Family taboo, After an accident, a mother turns to her son for help

Family taboo, After an accident, a mother turns to her son for help, “So doctor, what have you called us in for?” The voice of a woman asks. She is inside of an office of the hospital where her husband was admitted in 7 months ago, but was released some days ago. However, the day prior, they both got a call to return.

“You made it sound urgent but couldn’t be talked with on the phone.” The husband says, who is sitting next to her. They are Nick and Shannon Wright. Nick being a fifty-two year old mechanic and Shannon being a thirty-seven year old housewife. Both are wearing casual clothing, though Nick still has plenty of bandages on him.

The man in front of them coughs as he looks at them, setting aside some papers he was reading. “Well, it deals with the accident. There is no best way to say this, so I will come out straight with it. Due to the accident, as stated before, some of your limbs won’t function normally, mainly your right leg. However, there seems to be another problem. I’m sorry to say, but the accident made you sterile.” The doctor says professionally, but he knows this kind of news isn’t the best thing to hear.

Both of the Wrights feel heartbroken from hearing this. Shannon begins weeping while Nick consoles her, though some tears fall down his face.

The doctor cleans his glasses with a small handkerchief. “Have you two tried to have another child?”

Nick looks at him, though he can’t really move his neck thanks to the brace. “Well, not really. We wanted to wait some more until our son moved out or at least started college.” He says with some pain.

Shannon wipes her tears but can’t stop crying. “We tried sometimes, but with his work and certain financial issues, we decided to put it off until the time was right.”

The doctor nods. “I see. I don’t really have any good news to tell you, except for you to come once a week for check-ups and therapy. After that, you should be able to walk on your own. I’m sorry, but there isn’t much else that could be done.”

The couple nod before they leave. Nick still has to use a wheelchair, however. Leaving the hospital and getting in their vehicle, the two of them ride in silence to their home.


The rest of the day went quiet, except for the time their son, Rodney, came home from school. They had to hide their pain from what they heard earlier so their son wouldn’t suspect. He is an eighteen, going on nineteen, year old student who is a junior. He is part of the football team and math club, but not much else, though he is into mechanics, like is father.

After dinner, Nick and Shannon are in bed after she helped him shower before taking one herself. The two of them sigh as they stare at the ceiling. “What are we gonna do?” Shannon asks dejectedly.

Nick keeps looking up. “I don’t know. We can’t do anything about this. Do you still want a child?”

Shannon looks at him and kisses his cheek tenderly. “Yes, but only yours. No adoptions. No sperm banks. Just yours.” She sighs some more before getting comfortable on her bed.

Nick keeps looking at the ceiling. “Alright. I wish we still could. Wouldn’t mind having another child. Though things would be difficult. Things are hard now.”

Shannon nods in agreement. “At least your job will help us financially. I just wish we didn’t buy this house.”

Nick chuckles slightly, though groans lightly in pain. “Well, you did want it.”

Shannon looks at him then looks at the ceiling. “Yeah, that’s true… I just wanted to hear the sounds of little feet running around the house again. I mean, sure our son will give us grandchildren in the future, but I wanted another one of my own. I shouldn’t have waited so long…”

Nick looks at her with his eyes and gently holds her hand. “Don’t blame yourself, honey. As you said, we still have our son. Though he never has been good with dates.”

Shannon chuckles lightly. “Yeah. Well, all we can do is wait.”

Nick looks back up and stares at the ceiling in thought. “Well, there could be one thing we could do.”

Shannon looks at him. “What, dear?”

Nick sighs. “Well, since you only want my children and that can’t be possible, the next best thing would be our son’s.”

The room becomes quiet before Shannon sits up and looks at him. “Are you suggesting that I have our son’s children?”

Nick looks at her with his eyes. “Well, it’s the only alternative. I mean he is my son, so half of his genes are mine and if you have his child, part of it will be mine.”

Shannon keeps looking at him before lying back down and looking at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I mean it’s morally wrong. And there could be complications.”

“I know.” Nick says with some reassurance and holds her hand. “But this would be the only option. And I am fine with it. I wouldn’t mind having some more kids around the house, even if they are partially mine through my son.”

Shannon sighs before closing her eyes. “Let me think about it. I want to be sure myself.” She goes and kisses him softly before both go to sleep after turning the lamp off on the nightstand near her.


Almost two weeks have passed since the Wrights got the news and had their talk. During the time, Shannon took care of her husband since he couldn’t do much on his own with him still being immobile. Though he got better little by little. Some of the bandages got taken off him, but he still wasn’t in good shape. However, throughout most of the days, Shannon had their talk on her mind. Even though Nick remained fine with wanting to go through with the plan. She kept thinking about it, but was always on the fence, until some days ago when she caught her son masturbating. Well, more like her seeing him through the crack of his door one night.

Shannon knows her son wasn’t a baby anymore, not after seeing his member. She still had some thoughts, but apart of wanting another child and it being immoral, she also wanted her son back in her. She told her husband about it and almost got into a playful fight with him being proud about his son. They then decided on a plan and to go through with it on a certain day.


It is now night time as the small family is heading to bed, though Shannon is slightly nervous. Nick watches her as he is on the bed. Shannon stands in front of a mirror as she looks herself over. Standing at five foot nine, she has the body most women would want. Except with her being pudgy around her legs and hips. Her legs are long, with them making up almost half her height. She works out daily and has her waist toned but not slim, something she inherited from her father. Her breasts are large DD cups that are firm, something she got from her mother. Her ass, however, she has no idea where she got. It is large but her wide hips and thick thighs make it bigger than it seems. No matter what, she could never slim it down. Though her husband never complained. Her auburn hair cascades down her back but stops above her ass. She has on a purple see-through nighty, though slightly small since her body threatens to break it.

Shannon looks at her husband. “Well, it’s now or never, right?”

Nick whistles at her. “Damn, you look good. Though you need new sexy underwear. Last time, that fit you better.”

Shannon pouts a bit. “Is that a bad thing?”

Nick chuckles. “Only one way to find out. Now go before you change your mind.”

Shannon nods and sighs before heading to the door. She looks back at Nick. He gives her a wink. “Have fun.”

Shannon giggles before she leaves the room and heads down the hall. She passes a door before arriving at her son’s room on the left. She takes a big gulp. “No turning back. Now or never.” She whispers to herself. She peeks into her son’s room and gasps slightly from seeing him masturbate in front of his computer again. She quietly enters the room and closes the door.

“Rodney?” She clears her throat.

Rodney freaks as he tries to hide his erection. “Mom!? What are yo-” He stops mid-sentence from seeing his mother in her underwear.

Shannon giggles. “What are you doing, sweetie?”

Rodney stutters. “Why are you wearing that? And why are you in here?” He asks nervously as he blocks the computer screen with the back of his chair.

“Well, I was heading to bed when I saw your door cracked. Are you watching porn?” Shannon asks in a motherly tone but giggles internally.

Rodney sweats. Shannon walks to him. “It’s ok, sweetie. I don’t mind but you have to lock your door.”

Shannon looks at her son. Rodney is naked with only his boxers that he grabbed from the floor covering his erection. She looks at his toned chest from him working out with the football team. She looks some, more eyeing his legs and arms, though quickly so he doesn’t suspect. However, she sees him eyeing her. She giggles. “You like seeing me in this, baby?” She asks, making a pose.

Rodney quickly turns away. “No, I wasn’t checking you out, honest.” He says nervously.

Shannon walks closer. “It’s ok, baby.” She gets close and gently turns his head so he can look at her. “If you want, you can see. Just don’t tell your father.” She says with a wink.

Rodney looks at her as Shannon moves the bra and exposes her large breasts. “Do you like, baby?” She asks, holding her breasts together.

Rodney nods, looking at them as his member twitches in pain from being so erect. “Why are you showing me them though?”

Shannon giggles as she thinks of what to say. “Well, I know you sometimes take glances at me and I thought, why not show them to you again. Last time you saw was when you were in elementary.”

Rodney gulps. “But what about dad?”

Shannon puts her breasts on his face as she bends over. “Don’t worry, baby. Your dad is asleep.”

Rodney just sits there as Shannon shakes her breasts in his face. He can’t help but smell them.

Shannon giggles. “They feel good?”

“Uh huh, but why, mom? I mean, I am your son.” Rodney says as he looks at her.

Shannon thinks of what to say next. She doesn’t want to say the truth to him, though she could make something up. “Well baby, it’s because since the accident with your father, things have been hard on me. I may be your mother but I do have certain urges.” Thinking about it, her hormones have gone crazy a few times to the point of using toys more often than necessary.

Rodney looks at her breasts. “So, you want me to help you?”

Shannon nods and pushes her breasts more to him. “Can you hold them, baby, and suck them?” The thought of it made her wetter than she was earlier.

Rodney moves back a bit and holds her breasts before massaging them gently. Shannon moans from the touch before gasping, seeing and feeling him suck on her nipples. “Oh yes, baby. Suck mommy’s tits.”

While he keeps sucking them, Shannon looks at his erection, still covered, and grabs the boxers, pulling them away. Rodney stops sucking as he looks down, but can’t cover himself when Shannon gently caresses his member. “Wow baby. You are much bigger than your father. I’m surprised you don’t bring many girls up here.”

Rodney blushes in embarrassment. “Well, you know I’m not good with girls.”

Shannon giggles as she rubs. “Is it ok for me stroke it?”

Rodney nods then moans when she grabs it and begins stroking it. “Oh wow.”

Shannon giggles and licks her lips. “I’m gonna give you a blowjob, ok?”

Before Rodney can say anything, Shannon quickly dives in and begins sucking the head. “Oh wow, mom. That feels good.” Shannon giggles as she sucks more while stroking the rest. Rodney is less than eight inches long, but what really stands out is his girth. Shannon guesses him to be roughly four inches. She only has half of his member in her mouth since he was masturbating earlier.

“Are you close baby or did you cum earlier?” She asks, still stroking while taking it out then putting it back in.

“I’m really close.” Rodney moans loudly. He looks down, however, when Shannon stops. She giggles before she stands up and drops the thong she has on.

Shannon gets on the bed and scoots back a bit before spreading her legs. “You like what you see, baby?” Rodney nods from seeing her pussy. It is smooth with some hair above it, freshly trimmed. “What do you want to do? Want to lick?”

Before she can tease him some more, Rodney gets up and gets his face close to her pussy and licks hard. Shannon moans loudly. “Oh baby.”

Rodney doesn’t hesitate to keep licking. This is his first pussy but his hormones are on overload. His tongue passes over her lips quickly as he holds her thighs. Shannon moans with each pass before gasping and throwing her head back when he licks her clit. She grabs her breasts and begins massaging them while feeling her son explore her sacred spot. She gasps when she feels his tongue enter her.

“Oh yes, baby. Drive that tongue around. Ooh that feels so good.” She moans, gasping with each movement of his tongue sliding in and out while the tip explores her walls. She becomes very wet and instantly orgasms. “Oh lick mommy’s juices.” She pants. Rodney licks it up then licks the outside of her pussy.

Shannon moans softly before looking at her son. “I know you want to stick something else in me.”

Rodney stops before he stands up and grabs his cock. He is ready to blow as he begins rubbing the head on her pussy. Shannon mewls softly. “Is this ok? I mean I have no condoms.”

Shannon bites her lip. This is the point of no return. “Yes baby. Shove that in me.” She says in a husky tone. It makes her wetter.

Rodney nods as he pushes the head in before both moan, Shannon the loudest, as he slides inside of her. Her walls begin to stretch as her son goes back deep inside her. “Ooh baby. Feels so good having you back in me.”

Rodney moans panting. His mom’s pussy feels good. He knows he is going to blow with just a few movements.

“Now, fuck mommy, baby. Fuck me good.” Shannon moans as she looks at Rodney. He nods as he grabs her hips and begins fucking her hard. She moans loudly with each thrust but knows he is gonna blow.

Rodney can’t hold it in after some thrusts. “I’m gonna cum!” He yells.

Shannon wraps her legs around him. “Cum baby. Cum in mommy!” She moans, panting. Rodney grunts and thrusts hard, cumming inside of her. Shannon cums from feeling rope after rope of cum enter her. “Oh baby. Don’t stop fucking me though.” She moans, begging.

Rodney cums some more in her but then begins moving his hips again. His mom feels good and he doesn’t want this to end. His hips start to slap the back of her legs as he thrusts into her. Shannon moans with each thrust. She loves being fucked roughly. And it being her son makes her hornier. She hasn’t felt this turned on or horny in years. Sure, she and her husband had sex whenever they could prior to the accident, but no foreplay could ever get her this hot. She stares at her son as he has his eyes closed while moving in a steady rhythm. She bites her lip as she watches and feels her son pleasuring her. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all.

Rodney’s bed rocks with each movement. The backrest moves with each thrust, slowly banging on the wall. Shannon looks at it before she reaches up and grabs it, being close to it. She doesn’t want a hole in the wall. She moans loudly with each thrust as her breasts shake back and forth. Her pussy is slick as her son’s cum oozes out of it. She knows she will have to clean the sheets. Well, if she is up to it. Her son’s member drives her wild as it slides in and out. His girth fills her completely. She bites her lip as she watches her son, both moaning, though her being louder. It’s a good thing the walls are insulated and the door is closed. She isn’t sure if she wants her husband to hear. Him getting an erection wouldn’t be a good idea.

Rodney pants as he keeps a steady rhythm. It’s his first fuck, even if it is his mom. But she feels good to him. “Oh mom. I’m gonna cum again.”

Shannon looks at him, panting. “Again baby? Well fill me up then, sweetie.”

Both groan when Rodney thrusts deep and cums again, filling her up. Shannon moans, feeling more of his cum entering her. She grips the backrest as she orgasms herself. Her body glistens in sweat as her lingerie sticks to her body. Her breasts heave with each pant. “Wow.”

Shannon giggles, looking at her son. She lets go of the backrest and moves some of her hair from her face. “How was fucking mommy?”

Rodney looks at her while he stays on his knees and holding her legs. “Is this a one-time thing?”

Shannon bites her lip. “Well, your father will be out of it for a large amount of months, so no. Though, you like cumming in mommy?”

Rodney nods as he wipes some sweat from his brow. “Oh yeah, though will it be fine?”

Shannon sits up and kisses him deeply. Rodney returns it, holding her. Both separate before panting. “Yes baby. Don’t worry about those special days. For now, just fill my pussy up if you want. Maybe I can be your mommy cum dumpster.”

Rodney shivers, making Shannon giggle, though she shivers herself from saying that and makes herself wetter. Before Shannon can say anything more, Rodney slides out then flips her over, making her gasp. She is now on her hands and knees and looks back at her son. “Bold, baby.”

Shannon moans when Rodney rubs his dick along her pussy. She gasps when he put it between her ass cheeks and rubs it back and forth. “Hey mom, can I fuck your ass?”

Shannon bites her lip as she pants. “You can fuck any hole, baby. Just be a bit gentle. Been a long while.”

Shannon moans as she feels Rodney rub the head on her anus before biting the pillow in front of her as the head enters her. Rodney moans as he slowly slides into her before sliding back out. He does this for a while, making Shannon moan loudly in the pillow before she feels all of her son be in her ass. Rodney moans and pants before grabbing her ass and slowly moving.

“Mmm, that feels so good. You are so gentle, baby.” Shannon moans as she feels her ass being emptied then filled.

“Well, you said to be gentle, mom.” Rodney says, making Shannon laugh and moan as he slowly fucks her. He gropes her ass as his dick slides in and out of the tight hole. He slowly picks up speed, making the bed start to rock slowly. Shannon moans more when she feels her son start to go faster. She bites the pillow again as to not be so loud.

Rodney gropes his mother’s ass more. The large cheeks are soft and firm, but still squishy, if he could describe them. Shannon moans from feeling her son fuck and massage her ass. She looks back, however. “Baby, if you are gonna cum though, do it in mommy’s pussy, ok?” Rodney nods as he fucks her ass faster.

The bed rocks from the movement as the springs in the mattress squeak with each thrust. Rodney’s hips smack his mother’s ass, the sound reverberating throughout his room. Both moan but Shannon’s is muffled thanks to the pillow. “Feels so good, mom. You sure about being my cum dumpster?” Shannon blushes, but nods, looking at him. She gasps, moaning as Rodney pulls out then quickly shoves his cock in her pussy, both cumming hard. Rodney grunts, filling up his mother again.

Shannon is sweating as she grips the pillow. “I never sweat this much doing my work outs. I should add this to the routine.” She says, biting her lip.

Rodney chuckles. “Want to ride me, mom?” Shannon nods, looking at him.

Rodney stays in her as he moves around before lying on the bed with his mother on him, her back still to him. Shannon moans, panting before she starts moving. “Mmm, baby. By the way, where you learn to fuck?” She asks.

Rodney blushes. “Um, internet.”

Shannon laughs, moaning softly as she grinds on him slow. “Come on, baby, you can tell mommy.”

Rodney rubs her sides, moaning softly. “Ok, I have a toy…”

Shannon giggles as she starts to bounce. “Well then, there is no point anymore, right? My pussy will now be your toy, baby.” Rodney blushes, but moans from feeling his mom go faster. Shannon moans softly as she rides her son. She looks at the dresser mirror in front of the bed. She gets wetter from seeing herself riding, her breasts bouncing with each movement. She then gasps, moaning as her son thrusts into her. “Oh baby…”

Rodney moans as he holds onto her hips and helps her bounce while thrusting into her. His cock feels good being wrapped around his mother. He feels how slick she is with each thrust and slide. The bed creaks as the mother and her child keep mating. Shannon is happy. She rides faster until her son slams her down and cums inside her. Shannon moans with satisfaction.

“Oh mom… That felt good. But is it really a good day?” Rodney asks, panting.

Shannon pants as she lays on him. “Yes, sweetie. I’m safe.” She isn’t lying since her next ovulation is in a few days. But he doesn’t need to know. However, in due time, Shannon will tell him eventually. She looks at the clock on his night stand. It is almost nine. “Oh, we have been here for less than an hour. It feels longer.” She says before gasping as Rodney moves her around. Shannon blushes, looking at him.

“Hey mom, I want to see your tits bounce.” Rodney says, rubbing her nipples. Shannon moans softly before nodding as she starts bouncing. Rodney moans softly as he rubs her nipples more.

“You like mommy’s tits?” Shannon asks as she rides him harder. Rodney nods as he licks her left nipple and rubs her right one more. Shannon moans more as she rides like her life depended on it. “Oh yes baby. Suck on mommy’s tits. Mmm, that feels good…” She looks at him and grips the sheets as she rides him hard and fast with all of his cock going deep inside of her. Her pussy is slick with their juices as her ass shakes and jiggles with each bounce. “I think I might get addicted to this…” She pants softly.

Rodney looks at her as he lets go of her nipple, but keeps rubbing them. “That wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it?” He stops rubbing her nipples and grabs her ass before groping it. Shannon moans from that before Rodney licks her nipples again, switching between both.

“Maybe not sweetie, but I still do love your father.” She starts slamming down on him.

Rodney moans more. “I know, mom. But it feels so good being in you. It wouldn’t be bad if we got addicted to each other.”

Shannon chuckles and playfully hits his chest. “Bad boy. Wanting mommy all to yourself.” She teases then moans when she slams down and cums hard. Rodney grunts and cums also. Both of them pant. “Though it wouldn’t be a bad thing. I mean you do still have to find a girlfriend. But I don’t mind if we have sex with each other more often.”

Rodney nods and holds her before kissing her deeply. Shannon returns it as their tongues touch one another. Their mouths stay together as their tongues twist together. Rodney rubs her ass more, making Shannon moan in his mouth before separating for air. “I love you, mom.”

Shannon giggles. “I love you too, baby. You are still my baby boy.”

Rodney chuckles a bit. “I know, but let’s not end this. Let’s keep our relationship this way, even after dad gets better and I find a woman to marry.” He holds her close. “Tell you what; can I at least give you one child?”

Shannon blushes before smiling. “Well if you want that, baby. I don’t mind.”

Rodney nods. “This way you can be a grandmother without waiting a long time.”

Shannon giggles again before laying herself on him. “Ok baby. And I’ll tell you this, if you have an urge to fuck, let me know, baby.”

Rodney licks her neck. “Well I do have morning wood every morning…”

Shannon chuckles on his neck. “Ok, baby. I’ll relieve you every morning. Well if I can. I do have to take care of your father. Not sure how long it will be until he fully heals.”

Rodney nods before moving her to look at her. “I’m sure you will go back to your room?”

Shannon nods before sitting up. She stretches a bit. “Yes baby. Can’t let your father worry too much. I do have to get up early.” Rodney nods before both of them moan softly as Shannon gets off of him, his cock sliding out with a pop. She gets down, however, and sucks it clean. Rodney moans from that. She keeps her pussy clenched as she stands on the floor, wobbly though. “Oh wow. That dick made my legs sleepy.” Rodney blushes, making her giggle. “Good night, baby.”

“Night mom.” He says as he watches her walk out of the room, after she grabs her underwear. He sighs as he looks at the ceiling. ‘Things will be different now. But not a bad thing though. At least I am not a virgin anymore.’ He thinks before closing his eyes, slowly falling asleep.

Shannon heads to her room, using the walls to hold herself up. Her legs are still a bit out of it. “Damn, that sex was rough. Well, not a bad thing. I do love rough sex.” She talks with herself until she makes it to her bedroom and enters, quietly of course. She gently closes the door and looks at Nick. He is asleep but the lamp is still on. She goes and turns it off before she gets on her side of the bed, gently to not disturb him. She gets under the covers and sighs softly. ‘No regrets. Though thinking about this, would it be a good idea to get pregnant while still taking care of Nick? That would make things difficult, though I can just get Rodney to help.’ She rubs her stomach gently before rubbing her legs. ‘I really hope I don’t wake up too sore…’ She sighs softly before closing her eyes and gently falls asleep.

Please wait…

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