Internet Incest Chat, Mother and Daughter unknowingly fall in love while online

Before I moved down to suck her tits. I looked down. I could see my hand working and watched as my fingers moved in and out of her. But I could also see Sophie’s fingers giving her clitoris a vigorous rub. My eyes returned to her tits, I picked the left to start with and tried to take the whole tit in my mouth, then I pulled away, my teeth grazing her skin roughly, it drove Sophie wild as she started to move hips harder to the rhythm of my fingers. This made me moan louder as her thigh was rubbing faster and harder, getting me closer to an orgasm I needed soon. I had finished with her left tit and moved to the erect nipple on her right as I nibbled on it. Her wetness was getting more and more noticeable, especially when I added a fourth finger. Sophie was moaning louder and so was I, we were both getting close so I moved up to look at her face as I made her come. She had her eyes closed but I could see her face was concentrating on the wondrous feelings I must be giving her, because I was feeling the same as I pressed and moved harder against Sophie’s thigh.

“Oh Sophie, cum for me baby, I want you to cum. Oh god I am nearly there baby.”

“I can feel you, I can feel you wetness, oh fuck Amy, harder, faster, I’m so close.”

And with that we remained silent except for the moans that soon turned into screams as we both had our orgasms. Actually they were more like explosions as I had never felt anything so amazing in my life. If we continued this after tomorrow, I would never need a vibrator again. I think we passed out rather than fell asleep, but we did sleep and woke up in almost the exact same position, except Sophie was holding me tightly against her.

“Amy are you awake?”

“Yes, just about. God that was amazing, your thigh was amazing.”

“I could say the same about your fingers, but I am afraid that I need a piss, all that wine tonight as finally filled my bladder.” I could feel myself needing the toilet too, so I rolled off her, slowly easing my fingers out of her vagina. “God my pussy feels rough, but I would not have it any other way.” She said before kissing me, nicely and with less tongue, it was a warm loving kiss, and I loved it. My lips were a bit sore, but I could kiss like this for a while. But soon it ended as she ran into the bathroom. I could hear her pissing from here. I got out of bed, my bra falling from my arms. I was about to cover up, but decided instead to just leave it. I walked into the bathroom, Sophie sat there finishing off. She looked up and saw more, giving my body a good look. She seemed excited by what she saw, because it took her a minute to wipe herself. Just to tease her a little, ok a lot, I turned around bent over and slid my panties down, giving her a good view I hope. It was when I heard her moan that got me to turn around and stand in front of her completely naked. She stopped playing with herself and stood up from the toilet. She smiled as she moved past me, rubbing herself against my body in a slow and gentle pass, before giving my ass a light slap. I laughed and sat on the toilet to relieve myself. Once a felt ready, I returned naked to my bed, Sophie waiting.

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