I love the taste of dad and me mixed and the taste of mom and dad mixed which were pretty much the same tastes. Mom didn’t stop at just cleaning my pussy. She turned around and met me in a sixty nine position. She lowered her pussy down to my face AC I felt her mouth, once again, take my pussy. The feeling was outstanding, I was wrapped up with my mom in a pussy eating contest and we had as long as we wanted. Dad was asleep and we ate each other’s pussy like there was no tomorrow.
My mom has a tongue that could make you climb the wall backwards when she ate me. I tried to keep up but she was a better pussy eater. I came and held her close and she came shortly after me. After our orgasms settled, mom moved back to face to face me and we kissed again sharing our juices and kissing each other’s face clean.
I was exhausted so it didn’t take long for me to fall back to sleep. Tomorrow was a Saturday so we got to sleep in late. I’m going to dream about tomorrow as I’m sure it will be filled with hours of sex.
Good night.