It’s My Life – 6

Please read the previous part here (  ). Now let’s continue

I could not help but nod in agreement. He said “by the way your correct bra size is 38D and not the one you are wearing right now”. I was aghast listening to this.

I said “but I was told…”. He cut me off and said “you saw me measure you when you stripped naked right”? I nodded yes. He said “from my years of experience I knew I was right but still measured you only to prove it to you”.

He showed me his notes and there was no way I could question him anymore, so I nodded yes. He continued “Your waist is 30 and your hips are 36”.

I nodded ok. He said “good, now that we are past that, let’s come back to this catalogue”. He placed his finger on the half cup push up bras. He said “this will look perfect on you and also accentuate your sex appeal”.

By now he had gotten me wrong on everything so I said “fine I trust you”. He said “this will also go well with that blouse we selected”. I nodded ok. He turned back to the catalogue and said “now let’s solve your panty problem” flipping some more pages.

I remained mute thinking how in the world was I going to make such a major change and then I was expected be comfortable with it… He snapped his fingers in my face bringing me out of my thoughts.

He said “I know this will not be easy so I am giving you two options. Choose between this and this”. I closely looked at the pictures, one was a thong panty and the other was a slightly less skimpy lace panty.

Both were about one thirds of my current ones with a band around the hips not wider than an inch. And the crotch was even worse. Feeling defeated already I said “can you help me decide because my mind has gone numb looking at this”.

He confidently said “ok I understand. See you have a butt which is not too big or too small”. “Just perfect and not sagging like most women your age. In fact, it is better than women even half your age. So I would choose this”.

His finger was on the lace panties. Without any further argument I said “fine I will go with it trusting your choice”. He closed the books and made more notes adding everything to the shopping list.

He asked “so when do you plan to go shopping”? I thought about it and said “I am free till 5pm today when my kids return home”. He said “perfect. Leave everything here and take only your purse and come with me”.

I followed him like a robot under oath not knowing what more is yet to come. We entered the shop next door, Rafiq spoke something to the cashier who incidentally happed to also be the owner.

Then I followed him inside to the lingerie section. Rafiq showed his choices to the female store assistant who then displayed a variety of bra-panty sets exactly fitting his requirement.

He turned to me and said “now choose the colors of your liking”. My mind was already numb with all the events of today. I took my own sweet time trying to choose.

I think it must have been a good few minutes when I felt Rafiq shaking me holding my shoulder. He said “what is taking you so long to decide Anita”?

To save me from further discomfort he whispered in my ear “what colors does your husband like”. Well honestly I didn’t know and never bothered to find out so I gave him a blank look.

He took a deep sigh and then turned to the assistant who was waiting for us to decide. He chose seven different colors and turned to me. He said “I know you have sarees in these colors so these are a match. Do you have any other colors you want to choose”?

Finally mustering some courage, I said “let’s go with these for now”. we went to the billing counter where we got a hefty discount. Then we left and got back inside his shop.

I asked “how did you manage such a big discount”? Rafiq said “there are big profit margins in the lingerie business and since I know it and have sent him many customers, that guy had to agree. Don’t worry he still made some profit”.

He gave me a pink bra set to match the pink saree I was wearing today and said “now go back to the room and wear this along with your blouse and petticoat but no saree. When you are ready, call me”.

I nodded ok and went to the room. I changed into the new set and looked at myself in the mirror. I was looking totally transformed and my tits looked much bigger.

The equally important thing was the comfortable fit which I never before experienced. Then came the disappointment which was my bush which was peeping out of my panties from all sides.

Despite my efforts to tuck it inside I could not contain it. I have seen women with shaved vaginas in porn movies but now I had to accept the fact that I need it too.

But the million-dollar question was that, who was going to help me do it…I recollected Rafiq telling me to go to the parlor, so decided to get it done there.

I have been to this parlor many times but only for a manicure, pedicure or to get the split ends of my hair trimmed. I put on my clothes and called the lady I knew at the parlor to discuss my requirements.

She said they did not have any such services but said yes to rest of body hair removal and the charges. Now I was in a real dilemma about this. Till date I never asked Prakash for anything so absurd.

At the same time, I wanted to still give him that special surprise. I knew that left me with the only option which is to turn to Rafiq but I was too ashamed to even discuss this with him.

I decided to mull over it later and called Rafiq. He came inside and stood there with folded hands looking at me. He asked “so Anita, do you feel any difference now”?

I nodded yes. He continued “then tell me what feels different”. Feeling embarrassed I did not reply. He came closer and asked “after all we have been thru are you still uncomfortable talking to me”?

I nodded negative. He prodded further asking again. Now how am I supposed to tell him such details I didn’t know and felt even more uncomfortable.

Rafiq asked “so is this new bra more comfortable than the previous one”? I said “yes”. He asked “do your tits feel bigger now”? I said “yes”. He asked “does your blouse feel more tight than before”?

I nodded yes. He asked “do you want my opinion now”? I now felt good, so with a rising excitement in my voice I said “yes please Rafiq”. He said “I have to admit that you are looking far more sexier than before wearing this bra”.

His compliment greatly helped reduce my stress levels and discomfort. He asked “is there something you want to tell me”? I nodded yes. He put his hands on my waist on the band of my petticoat and asked “why have you worn this higher again”?

I said “I am still learning. Please help me correct it”. He undid the strings to lower it and saw my new panties. Without saying anything he dropped my petticoat to the floor.

Then he pulled down my panties and put them back much lower than where I had worn them. He said “now you see why I spoke about your bush being a problem”?

I said “yes, I understand now. but there is nothing I can do about it”. Raising his eyebrows, he asked “and may I know why”? I said “I called my parlor regarding this and my armpits but they said they do not have that service. But they will do the rest of the body hair removal”.

He replied “so what? Why can’t you do it yourself or maybe ask your husband to help you”? I did not know how to explain my mental dilemma to him so I kept mumbling for words which refused to come out.

Rafiq said “let me guess. You are not sure how to ask your husband for it because you have never done it before… right”? I finally found my voice, I said “yes, yes. That is my problem”.

He replied “then what was stopping you from telling me about it”? Unable to meet his gaze I looked away and said “I am feeling very ashamed to tell you about such a disgusting thing”.

He got up and went towards the door, he said you be seated while I bring my stuff. I sat there waiting and wondering what “stuff” Rafiq was going to bring.

He came back with a rug and his shaving kit. I was ashamed guessing about what was going to happen now. He spread the rug on the floor and kept the kit there.

He looked at me and said “you can use my kit. Also you will not be able to do it sitting on the chair. So sit on the rug and help yourself”. I said “thank you”.

To be continued….

Let me know how you liked this and I will post more parts, you can reach me on [email protected].

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