s cum also.”and he is on my legs as he stretched my legs wide and I put my sexy ass on sofa’s corner ,so he kissed my labias as I put my fingers to widend its hole,a married lady is doing it to enjoy her life , but it’s a great sin if you do it with other than your hubby ,my hubby and me are feeling bored after having great sexual relationship for last 5 years and so it’s my destiny that I got a stranger’s cock first as hubby forced me for sex with his colleague and friend ,so I know my hubby is well known of my sexual relationship with other guys .as Afroz is licking my cunt fast with his long tongue,I am in fire

“oohh uuhh fuck fuck me soon you ” and he sucked my cunt for a while as he walked away ,so feeling too horny as my vagina is under pressure ,I walked towards washroom and there Afroz was washing his penis and I urinated we both walked nudely to dinning space but than ,we walked inside guest I slept on bed as my legs are wide and Afroz is sitting inbetween my thighs ,as he hold his penis and started pushing it’s glans in my wet vagina, slowly it’s going inside as my vagina is well lubricated with cum,he pushed his half of cock in my vagina and than hold my both legs in air,as my buttocks is slightly up on bed,he fucked hard and my vagina is full of penis as he is fucking me with speed and as my hand is on my boobs,I am pressing it hard and his 8-9inches long 3 inches thick cock is inside my cunt but it’s rocking my cunt hard,so feeling on top of pleasure,praying almighty God for his cock to cum after 15 minutes,so I can get satisfied and Afroz is a young guy and his penis have been moved to all most vagina’s of renter’s wives ,so his penis is hitting my vaginal depth and he is in fire and after 6-7 minutes of fuck,my cunt become dry and hot as he slept on my as he is kissing my lips,my boobs are brushing on his chest and I hold his waist as I started bouncing my sexy ass Afroz is fucking my cunt as I am bouncing my ass and it’s my firesh vagina that’s need cum but I will not beg for it right now , but as long penis is hitting my vagina for last 10 minutes,I started shouting”oohh aahh uumm it’s in fire ,rain your cum inside heaven”and he is going hard as he smiled……..

“wait for minutes ,if not get satisfied ,your cunt will start itching soon”and he is pounding my cunt hard as it’s a nice fuck from my landlord but for last hour ,his penis is in my home ,so he is just like a tenant and my vagina is the home as I am it’s he screamed louder”oohh yes it’s cumming you bitch”and his penis ejaculated semens in my vagina as I am well exhausted under his body,after a while he took out his penis and put it in my mouth and I sucked it to taste it’s my mouth got its semens and I enjoyed a lot with my landlord…………

Added by Rima kakkar

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