Jessica spies on mom and brother

Jessica spies on mom and brother, family taboo, Jessica Sullivan didn’t realize how much she missed sleeping in her own bed until she had come home from her first year in college for spring break. Everything in college was fantastic except for the old twin mattress that god knows how many other kids had slept on in her dorm room. It could never compare to the queen sized mattress in her room at home. Of course, it didn’t matter how big and comfortable her mattress was when she was this hungover. It had been great to see her high school friends, and especially her best friend, who had decided to come home too this week. But they all might have over done it at the house party they went to last night.

She picked up her phone and couldn’t believe she had woken up at 6:30 after stumbling back home at 2am last night. There was no way she was getting back to sleep without some aspirin or Tylenol or whatever so after lying in agony for 15 minutes she pushed herself up and headed downstairs to the kitchen and the medicine cabinet.

Turning the corner at the bottom of the stairs, she saw her kid brother, James, and mom, Rachel, standing in front of one another in the kitchen. James in a t-shirt and jeans, as always. Mom in one of her new silk robes, which Jessica had been happy to see since it meant mom splurged on something for herself. It made sense that they were both up. He was a senior in high school and their spring breaks didn’t sync up so she had the week off while he had to wait until next week. Mom was up to make him breakfast like she made breakfast for both her kids every day until Jessica had left for college.

Jessica was about to say “good morning” to them when Mom tilted her head up and her brother lowered his. They kissed. It wasn’t a quick goodbye peck but a hungry, passionate kiss that went on and on. Mom wrapped her arms around James’s neck and his hands ran down her lower back then ass. His fingers squeezed and her mom moaned into her brother’s mouth, making Jessica shiver in horror.

“What if Jess comes down?”

“She won’t. I heard her come home at 2.” Mom, always one to worry.

They kissed again, tongues dancing against each other, for a few more moments before mom pulled away. She smiled up at her son before she ran her hands down his chest and stomach, her head and torso following her hands downwards. Jess wasn’t a virgin but it still took her a second to process what she was seeing.

“We don’t have a lot of time before I gotta go,” James said as sound of a belt and zipper being undone filled the kitchen.

Her mother laughed. “I don’t think a senior in high school has ever cared about getting to school on time, especially when he’s about to get his cock sucked.”

“Mom,” he whined, dragging the word out. Even though he was one of the best swimmers on the school team, her brother had always been on the bookish side.

“Well then, you better make it fast.”

The floor plan of the house didn’t hide anything in the kitchen from the living room but not vice versa which was good because Jess was too stunned to move. Not that it mattered since her brother and mom were too engrossed in their current activity to notice anything but each other. Mom undid the button to his jeans with a flourish and a grin. Jess saw the outline of her brother’s dick pressed up against his jeans but couldn’t believe how big it looked. That is, she didn’t believe it, until her mom tugged his jeans down.

It was the longest and thickest she’d seen, at least eight inches long and wide enough her mom could only just reach around it with her hand. And it wasn’t fully hard yet. Jess swallowed a gasp. She wasn’t a size queen and pretty easy to please. Every guy she had been with got her off as long he didn’t blow too fast. Her last boyfriend, though, had been thicker than anything she’d had before and she liked that it got her off sooner than usual. She pushed that thought from her brain.

Her mom stroked it a few times while kissing it all over before her tongue snaked out and ran around the head. Her brother groaned and his hips pushed forward, hunting for more pleasure. Mom gave it to him. She took him into her mouth with her tongue extended, all while continuing her strokes. Jess watched as her mom’s tongue moved in and out, rubbing the underside of the crown of her brother’s dick over and over again.

“Mom.” This time her brother drew the word out because of pleasure.

“Do you like when mom sucks you off before you go to school?” she asked when she pulled away. His fully hard dick had to have been nine inches long. “Mommy loves going into work with a belly full of her baby boy’s cum.”

Mom took the dick back into her mouth with a swirl of her tongue around the head. This time she moved down inch by thick inch until her lips touched the shaved skin of her brother’s groin. Her brother had his fingers intertwined in mom’s blonde hair, loosening the tight bun she wore for work.

Like mother, like daughter. Jess almost laughed. So this is where she had gotten her lack of a gag reflex from. Her group of girlfriends in college had gotten one of their own a big, black dildo as a joke and one drunken night it had been taken out. Everyone got it as deep as they could but only Jess could take the 10 inches all the way, and she took it as easy as the rest of them took the first inch. She wouldn’t say she enjoyed sucking actual dick but she didn’t hate it like some of her friends. The hard plastic taste of the dildo definitely didn’t do anything for her though.

Her kid brother’s moan brought her out of that memory as he pushed his dick in and out of their mother’s throat. The profile view let Jess see her mom’s throat bulging out over and over again and she wondered if her friends had found the sight of it happening to her as fascinating as she did with her mom. She also couldn’t believe how long mom could keep it up. Her experiments with the dildo had her gasping for breath after every few strokes, though trying not to laugh along with her friends might have had something to do with it.

Thick strands of spit covered every vein crisscrossing her brother’s dick. Mom’s hands took advantage of all the natural lube, pumping the entire length with a corkscrew motion as she caught her breath. A soft grunt escaped her brother’s mouth every time their mom gave the head a gentle twist. She brought her mouth back into play, taking a couple of inches in even while continuing the motion of her hands. Soon her mouth and hands matched their rhythm and her brother’s soft grunts had grown louder as their mom touched almost every inch of skin of his dick at once.

Jess couldn’t tear her eyes away from her mom’s mouth, moving back and forth on the first couple of inches. The underside of her tongue swirled around the head right as she took it in before she repeated what she had done before with the topside of her tongue on the underside the crown of his dick. It must have felt fantastic since he moved her head faster and faster but keeping her at the same depth. How her brother was taking their mom’s willing mouth just for his pleasure differed so much from how Jess normally saw her quiet brother, she wouldn’t have believed it if she wasn’t watching it with her own eyes.

The face-fucking continued and Jess realized a scene like this had to have happened before. She wondered when and how it started. She stopped wondering when her brother’s groans turned into loud grunts and the concentration on his face start to slip into agony when mom pushed on his thighs to pull away.

“Remember to tell mommy how her throat feels.”

His fingers flexed as she pulled her face back towards his dick. Her mouth opened and he plunged himself to the root.

“Oh god mom, your throat feels incredible. It’s so fucking tight.”

Mom hummed low and long in response causing James to start thrusting.

“So wet. So hot. So tight,” her brother chanted like a religious mantra, each phrase timed with pulling almost his entire dick out of mom’s throat and shoving it back down. The wet sound of his cock entering and exiting mom’s throat filled the kitchen and living room. None of the guys Jess had been with had ever done anything like this before. They all treated her with kindness and respect which she had always appreciated and loved. The sight in front of her didn’t change a thing. Being used for someone else’s pleasure held no interest for her.

“That’s it, mom. Take my cock. Take it all!” Her baby brother stopped his thrusting and forced his entire dick into mom’s throat and held it there. “You like my cock in your throat?!”

Then Jess heard someone moaning. Her brother was still chanting and it definitely wasn’t her, which left one person. Mom was moaning around her son’s cock. Even more surprising to Jess, mom had a hand under her robe, the steady rhythmic motion giving away the hidden action, and answering her brother’s question.

As her brother’s face tightened, his jaw went slack and his head tilted back. He yanked mom completely off his dick, letting her gulp down some much needed air, and said, “Lick my balls, mom.” His dick went right back down her throat and mom did as she was told, her tongue extended to lap at his balls, large and heavy balls proportional in size with his dick and tight up against his body. Balls that shook faster and faster as her brother pumped his hips with more and more speed. Balls that jerked up further against his body.

“Fuck. I’m cumming, mom!” her brother yelled, his fingers massaging mom’s scalp as he held her face tight up against his crotch as the rest of his body curled up around her head.

Jess’s eyes flicked around, barely stopping on any one detail as she tried to see it all: his ass cheeks contracting, his balls convulsing, the spasms of his hips as he tried to take every ounce of pleasure from mom’s throat, the subtle expansion of her mom’s bright red lips around the base of his dick as it pulsed and jerked with every shot, and perhaps most amazing, mom’s throat swallowing in time with every pulse.

Jess unconsciously licked her lips as she thought about how those large set of balls must have spat out a massive amount of cum if mom had to swallow so much. When mom pushed on his thighs, Jess thought he had finally finished cumming but mom kept her mouth around his tip. The movement behind her caved in cheeks meant mom’s tongue was swirling around his head. His cock was still pulsing, and mom kept at it as his dick stopped twitching then even after he had finished.

After maybe a minute of this, her brother said, “Mom.” Mom kept going. Her brother’s thighs started to shake and it spread outward. She only stopped when he fell over sideways on to the kitchen island. Her lips, still tightly wrapped around him, left streaks of red lipstick on his still mostly hard dick when she pulled away.

Her brother’s change from being so dominant to being in the palm of mom’s hand confused Jess. Sometimes after she had brought off one of her boyfriends with her mouth she had the urge to keep sucking but they always asked her to stop. From her own experience she knew how sensitive things were post orgasm so she always did as they asked but now second thoughts crept into her mind.

What would it feel like to make her man shiver and whimper?

Mom certainly appeared to enjoy it as she sat back on her heels but she didn’t do anything to stand up. Jess wondered why then she stopped wondering when mom leaned her head back and opened her mouth. Mom kept her pose until James recovered enough to stand up straight and look down at her. When he did that, mom swallowed her prize and then showed him an empty mouth. She stood up, licked her lips, and kissed him.

Something else she had never done with her boyfriends. Never trying because she assumed they would find it disgusting.

“You know,” mom said, “we might have to try not having you cum for a couple of days more often. I love the even bigger load I got.”

“Mom,” her brother whined again. His hand stroked his cock, keeping it semi-hard.

“No time for a second load, you’re going to be late for school and you need to change your jeans. Mommy made a bit of a mess.”

Jess hurried back to her room and spent a long time trying to fall asleep again. The pounding at her temples had only gotten worse, and it covered up the feeling of her hard nipples rubbing against the shirt she wore and the throbbing in her groin.


The Sullivans were a pretty typical American family. Rachel was in her mid 40s. Her parents had moved from Sweden to the US for work before she was born and her heritage showed: Tall at 5’10″and lithe with shoulder length blonde hair, bright blue eyes and elfin features. Rachel’s helpful genetics made it so she didn’t have to work out too much to keep her body toned, extremely helpful with dealing with the aftermath of having two kids in back to back years. She just had to suffer through life with an A cup of breasts capped with small nipples. In another life, she might have modeled for an underwear/lingerie company. In this one, she worked as the director of fundraising for the biggest university in the city.

James was his mother’s son. Sandy mop of blonde hair. A couple of inches taller than Rachel at 6’1″. Blue eyes, just a touch duller than mom’s. A decade plus of swimming had filled him out though. Jessica took after her father’s French/Irish heritage: curvier, fuller featured with thick lips on a rounder face, dark brown hair that almost reached her ass, and full C cups capped with dark nipples. At least her mom gave her the whole not working out thing to keep her body, and some of her height at 5’7″. When she was younger, she had thrown fits that she didn’t match with her brother. It only got worse when their father left them, something about falling in love with another person. Mom accepted it but it was harder to accept that their dad only sent them presents and cards with generic words.


Jess woke up hours later after a restless sleep but at least the headache was almost gone. Phone in hand, she was about to tell Emily, her best friend, what she had seen but stopped herself. Telling anyone about this wouldn’t do any good. She had to keep what she saw a secret. She also had to keep what she heard one the way back to her room a secret.

“Give me—”

“I thought you were in a rush to get to school?”

“But we haven’t had sex in almost a week!”

“Only a couple of days more then things can go back to normal.”

“Jess is gonna be out with her fiends all night again. What if—”

“No, that’s way too risky.”

“C’mon mom, we can do it right after she leaves. We’ll be finished way before she gets back. She’ll never know.”

Mom laughed. “You’re really going to stop after one?”


“Ok, fine. Just this once then nothing else until she goes back to school.”

The conversation ran through Jess’s head over and over again as she lay in bed until she made a decision and came up with a plan. She texted mom that she was going out for dinner tonight but she’d made dinner for them, like she had done before she went to college. Of course, back then it was because whoever got home first would make dinner. Now, it was because she didn’t want them to waste a single minute after she left.

As she cooked, she wondered if what she saw this morning was real. There was no way mom had sucked her son’s dick while kneeling on the kitchen floor. If it wasn’t real, why the hell would she dream about her brother getting blown by mom, and why the hell would she dream that he had such a huge dick. At least she could blame the fucked up dream on the booze.

Yea, that’s right. It was just a dream, she told herself. They’ll come home, have dinner, and I’ll make an ass of myself hiding in the hallway closet until they go to bed.

A pot of spaghetti sauce simmered on the stove next a stir fry of veggies with a pan of garlic bread in the oven when her brother got home that afternoon.

“Hey baby bro, you’re home early.”

“Practice ended early.”

Jess almost raised an eyebrow at that. Her brother was more than likely to stay behind after practice ended just to keep swimming.

“Cool. Dinner is ready. All you guys need to do is cook the spaghetti.”

He left to go shower off the chlorine and she flopped down on the living room couch with her phone, mindlessly tapping at it out of nervousness. He came back down in a t-shirt and basketball shorts and took the seat on the other side.

“Mmm, smells good in here,” mom said 15 minutes later, walking in through the back door from the garage.

“Just like old times,” Jess said, standing up to greet her. She had had to swallow a couple of times to get the words out because her mouth had gone dry. Mom was also home earlier than usual, much earlier.

Mom stood by the stove, tasting the sauce, in her work outfit: A grey suit, buttons already undone, and a white shirt underneath. Dark colored pantyhose wrapped her longs legs under her pencil skirt.

“What’re you guys having for dinner?”

“We’re gonna grab a pizza.”

“So, when do you leave?”

Jess didn’t think this was mom’s way of rushing her out because she could be nosy but her mouth stayed dry and her heart sped up.

“10 minutes, maybe. Emily is gonna drive and it’s only a short walk to her place.”

Jess expected her mom to go get changed to save time but she just took a seat at the island and started sipping on a glass of water. If Jess hadn’t been paying attention she would have missed the glances mom and her brother kept shooting at each other but she saw them, and they were too busy looking at each other to notice her looking at them. The anticipation must have been killing them like it was killing Jess, probably even more.

“What are you guys gonna do after dinner?”

“Dunno, probably hang out here or at Emily’s.”

“Shoot me a text if you guys decide to come over?”

Mom had never cared about know if Jess and her friends were coming over to hang out. “Sure.”

“Well, time to go,” Jess said as she made her way to the front door, her brother already walking past her to get to the kitchen. “Don’t let the food get cold.”

Jess opened and closed the front door then ducked into the shoe closet by the door and waited. She didn’t have to wait long.

“So, do you want to eat?”

“Fuck the food,” her brother said.

“That’s kind of weird, but if that’s what you really want.”

“Very funny, mom.”

Jess crept out of her hiding spot and made her way into the living room. Mom and her brother were already kissing each other, tongues hunting for their counterpart while their hands ran up and down each other’s bodies. James undid the clasp to mom’s skirt and had the zipper halfway down before she stopped him.

“Wait a second,” mom said before she pulled off her sneakers and slipped on a pair of strappy black heels she had left by the back door. “I know how you like me in heels.”

With the heels on, mom and her brother were almost the same height. Not that it helped or hurt his mission to get her out of her clothes. Mom shrugged off her suit jacket and flung it one of the stools surrounding the island. Her brother’s hands shot up to her breasts and kneaded them for a few moments before he started to unbutton her shirt. She grabbed his hands and moved them back onto her breasts while she took over the undressing job.

Her shirt landed on top of her suit jacket and her skirt fell in a puddle around her feet. Mom stood there in a white lace bra and panties, topped off with a matching white lace garter belt, with her back arched pushing her breasts as far forward as possible into her son’s hands. Mom’s hard nipples stood out through the thin lace as they appeared and disappeared between his moving fingers. Soft moans escaped her mouth as she ran her hands along his arms and under his shirt then back to his arms.

She reached behind her to unclasp her bra but he stopped her. “No, leave it on. You always look so sexy in it.”

Mom blushed at her son’s words and she did as she asked.

Holy shit, mom wore that to work?

“You’re soaked, mom,” he said when one of his hands trailed down her body, down to her panties. Mom had helpfully worn her panties over the garter belt. “Did you get any work done today?”

“God, no. Why do you think I came home so early? I couldn’t stop thinking about this.” She reached down and ran a finger down the outline of his dick through his tented shorts. “Did you think about me at school?”

“Yes,” he practically hissed the word as mom continued to run a hand up and down his shorts. “I had to hold a textbook in front of me almost the entire day.”

Jess almost laughed along with mom.

It was his turn to get undressed and it took far less time. Jess had always knew her brother was in shape but seeing him in this light was a far different thing. The flex of his arms as he stripped off his shirt. The curl of his abs when bent over to shove his shorts down. His dick bounced free, so hard it pointed up towards mom.

“How do you want mommy?”

His only answer was to kneel and pull her panties down. Multiple strands of mom’s clear juice stretched between her panties and pussy. Her brother must have seen it too because he took his time pulling them off and when they snapped he pulled them off all the way. He brought them up to his face and took a deep breath and quick lick. He kept them in his hands as he pushed mom to lean back against the island.

Before his head covered it, Jess saw a small, trimmed triangle of hair on mom’s pussy. She expected James to dive right in but he began kissing mom’s thighs and running his hands up and down the pantyhose. He kept it up for longer than she thought he would and began to grow impatient for things to move along. Mom must have felt the same because she took the back of his head into her hands and moved his face where she, and Jess, wanted it.

As soon as he was in place, his head bobbed up and down and side to side and in circles, never using the same motion for too long. His lips and tongue touching every inch of mom’s lips before moving to her clit then back to her lips. Someone had taught him well. Those soft moans from mom grew louder and louder until they turned into a deep, aching groan coming from the back of her throat. That must have been the sign her brother was waiting for because he brought a hand into the picture. Jess couldn’t tell exactly what he was doing but the steady up and down motion of his arm was clear enough.

“Oh, god,” mom said. “Just like that!”

Her brother couldn’t respond.

“Don’t stop, baby. Don’t stop,” she said as she brought her hands to up to squeeze her own breasts.

And then Jess noticed what his other hand was doing: Running the soft lace of mom’s panties up and down his huge, hard dick. She brought a hand up to her mouth to stifle the noise—she told herself it wasn’t a groan—that threatened to escape her mouth. In her surprise, she almost missed what happened next but mom’s shriek as she tipped over the edge helped bring Jess back into focus.

Mom writhed up against the island, moaning “Yes” over and over again, in time with the up and down motion of her brother’s arm. Soon, mom slumped back and down, only holding herself upright with her elbows propped on the island. Soon, she was moaning again because her brother hadn’t stopped moving his lips, tongue, or arm.

“Please! Please!” No one knew if mom was begging him to stop or to keep going, not even her. But she kept chanting the word, louder and louder.

The second time mom shrieked, her brother stood up and spun her around mid-shriek. One hand went to the back of her neck, pushing her down on the island. The other lined up his dick with her pussy, panties now wrapped around the base. When he pushed forward, he let out a moan. If a dick pushing into her pussy felt as good as the other way around, Jess understood why he sounded the way he did. She absolutely understood why mom let out a drawn out grunt.

Her brother stopped pushing in for a moment to kick mom’s legs out from under her, her heels sliding across the tiled floor. Mom let out a gasp as her abdomen landed on the island and his cock sunk a few inches into her all of a sudden. Even as wet as mom had to be, her brother still took his time to push into her: An inch at a time then a pause to let mom get used to him before pulling back a bit only to push another inch into her.

“God Baby, you’re so big and thick. Fill mommy’s pussy up.”

“You feel so fucking good, mom” her brother said when all nine and a half inches of him were inside her. “You’re so tight.”

He started with slow strokes, pulling out more and more of his cock every time until half his cock was moving in and out of mom’s pussy. Jess wanted to see him use his entire cock but with mom pressed up against the island and no footing there was no way to move her forward. They all took what they could get.

“Oh god, yes. Fuck me!”

His hips pistoned his cock in and out of mom’s pussy at a steady pace, like he was swimming a modified butterfly stroke. One of his hands was on her shoulder, the other spreading apart her right ass cheek. Mom’s hands were behind her, gripping onto the edge of the island, trying to pull herself back onto her son’s cock as much she could. The smacking of their hips filled the kitchen, reverberated off the tile and hit Jess in the living room like a slap.

If she had a different point of view, if she was pressed up against her brother’s side, she would have seen thick, white cream coating her mom’s pussy lips and forming a ring at the base of her brother’s cock, soaking mom’s panties even further. If she had seen that, there was no telling what she might have done. As it was now, her thighs were moving back and forth against each other ever so slightly and her hand still covering her mouth.

If Jess was pressed up against her brother’s side, she would have heard him sucking in deep breaths through clenched teeth. She would have heard her mom saying “fuck” on every other stroke because her brother was now fucking her too quickly to keep air in her lungs. She would have seen him squeeze her ass check then move his hand between them so his thumb could rub mom’s asshole. She would have seen him drool spit down onto her and then press his thumb into mom’s ass.

But she wasn’t in position and all of that went unknown to her, at least until mom screamed, “Yes baby! My ass! Thumb! My ass!” and wasn’t sure if she heard mom incorrectly or if mom couldn’t put together a sentence anymore.

“Oh, God! Harder, baby, harder! Don’t stop!”

Jess didn’t think it was possible but the smacking sound got louder.

Mom shrieked for the third time this afternoon. That didn’t stop her brother though. He kept pounding away at her pussy, his body shining from sweat, his rhythm never changing. Long distance events had always been his best. The hand on mom’s shoulder moved to her hair and tugged. Mom had no choice but to lift her body off the island, her heels scrambling for footing on the tile floor.

“Take off your bra, mom”

Mom didn’t respond so he had to repeat his command again. When she did, she unknowingly revealed her champagne glass shaped breasts to her own daughter. They had a slight sag to them, whether from her age or two children, and were capped off with hard, pink nipples. Jess didn’t see them for long as her brother let go of mom’s hair and reached around, across her chest, and covered her tits. His hand clenched mom’s breast then his fingers pinched the nipple so hard Jess was amazed mom didn’t scream in pain.

Instead of a scream of pain, a fourth shriek erupted from mom and he pushed her back down on the island again as he kept fucking her. This shriek didn’t just die in mom’s mouth; it turned into a deep, guttural moan. Her hands that had been gripping the edge of the island went slack, along with the rest of her body. Her brother finally lost his rhythm. He slowed down then began slamming into mom with heavy, powerful strokes.

“Gonna cum!”

“Yes, baby! Inside me! Fill me up! Fill mommy up with your cum!”

He moaned again and again as he pushed mom back down onto the island, both hands on her ass now, moving her forward and back in time with every contraction of his ass cheeks, with every blast into her pussy. Even after this morning’s experience, Jess was still surprised at how long her brother’s orgasm lasted but eventually he stopped pushing at mom’s ass and stayed pressed up against her, moving himself up and down ever so slightly.

The room filling sounds had faded and all that was left was quiet panting from both of them. It took a minute before one of them spoke.

“You filled mommy up so much she can feel it dripping down her legs.”

“Mom,” her brother said, still gasping for breath.

“We really should consider regular breaks. I really do love the bigger loads.” He chuckled. “Baby, where are my panties?”

“Wrapped around my dick.”

Mom laughed. “Well, pull them off as you pull out and use them to keep your cum inside of me. I don’t want wash cum out of the carpet.”


Jess was about to leave but stopped when they both let out a sigh as he pulled out of her. Mom turned around and they kissed while her brother slid an arm between her legs. They kept kissing until mom took over the panty holding duties then crouched down and started licking their combined juices off her son’s dick.

“Oh god, mom. What are you—”

“I’m cleaning you off, and keeping you hard so we can go again.”

“But,” he groaned as mom took his cock into her throat, “you said only once today.”

“I changed my mind. Your thumb wasn’t enough. Mommy needs your big cock in her ass now.”

Jess didn’t have time to be shocked at mom’s words. She was too busy scrambling back into shoe closet before they could get themselves together. In was only in the quiet of the closet did she think about her brother’s long, thick dick inside mom’s ass. Although Jess hadn’t ever had anything inside her ass she figured it had to hurt to take something that big in there. But then, it couldn’t hurt that much if mom wanted it. Confusion turned into curiosity but footsteps on the stairs shook that from her mind and she snuck out the front door.


Jess rang the doorbell to Emily’s house still shaken from what she had just seen. What was worse was that she couldn’t get the image of her brother pounding her mom out of her head but not just what she saw. She imagined mom riding him, mom on her hands and knees, her brother with her legs on her shoulders.

“Hey, looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”

She almost jumped when she heard Emily’s dad, and her mouth was almost too dry to say, “Oh, no. Just a lot on my mind.”

“Well, I’m sure you and Em will talk it out. Everyone is already in the basement.”

“Thanks, Mr. Franklin.”

Jess made her way to the basement where her high school crew always hung out. Back in high school, there were eight of them that always hung out. Three of the crew didn’t come back for spring vacation. Two of them had drifted away during the first semester of school. That left just Emily and Mike in the basement.

Emily was her best friend ever since elementary school. She was a pretty, petite brunette, a flyer on the cheerleading team in high school and on her college’s team. Jess had been a flyer too, but stopped after graduating, not caring enough to continue college. Mike joined the crew in middle school after moving from out of town. He had had a crush on Jess for most of high school which she knew about but nothing ever happened with it because he was too shy to do anything. She never knew what she would have done if he had done something.

In any case, he was a good friend and Jess loved hanging out with them but right now she needed a drink. Emily’s parents were cool and figured that it was better for them to drink where none of them had to drive home. In turn, the gang kept things under control, no wanting to disappoint them. Jess took out a bottle of beer from the mini-fridge at the back of room, popped the cap and chugged half it.

“Everything ok?” Emily asked with a raised eyebrow.

Of course, she couldn’t actually talk things out with Emily.

“Yea, just thirsty.” And hungry because she hadn’t actually had dinner, so she grabbed an already opened bag of chips and started eating.

Not the best of dinners, and not the best of ideas since she was drinking on an empty stomach. They spent the night as they sometimes did: Watching a bad movie and laughing about it. Jess stopped after a second beer but she was already feeling pretty drunk. The other two stopped after one because yesterday they had gone to a house party and everyone had gotten far too drunk. Hence, Jess’s headache this morning.

God, is it still the same day? Jess thought. She felt as though she had pulled an all-nighter. “I think I’m gonna head home.”

It was only 10:30 but they understood because they had all felt like shit this morning. Mike said he’d head home too and walk Jess home since it was on the way. The walk only took a few minutes and they stood at the gate to her house’s backyard. Mike said his goodbyes while Jess thought about things. Things like how Mike was pretty cute, not in the best of shapes because if he wasn’t hanging out with everyone, he was more than likely to be playing video games. Just like her brother.

“Mike, why didn’t you ever do anything when you had a crush on me?”

“What? I never had a crush on you.”

“C’mon, it was pretty obvious. Everyone knew.”

“Shit,” he said rubbing his face.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just curious.”

“Well, you were a cheerleader, always dating a basketball player and I was just some nerd. I still don’t know how I got to hang out with you guys.”

“That’s not fair. You’re cute, smart, and funny. And you had plenty of dates senior year.”

“None of them was you though.” Jess blushed. “If we didn’t start hanging out in middle school, do you think you would have hung out with me in high school?”

She wanted to lie to herself and him but she knew it was true. He must have seen the guilt on her face and turned away to leave.

“Wait.” She pulled on his arm and when he turned around she kissed him. She told herself it was because she was drunk.

He didn’t do much at first but all of his pent up desire overtook him as he pulled her close. His hands squeezing her ass felt good, almost as good as his tongue on hers, but as good as all this felt she wanted more.

“C’mon,” she said before pulling him into her back yard. She had them hug the back fence so they wouldn’t turn on the automatic lights until they reached the picnic table by the side of the yard under a tree. Hopefully, it would hide them. She kissed him again before pushing him down onto the bench.

“Holy shit,” he said as he watched her kneel between his legs.

“Is this what you always wanted? A cheerleader on her knees?”

“No, not exactly.”

“Well, you should take what you can get.”

She undid his belt and jeans. And even though this wasn’t exactly what he wanted, he still lifted his ass off the bench so she could pull his jeans and boxers down. His dick popped out, almost fully hard. At about five and a half inches, it was about the same length as every other dick she’d seen, minus one large exception, but a little thicker than most of the others, minus that one exception again. Before starting, she looked up at her house and only saw a light from mom’s bedroom.

They couldn’t still be at it, could they?

A shiver ran through her and she grabbed Mike’s thighs to steady herself. Her hands ran up and down his thighs and his cock hardened all the way. Happy with his current state, she slid a finger up the underside of his shaft from just above his balls to the tip. It twitched when she reached the underside of his ridge and she figured he wouldn’t last too long. That wasn’t a problem with her since she didn’t want to be found sucking off a guy in her back yard.

Jess always thought she gave pretty good head but seeing her mom this morning made her realize she had a lot more to learn. No time like the present then. She took the cock in front of her in both hands and started stroking. He moaned and a drop of precum oozed out of the slit of his cock. Her tongue snuck out and licked up the drop. The taste of salt flooded her senses and she pressed the tip of her tongue into his slit, hunting for more.

Finding none, she swirled her tongue around his crown, making sure to pay special attention to the underside. When she felt him flex his cock on her tongue, she knew it was time to move on. She kissed her way down to his balls and took them in her mouth, one then the other, before licking her way back to his tip. Unlike earlier in the night, saliva flooded her mouth and she drooled a long, thick strand of it down onto his dick.

Moonlight glistened off his spit covered dick as she wrapped a hand around him and stroked, giving the head a bit of a twist like mom had done this morning. She looked up and saw that he had his head thrown back. Her buzzed mind flashed an image of her brother in the same position from this morning causing her to shake her head. She wanted Mike to watch because she enjoyed it. She needed him to watch to force her brother’s face from her mind so she tapped on his hip until he was staring down at her.

Taking him into her mouth, she copied what mom did by moving her tongue in and out as she swallowed more and more of him.

“Oh, shit,” he groaned. “That feels so good.”

A little more than half his dick was in her mouth now so she pulled back while increasing the suction, caving her cheeks onto him. He cursed again before she reversed her motion until only the tip was in her mouth. Her tongue gave it a quick swirl before she took him back in again. She repeated the entire motion again, enjoying Mike’s groans, then a third time but something felt missing. That something revealed itself on her next upstroke when Mike put one tentative hand then the other on the sides of her head.

At first, she almost jumped out of surprise. When she realized what was happening, coupled with Mike beginning to massage and stroke her scalp, a long, deep moan made its way out of her throat. This morning made her assume it felt good for the guy but there was nothing like first-hand experience as Mike thrust up into her mouth. It caught her unprepared and she pulled away.

“Sorry, sorry,” he said.

“Don’t feel sorry for enjoying it. A girl likes knowing how good it makes you feel.” she said, hands stroking his thighs to give him a chance to calm down. “Besides, I should be the one to apologize for stopping for no reason. So, let me apologize.”

Her apology began with a trick she saw in a porn video. The palm of her hand cupped his balls and her fingers wrapped themselves around the base of his dick. It continued with her tongue gently flicking the underside of his crown. All through this, their eyes stayed locked together. His started out in wonder then quickly turned to desire and lust, still she didn’t do anything more. She hoped hers looked as mischievous as she felt.

That playfulness turned into annoyance at how patient he was being, even as his eyes pleaded with her to do more. It wasn’t as though she wanted him to shove her face onto his dick but a little initiative would have been nice. Her patience lost to his. With her free hand, she took one of his hands and moved it up towards her head. Any action must have shaken him out of whatever stupor he was in and soon his hands were cradling her head again.

Jess hoped Mike could see the smile on her face as he pulled her towards his cock, hoped he could see how much she wanted this. His cock filled her mouth. The steady pressure on the back of her head guided her up and down, taking more and more of his cock until he pushed her further than she had gone before. She couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed the touch and heat coming from his hands surrounding her head as they guided her up and down on his cock. The combined heat from his cock in her mouth and hands on her scalp flowed from her head, through her body, and straight into her pussy. Regret over wearing tight jeans instead of a skirt or dress filled her mind. She would have given anything in the world to be able to touch herself instead of just squirming her legs, trying to draw any sensation should could.

Before she knew it, her nose was nestled in the hair surrounding his cock. The tip lodged just inside her throat. The empty feeling in the rest of her throat begged to be filled.

“Holy shit. I can’t believe you took it all,” Mike said, looking down at her in awe.

Should’ve seen my mom and brother this morning, she thought. That would have really impressed him, among other things. Of course, no one could know about that so she moved on.

It wasn’t easy to smile with a cock in her throat but Jess did her best anyway. Her hands pushed at his thighs, letting him know she wanted to move up. When only the tip was in her mouth, her tongue licking it of course, she inhaled through her nose then went back down. When she hit bottom, she let out of moan, allowing the vibrations to surround his cock. She repeated this again and again. It took him a few times before he caught on and started using his hands to guide her again.

A thick, slippery layer of spit from her throat soon covered his cock, easing its entry and exit even further, allowing him to move her head faster and faster. But he wasn’t truly in control. Her hands on his thighs kept his strokes at a manageable pace. Jess wondered if this pace would be manageable if the cock reached deeper in her throat.

The desire to have something deep in her throat overwhelmed he and she took him as deep as he would go then she copied her mom again. Their eyes had remained locked on each other’s which allowed her to see his widen when her tongue snaked out from her mouth and lapped at his balls, slowly alternating between the two.

“Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum soon! Where—” The cock in her mouth flexed and his hands pulled away from her head, allowing her to pull away.

How considerate of him. And unwanted.

Her hands flailed above her head until she found his and brought them back to where they belonged. His fingers sank into her hair again, the grip the tightest it had been all night.

“Holy shit,” he said as he pushed her mouth down on him again.

Before his cock could reach her throat, it flexed and a stream of cum filled the back of her mouth. The salty, slightly bitter taste of the first stream made her body want more. Her tongue massaged the underside of his cock, partly to draw more cum from him and partly to feel the pulsing of the passage of his cum. The next two shots hit the back of her throat with more force and much more volume, still she craved more. The final two were weaker than the first, both in volume and strength, but the additional cum in her mouth only made her ache for more of the savory liquid.

She swallowed what was in her mouth, relishing the feeling of the thick cum sliding down her throat. The liquid heat flooded her stomach and warmed her pussy further. Her tongue hunted for more, continuing to swirl around his tip. It pulsed inside her mouth a few more times but produced no more for her.

“Jess, stop.” She kept going, watching his face tighten in agony until he let out a whine and said, “Please!”

When she pulled away from him, she finally took her eyes from his and looked down at his cock. Still half hard, she squeezed it from the base to the tip and a small drop of cum oozed out of the slit. Her tongue gladly licked it up, drawing one last moan from him. It too quickly went down her throat after she swirled it around her mouth, savoring its taste.

Even though she enjoyed the taste, it only made her want more. More cum in her mouth. More cock in her throat. More, or really a, cock in her pussy. More. More. More.

“Holy shit.” His voice pulling her out of her desires. “That was fantastic.”

“Thanks,” she said as she stood up. “You should probably get out of here.”

“But, I could—”

“I wish, but my mom and brother are home,” she said, nodding towards her house. Doing God knows what to each other.

“Maybe later?”

“I don’t know if—” In the cool night air, she realized as good as tonight was, he wasn’t enough. Maybe if they were dating and she had some emotional connection with him but without that she just wanted more. “I enjoyed tonight but I’m not sure if I want more. Is that ok?”

He looked disappointed. Understandable but he nodded anyway. “Probably shouldn’t tell anyone, right?”

“Thanks, Mike.”

Expecting him to walk away, he caught her off guard when his fingers touched her chin and tilted her head up. He gave her a questioning look and she nodded, impressed that he’d ask after what just happened. He leaned down and kissed her, not a chaste kiss. Their tongues grazed against each other but not more than that. When they pulled away, he had a slight grimace on.

“A little bitter, right?”

He nodded. She smiled.

“More fruits and veggies, especially pineapple. Your girlfriends will appreciate it.”

They walked back to the gate the same way they had come in, avoiding the light once again. When he left the yard, she walked straight toward her house and light flooded the area. A second light on the second floor of the house turned as she reached the sliding glass doors. She fumbled with her keys and took even more time to head upstairs.

A knot grew in her stomach as she walked up the stairs. She hoped she had given them enough warning for them to…conclude whatever it was they were doing. Somehow she knew if she stumbled across them without the right circumstances everything between the three of them would be ruined. She wouldn’t be the one to tear the family apart. But the taste of Mike’s cum still lingered in her mouth, making her unable to forget what she just did. The memory caused the throbbing heat in her pussy to beg for relief.

Her steady steps brought her up to the second floor of the house and she could already see herself naked in the shower, two fingers deep inside of herself, another on her clit, and a hairbrush between her teeth. The vision had come out of nowhere since she had never masturbated that way but now it was all she wanted. Before Jess could make that vision a reality, mom slipped out of her room and closed the door behind her.

“Jess, I didn’t realize you would be home so soon.”

Mom looked surprisingly put together for a person if she was doing what Jess thought she was just doing. Maybe her hair was a little disheveled. Maybe her cheeks were a little flushed. That couldn’t have been possible though, almost five hours had passed since she left.

“Yea, after last night none of us really wanted to stay up tonight.” She faked a yawn. “I think I’m gonna take a shower then crash.”

They said their goodnights and Jess made her vision come true. She also set a quiet alarm, just to see what happened the next morning. Nothing happened though, and nothing happened for the rest of her two days at home. On the third day, she headed back to college, unable to keep the sight of her brother fucking their mom out of her mind.

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