Getting fucked in a ridge zone

It’s a nice morning as I took bath and breakfast before leaving for my college.for last 4 days ,I have not gone to college as my menustral cycle was in process and after losing my virginity this was the first menustral period I have faced,never got the experience that after this period my vagina will become so desperate for a fuck as itching inside it becomes regular from last evening.I reached my college as I am in a crop-tops with mini skirt and stockings covering my thighs to legs , lecture starts on time as I am looking for my lover Anuj ,sitting on a front bench but eyeing at him as Anuj is looking smart in his black denim jeans with a short shirt and he smiled classes are in process ,my mind is on fun with him as I have planned it after lunch break.swati ,a 21 years gal with white shirt complexion ,height of 5’5 feet and physical measurement of 30-24-34 is attractive as her lovely boobs thighs are smooth and as lunch break starts at 1:00 afternoon ,I am still sitting inside classroom as students left as I walked out of classroom ,my mobile started ringing as I took it from my purse ,can see anuj’s number on it ,I received the call…………

“Hi Anuj
(Anuj)Hello Swati ,I miss you
(Swati)oh I see but I am in college today
(Anuj)I know it , but you have bunked your class for 3-4 days
(Swati)ok but Anuj where are you? I want to meet you
(Anuj)I am in parking lot as I want to have talk with you .”

And I walked out of college premises ,now moving towards a nearby bus stop as I stand there waiting for Anuj to wait ends as he stopped his red Zen car and I moved inside ,now as he starts driving car ,I put my purse on back seat and he asked……..

“I missed you so much for 3-4 days
(Swati)sorry Anuj but it’s a natural illness that made me weak
(Anuj smiled)oh I see .”

And he is driving the car towards outer ring road as our destination is the dense green zone of army cantonment ,in the outskirts of he drove the car and stopped it near a small market ,now left car as he walked towards market to buy some items.I am inside car as he is back in car with a carry bag after a while , putting it on back seat and driving on outer ring road ,our destination is near as I am feeling bit horny as my eyes are on his bulge of car entered the greenery zone ,he stopped it and we left the car.

As I walked out of it,Anuj took me by surprise as he hold me in his arms and started kissing my face and lips as my boobs are getting pressed on his chest.He is moving his hand on my back and he took my rossy lip in his mouth as he is sucking it wildely.

I can feel his hand on my sexy ass as he is trying to move his hand inside my skirt ,now we both got horny as he left my lips and I pushed my tongue in his we are standing on grass,he have hold me in his arms and my hand is on his back as he is sucking my tongue ,his mouth is in alcoholic flavour as I got his mouths saliva in it.after a while,he left my tongue as he opened the back door of car and took out a carry bag.we both are sitting on grass as I removed my sandals from legs and sits on grass with my legs straight but my skirt have gone upto my half of thighs as stockings is covering my legs to thighs.anuj is looking at my boobs as he opened the cane of beer and put it on grass and I started drinking it while he lit a cigarette also,both are drinking beer as his hand is moving on my stockings moving towards my pelvic region as he is sitting closer to me ,I put my hand on his bulge of penis and started unzipping his Anuj helped me to take his cock out of his jeans and as I hold his penis in my palm,he moved his hand on my vagina and started pinching my vaginal flesh on my G string as I am masturbating his penis our drinks have been completed as I leaned my face on his penis and started kissing it with my lips ,hunger and thirst for sex have made me horny as I am kissing my lover’s penis and as I have put my back on knees ,Anuj have lifted my skirt upto my waist and he is rubbing my sexy nude ass as G string can cover your vaginal zone only as ass remains I opened my mouth and took his penis in it to make it erect and started sucking it and Anuj is giving me a nice touch on my sexy I can feel his cock growing hard in my mouth ,I started giving it a fast jerk and Anuj unhooked my G string ,fresh air is making my cunt cool as I have put whisper on it for three long days and now Anuj started rubbing his finger on my clitoris as his long finger moved inside.I am giving his cock ,a hard and fast suck as his one hand is on my boobs ,pressing it hardly and after a while,I took out his wet cock as my tongue started licking it ,he is fingering my vagina fast as I am rolling my tongue on it.lastly,I opened my mouth and took his long penis in my mouth to suck but my face is moving fast as his glans is hitting my deep throat.I am making myself horny as I want fuck to satisfy my vagina,later on sexy voice”oohh aahh Swati suck it hard ” and “uuhh yumm my cunt will cum” is making weather sexy.after a while,my vagina started cumming as I left his cock and Anuj is now sitting near my ass as I am on grass in a doggy looking back at him ,I can see and feel his tongue licking my vaginal juice as tongue is going inside but my vaginal flexibility is at low and I am shouting”oohh aahh Anuj fuck me my dear ,fuck me till I die.” And he licked my vagina as he tasted it cum , lastly put his finger in my vagina and took it out to guide it inside my mouth as I got the taste of my own cum.I walked towards bushes as I urinated there and came back to him ,now we both are looking at each other as I smiled………

“Anuj now I want to move inside car
(Anuj)why not baby?.” And he took our clothes as we moved inside car on back seat.feeling too hot and horny ,Anuj switched on the A/C as I started removing my skirt , tops and brassiere.anuj complements me while removing his shirt and vest ,both love birds are nude as I am sitting on seat with my head on window.anuj stretched my legs as he knelt in between my thighs but I took a pill out from my purse and he pushed it in my deep I know pill will melts inside in a minute ,it’s a safe sex that can prohibits me from Anuj hold his penis as he pushed his glans with cock in my vagina ,I am feeling bit relaxed as his 2/3 Rd cock is in my glory hole ,now while holding my breast ,he fucked me hard as I

“oohh aahh it’s rock hard ,fuck me fuck fuck aahh.”

And Anuj is going hard with his hand massaging my boobs ,getting horny and than having a cock in vagina is satisfying but times matters as Anuj is fucking me with speed and power ,I am

“aahh uumm Anuj fuck me hard fuck me like a whore”

and his cock is making my wet cunt dry ,Anuj is moving his penis at a great speed as I am feeling his long penis in my cunt ,it’s dry and hot but still need some time to reach sexual orgasm.our sexual organs are hot and Anuj is pounding my cunt for last 8-9 minutes as I started begging

“oohh aahh vagina is in fire,rain your cum soon.”

And after a while ,my cunt got the much awaited sperms in it ,as he is sitting infront of me with his cock in my vagina.later on ,both washed our sexual organs ,took rest there and put our clothes.its 04:20 pm as I reached my home .

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