Hot incest summer: Hannah’s family fuck and my family cums together

Hot incest summer: Hannah’s family fuck and my family cums together…. As always, I was awake at 6:00 AM. It’s Monday and my wife Carrie, daughter Julia and I all have to get up to go to work. After this past weekend it would be tough to concentrate on the job today. Carrie and Julia will probably get up in another hour. I like to work out in the basement for an hour or so before getting ready. I got out of bed, pulled on my boxer shorts and went downstairs.

An hour later I heard the toilet flush upstairs and I knew the day was starting. I went upstairs to find Carrie already in the shower. She was shampooing her hair as I dropped my boxers and stepped in close behind her. I startled her a little when I wrapped my arms around her and then lifted her big tits with both hands and pressed them together. She reached around to wrap her fingers around my cock which was responding as expected when your hands are full of tit and a soapy hand is wrapped around it.

I moved us around so my back was to the water spray and I put some soap in my hands and started lathering her front from neck to crotch. I spent an inordinate amount of time on her tits before moving down. Carrie was gently stroking my cock from balls to tip using the shampoo as a lubricant. The sensation was incredible. My cock grew to full size and was now pointing at her lower back. She had to adjust her grip as it rose. I moved my hands to her pussy and pushed my middle finger between her inner and outer lips and started lightly rubbing up and down the slit and over her clit.

Carrie moaned and arched her chest upward and her face to the ceiling. I reached lower with my other hand and ran that middle finger down her pussy and into her ass. Carrie looked back and said, “Be careful in there. I’m a little sore from last night. It was a bit of a dry fuck.” I removed my finger from her ass but continued my assault on her pussy.

Carrie turned around to face me and adjusted her hand to continue jerking me off and wrapped her other hand around the head of my cock and lightly stroked around the ridge. I had followed her pussy around and adjusted my attack as necessary. She pressed her large tits into my chest and we kissed each other passionately for a long time.

Carrie broke the kiss and with clenched teeth said, “I’m cummmmmming!” Her hips fired forward to get more pressure from my fingers. I immediately responded by pushing my index, middle and ring fingers into her cunt and rapidly finger fucking her. I could feel her pussy spasm hard several times; each was accompanied by a hip thrust. Her face was contorted and her grip on my cock was getting uncomfortable. She had stopped her jerking motion when her orgasm started. She was in her own world of pleasure and I love taking her there.

As she came down from her peak and her facial muscles returned to normal she noticed that my cock had deflated considerably. She relaxed her grip and began her jerk-off motion again. I soaped up my hands again and washed her back from shoulders to ass. I love her ass and paid much attention to cleaning the cheeks and between them although I left her asshole alone.

When my cock was back to full attention Carrie turned me around to wash the soap off and then moved herself to wash the soap from her back. She gently kissed me on the lips, then on the neck, then on my right nipple, then my navel and then she rubbed my cock all over her tits and then her face. She knelt from her bent position to her knees and while looking up at me, with water spraying on the top of her head, she engulfed my cock in her mouth. My head shot back and my mouth opened with a loud groan. As she pulled her head back the suction was incredible. Her cheeks hollowed and her lips were distended. I looked back down to see this marvelous sight.

Around heavy breaths I said, “Babe! Oh my god! You are incredible!” With just the tip in her mouth she grinned and went back to her deep-throat blow-job. All the way in and all the way out.

I knew from the start that I wasn’t going to last long before I blew my load and I didn’t. She was sucking the cum right out of me and she knew when it would arrive. My body clenched hard. My legs were quivering. Just as the first shot was rising Carrie stuck her finger in my ass. The sensation at that moment sparked every nerve in my body. In anticipation, Carrie pulled her mouth back to the tip and started furiously jacking my cock with her free hand.

I thrust my hips forward and let loose a stream of cum that I thought might blow Carrie’s head off. It must have shot straight back into her throat because she had a shocked look on her face and she gagged and then swallowed hard. She never pulled her head off and now fully prepared she received stream after stream of gooey cum. When she swallowed the last shot she pulled my cock from her mouth and pushed the tip of her tongue into my piss-hole to retrieve the last bit.

Carrie stood and took the soap and lathered me all over and then we rinsed ourselves off. I turned off the water and we each grabbed a towel and dried each other top to bottom. We then moved to our separate bathroom sinks to get ready for work. By 8 o’clock we were all ready to leave for work.

Carrie usually drops Julia at work and then continues onto to her job. I drive my own car. Carrie usually picks Julia up after work but today Carrie knew she would be working late and it might even be as late as 9 o’clock. Julia worked part-time at a warehousing company downtown. Hannah, Julia’s best friend worked there too. Julia and Hannah have been inseparable since grade school and they will be room-mates at University starting next month. Julia had asked us to pick her up at Hannah’s house after I got off work so I would need to arrange my schedule to accommodate her. Hannah’s dad was going to pick them up at work around 1 o’clock.


When Julia walked out the front door of the warehouse offices, Hannah’s dad honked the horn of his nine-passenger van to signal where he was parked. Julia waved and walked over to the passenger side sliding door, slid it back, stepped up into the van and maneuvered between the front seats to sit in the passenger front captain’s seat. Julia said, “Hi, Jim. Thanks for picking us up.”

Jim slurred, “You’re welcome Julia. Are your parents picking you up later?”

Julie responded, “Yes. My dad thought he could pick me up around 5 o’clock.” ‘Great’, she thought, ‘Jim is bombed again. He’ll kill us all.’ She could see an open beer in the cup holder up front and there were several empty beer cans rolling around by her feet.

Jim honked the horn again to signal Hannah when she came out. Julia had not seen Hannah all day as Hannah works in the warehouse itself. Julia groaned when she saw that Hannah was wearing what she called her “fuck-me jumper”. Hannah stepped into the van and bent over to slide the door shut. Julia had rotated her captain’s chair around to face the back and when Hannah bent down to shut the door the hem of the jumper pulled up to her hips. Julia could see that Hannah had no panties on.

Julia said, “Jesus Hannah. Did you go to work like that?” Hannah glanced at her dad and motioned for Julia to move back to the third row bench seat, way in the back. Jim started the van and drove out of the parking lot. When both had settled, Hannah said, “No, I didn’t go to work without panties on. I had to take them off after the break and I just left them off.”

Julie asked, “Why did you have to take them off?”

Hannah responded, “Well, It’s real tough to fuck with them on.”

“What are doing fucking at work?” Julia asked.

Hannah said defensively, “Well, I hadn’t intended to, but my dress came up over my hips while I was kneeling on the floor sucking John’s cock during the break. Russ saw us and came up behind me, pulled my panties down and shoved his cock in me. God, Julia. His cock is huge. I loved it. Then John pulled out and cummed all over my face and then Russ cummed all over my ass. I had to use my panties to clean up. So, I just threw them away.”

With a look of disgust on her face, Julia said, “Jesus, Hannah. You are unbelievable. You never get enough. You’re a nymphomaniac.”

Hannah smiled and said, “Yeh, I guess I am. My mom says ‘like mother like daughter.'” She reached her hand down and ran her fingers the length of her pussy and then pushed her fingers into her mouth and sucked on them. “Yummy.”

Julia just shook her head and both girls sat back to watch the road. Hannah’s dad was certainly drunk and he was all over the road. Hannah turned around to look out the back window and happened to see a police cruiser sitting in a parking lot. She watched it and sure enough it started rolling toward the exit and moved in behind the van.

Hannah jumped up and moved awkwardly to the front of the van and bent down to say something to her dad. Julia watched Jim glance in the rear view mirror. Julia turned around to see what was going on.

When the red and blue lights from the cruiser came on Hannah was still standing beside her dad. Julia moved up to sit in the passenger seat facing Jim. Hannah’s dad pulled to the side of the road, put the van in gear and stumbled out of the seat. He staggered to the back and lay down on the seat. Hannah immediately sat in the driver’s seat acting like she had been the one driving. The van’s black-out windows hid all this movement from the policeman who was just coming up the driver’s side of the van as Hannah settled in.

The cop was a baby-faced, good looking guy in his late twenties. He asked Hannah for her registration and driver’s license. Hannah promptly handed him both.

Still looking at the documents, the cop said, “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

Hannah responded, “I assume it was because I was swerving back and forth.”

The cop leaned his head closer to the window and said, “Have you been drinking? I smell alcohol.”

“No sir. This is my father’s van. We just got off work and are heading home. I swerved out of my lane a couple times because a bee flew up my skirt and landed on my leg. I freaked and was paying more attention to the bee than the road I guess.” said Hannah.

The cop said, “Miss, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that excuse.”

Hannah quickly responded, “No really. I can show you where it stung me.” She immediately pushed her door open, almost hitting the cop in the face. She swung her seat around so it was facing the cop. Her jumper had pulled up to her ass when she sat down, so when she spread her legs to show the cop the imaginary bee sting, the cop was looking directly into Hannah’s pussy, which was still gooey from her earlier sex.

The cop just stared at Hannah’s pussy and then did a scan of her entire body. Hannah is a beautiful girl. She is petite at 5’2″ and she has a perfectly proportioned body. Her hair is blonde at shoulder length. She has large, bright blue eyes and a small, button nose. Her lips are inviting. Hannah was pointing to a spot on her leg but the cop had little interest in the bee sting anymore. Julia could see past Hannah and the cop was obviously calculating where he thought the boundaries would be with Hannah.

With eyes glued to the cops eyes Hannah ran her pointing finger up her leg. The cop saw the movement and watched as she pushed her pointing finger into her pussy. In a very sultry voice Hannah said, “I’m sure we can work something out so I don’t get a ticket.”

The cop looked back at Hannah’s face and said, “Miss. Please move to center of the vehicle.” Hannah did as he instructed.

She stood between the two front captain’s chairs and watched as the cop swung the driver’s seat around so he could get into it. When he pulled himself up he closed the door behind him and swung the seat around to face Hannah. Julia watched as Hannah quickly went to her knees and she and the cop unfastened a myriad of large black belts and unzipped his fly. He lifted his ass so Hannah could pull his pants down a little.

Hannah reached into his pants and fumbled around in his underpants and pulled out his cock. She looked from his cock up to his face and smiled. No one said a word as Hannah stroked his rapidly rising and thickening cock. She used only her hands for about three minutes and then she released her hands as she lowered her mouth onto the tip and swirled her tongue around the cock-ridge.

The cop threw his head back and groaned. Hannah slowly pushed her head further into his crotch until his cock was buried in her throat. The only word uttered though this entire tryst was right then when the cop said, “Jeeeeeesus.” Hannah could feel his ejaculation coming so she pulled her head back to the ridge and started jacking him off with her hands again.

She was prepared when the first stream of cum shot into her mouth. She was swallowing it as fast as she could but was forced to pull her mouth off his cock and caught the last stream across her nose and left cheek. She sat down on her feet and wiped cum from her face with her fingers and shoved them in her mouth.

The cop lifted himself and pulled up his pants and refastened all his belts. He bent over and kissed Hannah on the forehead. He didn’t say a word as he swung the seat around, opened the door and stepped out onto the pavement. He looked back as Hannah settled back into the driver’s seat, walked back to his cruiser and sped off. Hannah looked over at Julia and simply said, “That was yummy.”

Julia just shook her head and said, “Let’s get out of here. Your dad has passed out in the back seat.”

When they got home it took both Hannah and Julia to get Hannah’s dad out of the van and into the house. Hannah’s mother, Andie, met them at the door and together they all got Jim up the stairs of their old farmhouse to his bedroom. They literally threw him on his bed. Andie pulled off his clothes and helped him into a robe over his tee-shirt and boxer shorts.

Julia and Hannah went down the hall to Hannah’s room and shut the door behind them. An hour later, Julia and Hannah could hear Jim stagger out of his room and down the stairs. After a while, Julia and Hannah came downstairs with their bathing suits on heading for the backyard to work on their tans. They found Jim passed out on the couch.


I left work at 4:30 PM and headed across town to Hannah’s parent’s house. I have been to their house many times to drop off or pick up Julia, but I have never been inside. Their house is way out in the country and it would take a good half-hour to get there. It is an enormous old farmhouse with many extensions added over the years to connect the main house to the barn and out-buildings.

When I pulled into the driveway I expected that Julia would be bounding down the front steps like usual. I sat patiently for five minutes. I thought, ‘Maybe she doesn’t know I am here. I shut off the engine and stepped out of the car. Walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. I waited 30 seconds or so and knocked again. Nothing. I looked for a doorbell but there wasn’t one. I knocked harder. Nothing. The Van and Andie’s little sports car were both in the driveway so I knew someone was home.

I walked down the steps and went around to the side and continued around to the back of the house. Hannah’s mother, Andie, Hannah, Julia and Hannah’s 18 year old adopted sister Rachel were all lying in lounge chairs sunning themselves. The sun was still high in the sky this time of year but the surrounding trees were about to bring shade to their entire backyard. Hannah and Julia both had their bikinis on. Andie had bikini bottoms on but no top. This was obviously the norm because she had no tan lines. Rachel had nothing on at all and she had no tan lines anywhere.

My footsteps through the grass, twigs and old dried up leaves revealed my approach. Andie and Rachel didn’t even move except to acknowledge my presence. Julia sat up and said, “Hi daddy, we didn’t realize it was so late. I’ll go change and be right out.” She got out of the lounge chair and headed for the back door. Hannah followed close behind.

I hadn’t seen Rachel in years and I couldn’t help staring at her. She had blossomed into a beautiful girl. She is about 5’7″ tall and her breasts are very large for her frame which is slim and lean. Her pubic hair was trimmed to form an arrowhead pointing down to her clitoris as if it was a neon sign pointing to heaven. I needed no directions. She has long wavy dark brown hair that she had bleached at some point. She has a wide face with a strong jaw. Her eyes are set further apart than average. She doesn’t have that cutesy look that Hannah and Andie have. She is extremely attractive in a more classic beauty way. She watched me as I sit down in a chair to talk to Andie.

Andie didn’t even attempt to put a top on. I had the pleasure of seeing Andie up close and personal two days ago at the pool party when she gave me an incredible blowjob and then she fucked me silly. Her tits are larger than Hannah’s at a “C-cup”, I would guess. They are very firm and don’t sag much for a woman her age. Everything else about her is the same except Andie’s face obviously shows a few “wisdom lines”. She is very attractive.

Between Andie’s tits and Rachel’s everything, my cock was getting hard and I had to adjust myself accordingly. Andie said, “Julia said that Carrie will be working late. Would you like to stay a while? I can fix you a drink. What would you like?”

A quick thought ran through my mind as I glanced over at Rachel, ‘I already see what I like.’ I said, “It’s very nice sitting here in the sun. Do you have scotch?”

“Certainly.” She said and pulled herself out of the lounge chair and walked to the backdoor. When she disappeared inside it was just naked Rachel and me.

I scanned her from head to toe and my cock jumped again inside my pants. I said, “Rachel. It has been years since I have seen you. You have grown into a gorgeous woman.”

Rachel responded, “Why thank-you.” She looked me up and down like she was trying to decide which end to eat first. “You look delicious too.” She continued. She tipped her head back on the lounge chair, closed her eyes and smiled. That was the end of the conversation.

Andie opened the backdoor and, still topless, brought two large glasses of Scotch and water. She handed one to me and took a sip off the second. I tapped the rim on my glass on hers and said, “Cheers.” We drank two of these drinks before the sun had descended enough to put the entire backyard in deep shadow. Rachel got up and strode, with ass swaying, into the house. She looked back over her shoulder to see if I was watching. I knew she was messing with me.

Andie said, “Well that’s it for the tanning. Please, come inside. I don’t think you have ever been in our house.”

I said, “Thank-you. That would be nice. I could use another of these.” I handed her my glass and we both got up and went inside. Andie showed me around the house on the first floor. There were many rooms and they had been restyled but they kept their rustic look. Andie said, “Go sit in the living room and I will bring you another drink.”

When I went into the living room there was Jim passed out on the couch. I sat in a chair across the room and waited for Andie to return with my drink. I was getting buzzed. Andie came back with another round of drinks. She was still topless with bikini bottoms. We talked and Andie never even mentioned the elephant in the room; that being Jim’s lifeless body lying on the couch. Julia and Hannah came downstairs and said she was ready to go. It was nearly 6 o’clock. The drinks were feeling pretty good and I said to Julia, “We don’t have to leave yet. I’m having a nice visit with Andie. You guys can keep doing whatever. I will call up when I’m ready.”

Julia looked at Andie’s naked tits and knew what was going through my mind. She simply said, “OK daddy. We’ll be upstairs.” She and Hannah had a look and giggled as they went back upstairs. I went back to my drink. Andie had passed drunk a while ago and she started touching her tits and brushing her palms over her nipples which were getting very long and hard. I had to adjust my position again. We continued talking about the girls and whatever as she continued working on her tits. I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

The party really got started when Rachel came down the stairs still completely naked. She walked over to her mother and bent to whisper something in her ear. Andie said aloud, “Go ahead, nobody will mind.” Rachel stood and walked across the room to the front of the couch and knelt on the floor. She reached into her father’s boxer shorts and pulled out his flaccid cock. She started jerking his cock. My jaw fell open and I looked at Andie. She said, “Watch this.” She returned her gaze to Rachel, as did I.

Rachel inserted the head of Jim’s cock into her mouth and pulled back with her lips to stretch it as far as it would go and started lightly jacking it off with her right hand. Up and down she went. Jim never moved a muscle. I was fascinated because I had seen Julia and Gail give successful blowjobs to two passed out guys at the pool party on Saturday. I was guessing I was going to see it again right now.

Rachel worked Jim’s cock with her hands for several minutes before it began to respond. His cock seemed to grow with each stroke. When his cock was fully erect, Rachel struggled to push her mouth onto it. The length was about average but the girth was absolutely huge. Rachel’s mouth was stretched as far as it would go. I looked back at Andie and said, “Holy shit. His cock is huge.”

Andie responded without looking at me, “Well, I didn’t marry him for his looks, personality or money, you know.” She laughed out loud.

Jim is a bit of a dumpy looking man. He is around 5’5″ and weighs around 220 lbs. He is scruffy and unclean. He is probably 10 years older than Andie. All I know of him is that he is a chronic alcoholic who can’t keep a job. I never understood what the interest was; until now.

Rachel was trying to push her father’s cock deeper into her mouth, but she couldn’t handle much more. She was sucking for all she was worth. When she pulled her head back to relax her jaw, his cock-head was a big knob on the end of the shaft. It reminded me of an erect horse cock. Rachel continued jerking with her hands. Jim still had not moved.

Andie matter-of-factly said, “The girls have been doing this for a few months. I guess it’s my fault.” She paused as if she was deciding whether to say anything more, but she continued, “Jim had always been a good husband and father until he lost his job about two years ago. Then he started drinking heavily. I pleaded with him to get some help, but he always said he didn’t need any. It got so bad that he was only tolerable when he was passed out. That’s the way it is now.

The girls have short memories. They don’t remember when he was a good dad. It’s like what-has-he-done-for-me-lately?” She hesitated a moment and then continued, “I have missed the Jim of old. Sex was great and frequent. Then, suddenly there was none.” Andie paused for another moment. “I was sitting right here in this chair watching him one day about six months ago. I was reminiscing about our sex life while he was passed out on the couch just like he is now. His penis was hanging out of his boxer shorts. I was so horny.”

As she was remembering that day she began manipulating her tits again and shoved one hand down into her bikini bottom and began fingering her pussy. Andie continued, “I wanted his cock so bad. I went over and sat on the edge of the couch and pulled his cock out. I just started sucking on it and it began to respond. I couldn’t believe it. I kept working it until it was fully erect. Just the site of that erect cock had my pussy drooling. I needed sex so bad. I took off all my clothes and I maneuvered myself so I could sit down on his cock.

When that huge cock-head stretched its way into my cunt, it was absolute heaven. I was fucking him hard and I had had several orgasms when the girls walked in and saw me furiously bouncing up and down on Jim’s cock. I was in the throes of another orgasm and I couldn’t stop. I wasn’t expecting that Jim would cum in his drunken stupor, but he did, just as I was pulling that incredible cock-head from my pussy. Cum sprayed everywhere.

Hannah was fascinated and she has been sucking off Jim’s cock ever since. Rachel was disgusted at the time and has only recently expressed an interest in sex. I have forbidden them from fucking him. The girls use his cock for blowjob training I guess. Hannah was already sexually active by then. She is quite an accomplished cocksucker, wouldn’t you say?”

I nodded my head and said, “Exceptionally accomplished, I would say. And she fucks like a ban-shee; if you don’t mind me saying so.”

Andie responded proudly, “Hell no, I don’t mind. She comments on you and your cock all the time. Rachel has overheard Hannah raving about how yummy your cock is and your body. She is a little jealous, I think.”

Andie stopped talking and we both just watched Rachel working her dad’s cock with her hands and mouth. What a beautiful site.

Andie continued, “Rachel still struggles with his girth. Hannah seems to be able to dislocate her jaw or something. I enjoy watching her give her father blowjobs whenever he is passed out like tonight. Sometimes I will lie down on the floor and lick her pussy until she cums. After she gets her dad to cum she will share his load with me.” I was visualizing this and my cock jumped again.

Watching Rachel working her father’s cock and Andie working her own pussy, my cock was going to burst my pants open any second. Andie noticed me put my hand down into my underpants to move my cock to a more comfortable position. I was rock hard. I had moved up to sit on the very front of the chair to get a good view of Rachel. I noticed Andie looking down at my crotch and I said, “What’s up with Rachel’s nudity anyway?”

Still working her pussy and tits, she said, “Oh that. Well she always suns in the nude. I expected that she would cover up when you arrived. I think she is just showing off for you. She is a beautiful girl isn’t she?”

“She definitely is. Between watching her and watching you, my cock is going to explode.” I said. With her hand still in her bikini bottom, she stood up and walked around behind my chair.

I thought she was going to the kitchen and my attention returned to Rachel again trying to push Jim’s cock into her mouth. I had moved my right hand into my pants and wrapped my fingers around my cock when Andie climbed into my chair behind me with her legs over the chair arms. She wrapped both hands around my chest and was rubbing my hard pectoral muscles and down my stomach feeling each of my six-pack abdominal muscles. She pulled my shirt up over my head and I assisted the motion. She grabbed my pecks and pulled her tits hard into my back and rubbed them from side to side. I could feel her nipples.

She was breathing very heavy into my ear and then whispered, “I am so horny for you. Since Saturday afternoon I bet I have masturbated to thoughts of you and your cock a dozen times. Hell, I even let Hannah lick me off on the way home from your house.” She rotated her pelvis into me several times. She frantically reached down to unfasten my belt and quickly unzipped my fly.

She reached into the front of my boxer shorts and pulled my cock out of my hand and out of my shorts. What a relief to have it unhindered by clothes. She readjusted her grip on my cock and started jacking me off. Her hand was moving quickly from balls to tip. She wrapped her other hand around it from the other side to start that counter-rotating effect she is so good at. I was breathing as fast as she was. She increased her jerking rate and I groaned out load.

Rachel heard my groan and pulled Jim’s knob from her mouth and turned to see her mother sitting behind me, jerking me off. Rachel let out a yell, “Mom! No! You guys have all had him and I want my turn too!” Andie didn’t react to Rachel’s loud outburst and kept right on jerking my cock. Rachel again yelled, “No mom! Stop!” Rachel pushed herself to her feet and started across the room just as Hannah came bounding down the stairs to see what the yelling was about.

When Hannah saw her mother sitting behind me with my cock in her hands furiously jerking me off, she yelled up the stairs, “Julia. Just like you said. The fun is starting. You better get down here before Rachel and mom go at it.” Julia came bounding the stairs in time to see Rachel down on her knees in front of my chair pushing her head down onto my cock-head. Andie’s hands continued unabated and they were hitting Rachel in the chin on each stroke. After several attempts, Rachel succeeded in removing her mother’s hands and started using her own. Rachel was ravenous as she hungrily pushed my cock deeper into her mouth. She gagged hard when my cock was two-thirds engulfed.

I was thinking, ‘Jeeeeesus. I guess she decided which end she wants to eat first.’ Hannah and Julia moved across the room to get a good view. Hannah’s hand was already stroking her own pussy.

Andie got out of the chair, stripped off her bikini bottom and moved around to Rachel’s left with the fingers of her right hand furiously working her clitoris.

I was sitting on the edge of the chair with Hannah to my immediate left, then Julia, then Rachel and then Andie all kneeling in a semi-circle around the center of attention, which was my throbbing cock. It was so hard it hurt. With Rachel still working my cock, I stood up to drop my pants to the floor and sat back down.

Hannah stripped off her clothes and then continued working her cunt. Julia had one hand on Hannah’s left tit and the other buried under her skirt frigging herself. Rachel was still trying to deep-throat me without success and she was getting frustrated. Andie noticed her angst and leaned over and whispered in Rachel’s ear. I could hear her say, “Rachel honey. Slow down and relax. You’re getting anxious. No one is going to take it away from you. OK? Just relax.”

Rachel slowed her assault on my cock and then pulled her mouth and hands away. She took a long breath in and then out and shook her arms as if willing herself to relax. Hannah didn’t waste a second before my cock was buried to the balls in her mouth.

Andie said to Rachel, “Watch Hannah. There is nobody better than Hannah at this. Don’t worry. We all want to share but we will let you have the prize.” I knew what “prize” meant and I hoped it wasn’t going to be arriving soon.

I had four lovely women kneeling in front of me and I wanted this image to be burned in my brain forever. Hannah was giving me a balls to tip blowjob. Her suction on the pull-back was amazing. She was trying to suck the cum out of me.

After a couple minutes, Julia pinched Hannah’s tit hard which made her pull off my cock to express her pain. Julia took advantage and immediately grabbed my cock and buried my cock in her face. Julia was no slouch with her cock-sucking prowess either. She was moving her tongue around the tip and then sucked about half of my cock in and out several times. She was furiously working her hands on the rest.

Andie leaned over to Rachel and whispered in her ear, “Watch what Julia does. Cocks come in all sizes and you can do different things depending on the size. All men love deep-throat. It’s hard to do with cocks this long and thick but you will learn with practice.” After a few minutes Julia removed her head and passed my cock over to Rachel.

Rachel turned to her mother and said, “Mom. You are a great cock-sucker. I want to watch you for a minute. But, I want it back.” Rachel pointed my cock toward her mother. Andie looked at it and without taking it from Rachel just bent forward and shoved her mouth all the way to my balls and then pulled back out. Rachel had to let go as her mother’s face descended down the length of my shaft. Now Andie took it in her hands and wrapped her fingers hard around my shaft and while drooling spit onto the head began stroking it up and down. Rachel bent over and spit on the head and then sat back and watched her mother’s hands.

Hannah leaned forward and sucked my left testicle into her mouth and gently massaged it with her tongue. I could feel my cum starting its rise as Andie continued jerking me off. I was resisting as hard as I could. I looked across the room at Jim passed out on the couch with his deflated cock lying on his leg. I had to think of something else to get myself under control. It was tough to do but the pressure building in my balls eased somewhat.

Andie handed my cock back to Rachel who frantically grabbed it. Andie told Rachel, “Honey, relax. Don’t be so aggressive.” She relaxed her grip and lowered her mouth back onto the head and flicked her tongue around on the underside at the ridge and noted the surge response. She pulled back and smiled at her mother. Andie said, “See. You can tell what they like.” Rachel was pleased with her success and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and continued flicking her tongue on that spot.

I found myself watching all of this but I was trying hard to think of the growing national debt or something absurd like that. I was successfully holding back my pending eruption.

Andie bent forward and took my right testicle into her mouth and gently flicked her tongue. With Rachel concentrating on the head, Julia maneuvered her head into the middle of all this and started lapping her tongue up and down my shaft. What an amazing site this was. ‘I wish I had a camera right now’, I thought. I was losing the battle trying to hold back my ejaculation and I said, “Ladies, if you have a plan for where my cum is going you had better get to it because I am going to bust pretty soon.”

Andie released my right testicle and pushed Julia’s face from my cock and said, “Hannah, let’s let Rachel have this. OK?” Hannah pulled back from my left testicle. Rachel popped my cock from her sucking mouth. Everyone backed up and Rachel stood up. Andie maneuvered Rachel down onto her back and spread her legs. Rachel’s pussy was gushing juices down her legs.

Andie pushed her face between her legs and licked up and down her slit and flicked Rachel’s clit several times. Andie pulled back and said to no one in particular, “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Then Andie said to me, “Fuck her hard and cum on her face.”

I move off the chair and between Rachel’s legs. I lowered my upper body down onto my arms above her and Andie took my cock and guided me into Rachel’s cunt. Rachel was not a virgin, so there was no concern with that. I pushed steadily into her cunt and Andie pushed steadily on my ass as if I needed the assistance.

Rachel’s cunt was very tight and my cock surged to make it feel even tighter. I started a slow withdrawal and then began a steady fucking motion. It felt incredible to be fucking this beautiful girl with three other beautiful girls/woman sitting inches away watching. Hannah couldn’t resist getting more involved and she reached between my legs to feel my cock moving in and out of her sister’s cunt. She held my balls in her hands following the motion up and down. With her fingers continuing in her own cunt, she started a slow rising orgasm that peaked with a loud groan. She released my balls and collapsed backward onto the floor.

I bent lower to kiss Rachel on the lips. She locked onto my lips with her teeth but didn’t bite me hard. I sped up my pace to bring Rachel to orgasm. She released my lips and her mouth opened with her lips forming an “O”. Her chin came up and her head went back. I increased to my maximum fucking pace. I was furiously thrusting my steel hard cock in and out as fast as I could.

A guttural moan escaped her mouth, “Ooooooooh… Oooooooh…Ooooooh.” Her neck muscles were rigid and her tendons extended. I was hammering her cunt. Suddenly, her cunt clamped down on my cock and she screamed. Her back lifted off the floor as she flexed in the middle. She was thrusting her hips hard against my downward thrusts. She was cumming hard. The pussy spasms were milking my cock and now that Rachel was over the top, I concentrated on my own orgasm. I continued hammering her as she came down and started to relax her muscles.

As my cum started its rise. Andie recognized this and said, “Don’t cum in her. Move up and cum in her mouth.” I pulled my cock out of her cunt and with my cock pointing the way I moved up her body to straddle her chest. I pushed my cock into her mouth. She tipped her head forward and sucked it in. She took as much as she could. I continued my fucking motion into her mouth and in seconds my eruption was on its way.

Stream after stream of cum blasted into her mouth. She was trying to swallow as fast as she could. Even I was amazed at the amount. She started gagging and pulled her head back to breathe. The last two streams of cum splashed all over her face. I sat back up to sit lightly on her stomach and to everyone’s amazement, one final stream splashed across her tits.

Hannah and Julia jumped right in and started lapping up the cum on Rachel’s face and tits. Andie bent in and sucked my still hard cock into her mouth and started giving me a blowjob. The feeling was great but I had other plans, so I pulled off of Andie’s mouth and moved back down to insert my still raging hard-on into Rachel’s cunt.

She was basically inert. She lay lifelessly there on the floor. Hannah and Julia were cleaning her up. Her head was turned toward them. Her eyes were open but it looked like no one was there. I started a slow fucking motion that seemed to rouse her. She moved both hands down between our bodies and I could feel her put her hands on my cock as I continued fucking her. Her fingers stayed right there as my cock started to soften.

When it was too soft to fuck with I pulled back and sat on my feet looking down at her beautiful face and body. Julia moved around Rachel and took my flaccid cock into her mouth and was licking up Rachel’s cunt juices. Hannah bent down to do the same. They were licking up and down each side of my cock. Rachel and Andie watched as the girls totally cleaned off my cock.

When everyone seemed to be done, we stood up. Rachel stayed right where she was. She was running her fingers around in some cum on her left tit. Andie stepped up on her toes trying to kiss me. I had to bend down for her to reach my face. She kissed me passionately and said, “Mark, you were fantastic with her. This will be an experience she will treasure. Thank you.” She reached to grab my cock and pulled on it a few times while she kissed me again.

I looked at the clock and it was nearly 8 o’clock. I looked at Julia and said, “Well, I guess we had better get home. Hopefully we will beat your mother home.”

Hannah looked over at Julia and nonchalantly reached up to her face to swipe a dollop of cum from her cheek and pushed into her mouth. “We don’t want your mother asking where that came from, do we?” said Hannah. Julia laughed.

I pulled my pants on and then pulled my shirt on over my head in reverse of how it came off. Julia was already dressed, sans panties anyway. The others were standing there totally naked. I paused to take in the sight. Rachel never moved from the floor. I kissed Andie again and then kissed Hannah. She shoved her tongue in my mouth and then pulled back and said, “When can we get together again.”

I said, “I don’t know Hannah, but I hope it is soon. You are the best.” She grinned broadly.

Julia walked ahead of me to the car and got in the passenger side. I got in and started the car. As I backed out of the driveway, Hannah and Andie were standing there on the front steps totally naked and waving as we drove away.

We had a long drive to get home as we had to go all the way back into town and then a ways on the other side. There was silence in the car for five minutes. I finally broke it by asking her how work was today. She laughed and said, “My day was as boring as ever but Hannah’s was exciting.”

“Yeh. What happened to her?” I said.

Julia told me all about her blowing one guy during break and getting fucked by another guy at the same time and that she came out to the van with no panties on. Then she went on to tell me about Hannah’s father being drunk again and being pulled over by a hunky cop. She gave me all the particulars of Hannah giving the cop a blowjob right there in the van to avoid getting a ticket while her father was passed out in the back seat. I just shook my head thinking, ‘What a lucky cop.’

I changed the conversation to ask her if she had ever given Hannah’s dad a blowjob while he was passed out.

Julia said, “Well Hannah has been blowing her father for a few months now. Sucking on that huge knob has sure given Hannah some skills. I don’t think there is a cock she can’t handle with ease.” I could tell she was avoiding the question, so I asked again. She responded, “I tried to once but his cock head was too big and my jaw ached for days after. I don’t know how someone as small as Hannah can handle that thing. Her mother says she can dislocate her jaw somehow. I guess that is what makes her such a good cocksucker.”

I said, “OK. So, what is the deal with Rachel?”

Julia thought a moment and said, “Well, She has some issues. She isn’t comfortable with her sexuality yet. She is gorgeous and gets a lot of attention from men. She likes the attention and tries to put on that she is all experienced with sex. I think she just tries too hard to be older than she is. She winds up acting younger than she is.”

After some more silence, Julia said, “Changing the subject, I watched you and mom fucking Max and Lisa last night. That was some kind of hot. I jerked myself off to two consecutive orgasms after that.”

I said, “I was surprised your mother wanted to do that. Butt-fucking no less.”

Julia responded, “How was Lisa? Is she a good fuck?

I thought for a moment and said, “Yes. She is a good fuck. Your mother seemed to enjoy her romp with Max too.” Julia indicated that she could tell.

I said, “You know Max has mentioned for years how hot he thought you and Hannah were. He said he used you guys as jerk off fantasies all the time. He hasn’t mentioned it lately but as you guys have matured his infatuation must be even bigger today.”

Julia sat in thought for a couple minutes before saying, “Now that you and mom have broken the barrier between Max and Lisa, maybe Hannah and I could manufacture something between all of us.”

I looked over at Julia and said, “That could be fun. Let’s work on a plan to make that happen so everyone is comfortable with it.”

Julia grinned and came up to kiss me on the cheek. Her right hand moved off the console onto my crotch. She felt around to find my cock in my pants. She started rubbing it back and forth until it made its first movement. She unzipped my pants and pulled my hardening cock out from my boxer shorts. She maneuvered herself on the console so she could take by cock into her mouth. She bumped her head on the steering wheel but was undeterred.

Julia was giving me a fantastic blowjob while I was trying to concentrate on the road. ‘God, she is good’ I think. My cock was incredibly hard as she continued her assault. We were close to home and I was trying hard to cum before getting there. I had mixed emotions because it felt so good but I didn’t want to be left hanging. When I pulled into the driveway, Carrie’s car wasn’t there. The house was dark. Julia looked up and said, “Do you want to finish here or upstairs?”

I thought for only a second. I was thinking, ‘upstairs I can fuck the living shit out of Julia.’ I made my decision. “Let’s go up to your room before your mother gets home.” I opened the car door and with my cock still pointing to the sky moved quickly to unlock and open the front door. Julia followed close behind. I turned to close and lock the door as Julia ran up the stairs stripping off her clothes as she went.

I turned on a living room light and ran with cock bobbing up the stairs undoing my belt. Julia was already on her bed with legs spread when I came in and dropped my pants and boxers. We didn’t even turn on a light. I moved directly to the bed and knelt down and buried my face in Julia’s cunt. She was sopping wet. She clamped her legs around my head and pulled me in until I couldn’t breathe.

After a few minutes, she released her legs and gently raised my head with her hands. She said, “Let me get that cock up to full power again.” I stood up and she shoved my mostly hard cock into her mouth and down her throat. My head flew back as her chin hit my balls. She held it there and started moving her tongue up and down the sensitive underside. My cock was raging. I pulled my cock out of her throat and out of her mouth.

I pushed her back down on her bed and she moved into the middle so I could climb on top of her. I knelt on the bed between her legs and lowered my upper body until my arms took my weight. I bent down to kiss Julia on the lips. She was frantically searching for my cock. She wasted no time guiding it to her cunt when she found it. I pushed all the way in. I felt a sense of urgency that was unusual. I felt absolutely no trepidation about fucking my daughter. This was right and it was necessary. I needed it. She needed it.

Julia wrapped her legs around by my thighs and pulled with all her strength to bury my cock in her as deep as possible. We were both breathing very hard as I began my fucking motion. I couldn’t see her face in the dark but I knew every muscle was contorted. I knew because every muscle in my body was. She put her hands on my shoulders and pulled herself up to my chest.

We continued this for what seemed forever when I felt my orgasm coming from far, far away. It was coming fast. I increased my pace which pushed Julia over the edge. She said, “Oh…my…God. Da…ddy,…you…are…fuck…ing…me…har…der…than…I…have …ev…er…been…fucked…before.” She had to pause with each syllable as I hammered my cock into her. She was mumbling, “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.” Then she screamed out, “I’m cummmmmmming.”

Her first spasm grabbed my cock with such strength I was sure my cock would be crushed. Then I felt her squirting her juices out of her and past my cock. Because we were mashed together so close, her ejaculate sprayed everywhere. We were both soaked. When I pushed into her it just ejected more. Subsequent spasms were only marginally less strong. I surged forward to bury my cock as deep as possible and launched my first shot of cum. Julia screamed when she felt it. Each cum shot elicited a similar response.

I felt like I had left my body and was watching our climax from above. Slowly we both came down. Our breathing had turned to gasps for air as we laid there in the darkness. I had fallen off to the side so I wouldn’t crush her. My left hand was on her right tit which was small but her nipples were standing rock hard above her “puffies” as I call them. I love puffy tits. I lightly rubbed her tit and then the other as we collected our breaths.

I was thinking we had better get ourselves together before Carrie came home. The room reeked of sex. I was about to get up to turn the fan on when the bedroom light came on. Carrie was sitting in the chair by the bed with a drink in her hand. She was totally naked. She was just looking at us. She didn’t say a word. I sprang out of the bed to a standing position. My cock was hanging limp. I was covered from stomach to feet in Julia’s ejaculate.

I hemmed and hawed for several seconds trying to find the right words. It was no use. I was totally busted. Julia just lay on the bed. She never moved. She was watching me. ‘Why is she looking at me? She should be concerned with the trouble she is in with her mother.’ I think.

I was frantic for a way out of this mess. I looked at Julia and then at Carrie. I reached down to get my pants but Carrie said, “Leave those right where they are mister.” I dropped them back to the floor and just stood there silently covering my crotch with my hands.

Carrie looked over at Julia and a huge grin came onto her face. Julia grinned back. They both turned to look at me with those grins on their faces. I was totally confused by the looks on their faces. Carrie said, “Sorry honey, this whole thing was set up. I didn’t expect you to be this late picking Julia up at Hannah’s, but Julia and I had this all planned. I’ve been here for hours drinking wine and I am getting loaded.”

I moved my hands from my crotch to my hips and looked from one to the other and back. I was speechless. I had no right to be angry but I was feeling that emotion. I haltingly said, “Did you plan…just this?”

Carrie looked at Julia and said, “No honey. Not just this. The overall plan started with Julia and Hannah coming into the bedroom Friday night. I was faking being asleep through the whole thing. Man that was hot. I was really having trouble not jerking myself off. I know about the pool party/Orgy on Saturday. I hosted last year’s orgy. You were on work travel that weekend. What a good time that was. I had to work this year so we hatched the plan to get you involved. I knew about Julia and Eva’s plans for you in the changing room on our shopping trip. I don’t know the particulars of the orgy party but I’m sure Julia will clue me in.” She looked at Julia and smiled. Julia looked at me and smiled.

I sat down on the bed looking at Carrie. I said, “What about having sex with Julia? Are you alright with this?”

Carrie responded, “Honey, I have been having sex with Julia and Hannah for quite a while now. It was troublesome to be doing that behind your back. Julia was sure, from your ogling her and Hannah all the time that you could be brought into the fold. From what I know right now, man, was she right.” She paused and continued, “So, now it is out in the open. What do you think?”

Julia jumped into the conversation before I could answer Carrie’s question. She said, “Dad. I love having sex with you. You have the best cock ever. I love having sex with mom too. I would love for us to continue having sex together, all three of us, or more, if we can make it happen. I love you and mom dearly. Don’t be angry about us setting you up. I think you have enjoyed the last few days. It can be like that often if you want.”

I looked at Julia and said, “Yes. You’re right. I have enjoyed the last few days. The sex with you and the others has been fantastic. Even the sex with your mother seems to have been better. Things have been spicy between us like the old days. I admit the sex has gotten stale over the years. I don’t think it will be now though.”

Carrie laughed and said, “I agree. Sex had gotten stale between us. The sex with Julia enlivened me. I want us to be close like we never have been. What do you say?”

I grinned and said, “Are you kidding me. I’m in.” We all got up and had a three way kiss and grope session. I said, “So, why were you sitting here in the dark in the nude?”

Carrie said, “I knew you two would come back in here to fuck her brains out. That was the plan. I was getting so hot from thinking about witnessing this that I had to masturbate several times. You guys were unbelievable. I was trying to finger my clit without making any sound in my squishy pussy. I couldn’t believe how hard you were pounding her cunt. I’ll let you recover a little but I plan on abusing that cock of yours when we go to bed.”

Julia said, “Ooooo. That sounds so hot. My bed is soaked. I will have to sleep with you guys tonight anyway.”

Carrie said, “Fine. The more the merrier.” Carrie kissed me again and jerked on my soft cock. Julia kissed me and she also jerked on my cock.

We had some late dinner and then went to bed. It was late and we all had to get up for work. I had doubts that any of us would get much sleep.

Added by BigZeke13

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