Indian Mother – Son Sex Story, Mom Son Very Special Romance

Despite my disgust at what he was doing to her I felt my dick rise inside my shorts and I instinctively held it. I felt like going in and pulling him off. Mother saw me take a few tentative steps into the room and flicked her head with stern eyes, indicating I should leave. She seemed to show no embarrassment at me seeing her being fucked. I stayed for a few seconds longer to show I was not afraid of him but Father was totally oblivious to my presence. Mother’s eyes pleaded with me to go, so finally I did.

I went to the kitchen to get a drink. I was standing by the fridge when Mother came there. She was wearing petticoat and her blouse and bra was open hanging over her shoulders. The fridge door was open and in the dim light I could see her breasts and even dark patch of her pubes through her thin petticoat. She came straight to me as though she knew I would be there and we hugged for what seemed like ages. I was kneading her breast with my left hand and was squeezing her ass with right hand. I move my right hand from her buttock and brought it in the front. I boldly cupped her pussy from above petticoat. That was first time I touched my mother’s pussy. My dick was subsided before, but began to grow again with the intensity of her touch.

Finally mother moved away slightly, raised her petticoat up her waist, showing me her pussy. I couldn’t see it clearly in that dim light as her pussy was covered with dark public hair. Then she took my right hand and placed it between her legs. She guided my first two fingers to her pussy and rubbed herself with them. She released my hand slowly and allowed me to continue rubbing her myself. She shuffled leaned back against the kitchen counter as I continued to rub her.

Before long she started to moan softly and I pulled her petticoat up fully so that I could see her nakedness more clearly. We both tensed for a moment when we heard Father mumble, from bedroom, but we heard no more after that. Mother began to rub herself more intensely on my fingers then nearly collapsed as she came. I looked at her she smiled at me. I smile back and leak her juices from my fingers like she did with my cum that afternoon.

When mother had calmed down she pulled down my shorts and started to stroke me again. Smiling, she hooked a strand of hair behind her ear and bent down, taking my dick completely into her mouth. Wow! My mother was sucking my dick. She knows about oral sex! Father must have taught her everything in the sex then! The sensation of her cool mouth on my hot dick came as a shock at first but it felt so fantastic that I was soon moaning like her.

I gripped her hair as she moved her mouth up and down my shaft. What a sensation! When I came it was like I had never cum before and Mother drank the lot. After she raised and took a drink from the fridge. She patted my face gently with her hand, smiling, then went back to her bedroom.

The next day was a Saturday and I had to go to college for half day. The day got a bad start as my father got up just after me so I didn’t get to be alone with my Mother. She did manage to get to the door when I was out and whispered,

Please wait…

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