I fuck my sister at my age 14 – part 2

I told you so awesome but I ask what are you doing f****** my sister in my village okafter that I ask him tomorrow we have to plan to f*** on sisterok tomorrow morning I will come to our room I will bring the cigarette with ganje ok give it your sister on after that call us we all come and we have to enjoy your sister after the next month I will bring my sister to our room and we all enjoy OK man I reply ok come fast I am waiting after that day morning my friend Raju come to my room and give this cigarette and event I give it to my sister after my sister take that cigarette she was in heaven after that I call my friendsall of all of them come inside a start removing her clothes and my sister also operating with them and all four of them were f****** my sister while there f******

I take a video and keep it with my mobile and after that for me that night full f****** my sister she was very nicely cooperating with my friends and after that I f*** her again and one by one my friends also f*** my sister and she was in cigarette and can I have one after early morning v5 and my sister where no clothes on our bodies on the bed after that my sister wake up and she and she was shocked andshe ask me what did you do guys last night on my friend wake up and tell don’t worry occur last night before q u have corporate very nicely it is nice occur it is nice your boobs very big win I never f*** this big books of GO locker you are so very nice please give me one more chance ok you are not in constitution your f****** agar it is the time to forget a girl please akka akka akka give me one chance give me one chance my cock was raising the my friend was telling her like that my sister start crying you guess you f*** you sister on your sister friend system and how did you have managed to f*** you friend sister if you are friend know this you will feel very hot and that time my friend Raju wake up. why don’t you why don’t you know you f*** with your brother my no –

I take all video and I blackmail your brother that’s why she agreed to f*** you with if you not agree that video in internet you think about it it I will give you five minutes of that you never corporate we will upload in front of you was crying crying after that I went inside the room my sister was crying in the four guys have f*** me man what are you saying I ask as man they are blackmailing they had all video I told OK what they are asking they asking give me a chance to f*** her but I told you wake up please all video head there with it is not good to go out akka please request my sister after that my sister agree to give a chance to my friends and f*** her I told ok and I go and tell guys our plan hard work after that my friends all of them dam aur ready to f*** her and my sister went without clothes to my friends room all of them to f*** her and after that my tell please brothers please forgive me I never do this with my brother also please forgive me but that time Raju tell we never listen any words please come and give you pussy to us and one by one f****** boobs jumping open down and I see my sister was shouting please give me guys you are working very hardly that time I went and keep her cock in my sister mouth and my sister never speak on you want to start seeking scope and Kumar was f****** hapus and Rakhi was taking have boobs to Hands Ali was seeking another boob and my sister was closed her eyes after that my sister start enjoying and next I have go And I join them f*** and I also f*** my sister my sister telling no brothers you cannot do your sister if your sister is the time yes we will do

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