He finally gets his chance with the University cheerleader

The image of those bare perfect little ass cheeks was now emblazoned into my head like some kind of mental tattoo. My head was spinning. Cindy quickly pulled the panties back into place while yelling, “Craig you FUCK! Why are you being such a total ass?”

I knew why. Partly because he could. Craig was the captain of the University team, he could do anything. Plus, when an ass like that is perched so conveniently and Craig sees another guy looking at it, he has to do something to let that guy know who that ass belongs to.

Cindy sat back down and began to roll up the window. It felt good to feel those warm ass cheeks back on top of my hard raging cock. “They already have the beer. Go ahead and drive to Wilson’s” Cindy said to Craig. Cindy was now sitting with her arms folded tightly. She then asked, “Craig was that my imagination? Or did Lips actually grab my ass?”

Craig just laughed and said, “Lips is his own man, and he’s not afraid of anything. He sees an opportunity and he grabs it! That’s why he’s the man to throw the ball to, right Lips?” Ok, that part was true. I was always in the open. I would always catch the ball even if it meant getting totally clobbered. And clobbered was what I got all night long. My body felt like hamburger. I was sore from head to toe.

I felt like an idiot now. Why did Craig do that? Now what was I supposed to say? Before I could answer Cindy piped up in a quiet serious voice, “Lips, did you really grab my ass?”

Now the whole car was quiet. Everyone seemed to be wondering exactly how I was going to handle this, including me. I looked up at Cindy without smiling and said, “Cindy, you have such an incredible ass I could not help myself.” And there was allot of truth in that statement.

A few guys in the back seat began to whoop it up, “Yeah Cindy! You can’t blame Lips… that’s some damn fine ass!” They were laughing and high fiving. This was not helping my cause. But I was glad for the comic relief. I wondered what she was thinking.

As we pulled into Wilson’s long driveway, Cindy slid her right hand down to my leg and gave it a long hard squeeze. Then her hand stroked my thigh up and down almost lovingly. I put my hand on top of hers and gave it a loving squeeze. It was the best I could come up with. I really just wanted to wrap my arms around her tightly, but I knew that would be suicide.

The car came to a stop and Cindy flung the door open in a huff. She rammed her elbow into my chest in protest as she climbed out. “That’s for grabbing my ass” she announced to the . She about knocked the wind out of me. The guys in the back were laughing their asses off. Craig just looked at me and winked.

I knew this was going to be a dicey night. On the one hand, I knew I would be willing to risk getting a pounding from Craig if I got a chance to get it on with Cindy. On the other hand, I could sense that Cindy was very aware of my desires, but that she did not want to create a problem that would compromise her relationship with Craig.

As I got my aching, beat up, body out of the Buick I wondered what amazing things might transpire between now and when I would be returning to the Buick sometime later that night. There are times when a guy has to do what a guy has to do. I knew what I wanted more than anything was to hold Cindy in my arms, and I was pretty sure that’s what she wanted too.

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