Customer Friendly, Pretty car dealer takes me on a test drive

Customer Friendly, Pretty car dealer takes me on a test drive, I was looking for a new car. Mine had over 300,000 miles on it, and while it was in good shape and performed well, it was showing its age. A friend, Tim, worked at a local dealership, and said he’d work me a good deal. I had teased him about their co-owner and star of their TV commercials, a woman of about 60 who promised a “customer friendly” experience, often saying I’d like to get her in the back of one of those Tahoes she was always pushing on TV to see just how customer friendly she really is. He always laughed me off.

“She’s married, has a couple of daughters, and some grandkids. She’s also on the board of one of those big Bible colleges downstate,” he’d tell me. “No way she’s going for a tumble with a slob like you while out on a test drive.” I’d kid him there was always a first time. You just had to be the right guy at the right moment. Sometimes the good girls weren’t always so good when nobody was watching.

A couple of weeks later, I walked into the dealership looking for Tim, hoping to see what kind of hot deal he could make me. The receptionist at first didn’t know where he was, then remembered he was out that day. I thanked her, and began to look around, thinking as long as I’m here, I might as well see what’s in the showroom and on the lot.

“Can I help you find something??” I heard with a distinctly southern accent from behind me as I was looking at a Silverado. I turned to see a slender blonde with a pageboy hairstyle and bright blue eyes smiling at me. She was maybe 60, I thought. She was wearing dark jeans and a dark green silk blouse. I noticed it was open a couple of buttons. I looked at her name tag. Susie. Could this be??

“Hi. Welcome to Eagle Chevrolet. I’m Susie.” Her voice had the sweetness of maple syrup on a hot waffle. Susie was cute on TV. In person, she was nothing short of adorable. “Would you like to take one of those for a test drive??”

“Hi, I’m Tom,” I said as she extended her hand. I’d have taken a tricycle on a test drive if she went with me. “Sure, if you’ll come along to show me the features.”

Susie smiled at me warmly. “I’m free for a little while. Let me get my purse.” Susie disappeared into a back office, returning a few minutes later. She said something to the receptionist, and I followed her out to the lot. “We have these in several colors and configurations.”

I thought a moment. “Do you have a Z 71 on the lot??”

“Sure do. Let’s go take a look.” Susie walked me over to one in yellow. I told her I preferred something more subdued. “I think I may have one in silver. Let me look.” Sure enough, she found one. Susie checked the stock number, and sent a text for the keys. A minute later one of the salesmen came out with it while we were looking at the exterior and she was explaining the features. Susie tossed me the keys. “Let’s go for a spin.”

I got in and started it up. After setting my mirrors, we headed out. Once on the road, after telling me some of the specs, we talked a little more about ourselves. I know some of the sales game is to build rapport, but Susie seemed to be taking some real interest in me once she discovered we had similar tastes in music, food, and architecture. She also is quite a gardener, something I am not. I kidded her that if I bought a car from her, she’d have to come over and help me put in some flowering plants, since I’m the original brown thumb. Susie laughed at that, saying she might be persuaded.

I brought the pickup back to the lot. Susie asked what I thought. “It handled well enough, but I really don’t have much use for a pickup, since I don’t do a lot of carrying things.”

“Maybe you want to try one of our SUV’s or minivans, a Suburban or Traverse, perhaps??”

“That might work better. I once had a 1996 Blazer, and liked it a lot. The four wheel drive was helpful, since it snowed a lot where I lived in the northeast then, and I could carry a lot of stuff inside it.”

Susie smiled. “Too bad they quit making the Trail Blazer. That might have worked for you. Just curious, what color was the Blazer??”

I smiled at Susie. “Purple.”

Susie laughed out loud. “You had one of those?? That was the oddest color!!”

“Yeah it was, though in certain light it looked more blue. I used to get a lot of people looking at me at traffic lights, pointing out the color.”

“I had seen a few of those, but never was able to get one.” Susie seemed genuinely taken by my odd style of vehicle, and tickled to meet someone who had actually had one.

“They didn’t make very many, and I think quite a few of those went to western PA, since there’s a Plum Township near Pittsburgh. They were pretty popular there. Bet you don’t have a purple Traverse.”

Susie laughed again. “No, I don’t. But I’m sure I’ll find one you like,” she said, laying her hand on mine across the center console. Our eyes met for a moment, and I could see something beyond just a car dealer fishing for the sale.

Susie got the keys for a Traverse next, and we took it out. I like the visibility of a lot of glass, and the van worked well in that regard. We talked about the van as we drove. I asked if the rear seats came out.

“All of them do,” said Susie, “and there’s underfloor storage in the tailgate.”

“That might be helpful. I do a lot of photography, and sometimes carry tripods and such. It can be a lot easier to just pick it up and toss it in the back than break it down. So taking out one row of seats can be helpful.”

“What kind of work do you do??” Susie asked.

“I’m happily retired, but I do some freelance-very freelance-photography in the transportation industry. I’ve had photos in several publications, as well as in some calendars for railroads and truck lines. I like to get their operations in scenic locations, which really shows off what they do in an attractive way.”

“That sounds fascinating. I’d love to see some of your work some time.”

“I’ll bring by some of the calendars I’ve had photos in. You never know, maybe I can do a calendar for your dealership,” I said, figuring, why not, maybe Susie won’t be the only one making a sale today. I returned to the task at hand. “The great thing about the removable seats is that when I take the grandkids out, I can just lock the seat back in, and off we go.”

“How many grandchildren do you have??” asked Susie, smiling. “I bet they’re adorable.”

“Six, and one coming around Christmas. The oldest is 8, the youngest is 2. They’re quite a bunch.” I looked at Susie, who was glowing. “I know you have a few yourself, I’ve seen them in the TV ads” I said.

“Yes, they’re precious. They love being on TV too.”

I laughed. “Yeah, especially around the holidays, when they’re making a mess of your kitchen.”

Susie laughed again. “Yeah, that’s always everyone’s favorite shoot-the kids, the crew, the customers. For me, a lot of clean up.”

“It’s not so bad. They’ll be big before you know it, and you’ll miss it.”

Susie got thoughtful for a moment. “Yes, I will,” she said.

“So, I bet your wife has a lot of fun with the little ones.”

“She did. She’s no longer with me. Passed away about two years ago, so I’m on my own.”

“I’m sorry,” said Susie. “That must be hard for you. Were you married long??”

“Only about ten years-it was not the first for either of us. I miss her for sure, but life goes on for those of us left behind, so I have to keep going. What else can you do??” By now we had pulled up at the light at the end of the road to the dealership. I was resting my hand on the shifter, which was in the console. Susie put her hand on mine. Instinctively I meshed her fingers with mine. I noticed the sunlight reflecting off her wedding set. She looked at me with a sadness in her eyes, as I looked over at her and our eyes met. I leaned over and kissed her softly, lingering a moment. Immediately I realized I had gone over the line.

As soon as I pulled away from our kiss, I apologized profusely. “I’m so sorry, Susie. That was really inappropriate. I can just drop you off if you want, and go.”

“You’re not going to drive the Tahoe??” asked Susie, a sheepish grin on her face.

I wasn’t sure what to make of her. “If you’re OK with it. I mean, I just went way out of line, and I’m surprised you’re still even talking to me right now.”

Susie squeezed my hand. “You’re fine. I actually liked that you kissed me. She leaned toward me and kissed me back. “There. Now we’re even. Let’s go try out the Tahoe.”

We went back to the lot, and Susie went inside, returning a short while later with another set of keys. We got into a dark red Tahoe and headed off the lot.

“Have time for lunch??” Susie asked.

“Sure. You??”

“I have all afternoon. They can’t fire me. I own the place.”

I laughed. “I think there’s a Subway down on the corner. It’s not extravagant, but it’s something to eat.”

“That’ll work. We can take our lunch and ride, maybe park somewhere.” We went to Subway and picked up a couple of foot longs. While we were waiting, Susie excused herself to go to the ladies’ room. When she came back a couple minutes later, she had two more buttons on her shirt open, and she had quite a bit more bounce to her B cup tits. Once back in the car, Susie directed me to a nearby park, where we parked overlooking a lake, and had our lunch. As we finished, Susie turned to me and said, “You know what’s great about these Tahoes, is the back is so roomy. Come on, I’ll show you.”

We got into the back together and sat close, kicking our shoes off. “The seats are nice and comfortable, and you can put three back here easily. Or two and have lots of room.” Susie looked into my eyes. We leaned toward each other and kissed, this time a long sensuous kiss, our tongues dancing. I reached into her shirt, getting a handful of her soft perky tits. I heard her sigh as I massaged them, playing my thumb and index finger over the nipples. She responded by unbuttoning my shirt, playing her hand through the hair on my chest as she worked her way down, occasionally grabbing it as she ran her fingers through it.

“I love a guy with a hairy chest. It seems so rugged,” said Susie, then putting her face to my chest to nuzzle the thick patch between my nipples. I opened the rest of her buttons, massaging both of her soft, yet still firm, tits as I worked down. She had on one of those belts that’s more decorative than functional, the kind that wrap around twice. Susie helped me out by undoing it and pulling it off, then unbuttoning her jeans, and pulling the zipper about half way down, revealing the top of her pink panties. She then reached over to unbutton my jeans, opening the zipper all the way, pulling out my now hard cock. I lifted off the seat to get them down over my ass, sliding them off onto the floor. She again went to my chest, this time not only nuzzling the hair, but sucking my nipples gently as well. This is not usually something I find a turn on, but for some reason, when Susie did it, my cock stiffened. She ran her fingers through the hair above my cock while she had her face in my chest, finally stroking it a few times. I lifted her face to mine, kissing her.

Breaking from her soft lips, I kissed down her neck, finding her ticklish spots, swirling my tongue to make her squirm a little. I continued on to her right breast, its areola and nipple puffed out. I sucked on it gently as Susie moaned softly. I moved over to the left one, working it a little more aggressively, til Susie moaned out loud, and she grabbed my head. She pulled me up and we kissed again. As we kissed, she reached down to stroke my dick, then broke the kiss and leaned down to my crotch, taking the head of my cock in her mouth. She slowly went up and down, running her tongue around my shaft, making my dick like a steel rod. As much as I was enjoying her attention, I wanted to return the favor and get inside her before I blew a big load. I pulled her up and kissed her.

I let go of the kiss, then knelt in front of Susie, taking her jeans on each side. I patted her ass to prompt her to lift up so I could get them down and off.

“Big butt, you think??” She asked, smiling.

“Not at all,” I said. “You turn a pair of Levi’s into a work of art,” I told her, sliding her jeans to the floor. Her panties, a pink lace bikini style, came part way off, revealing a nice blonde patch of hair between her legs. It was not the thickest bush I’d ever seen, but it covered from thigh to thigh. I tossed her jeans onto the front console, then returned to tend to her panties. Susie looked in my eyes as I pulled them off, finding her bush went all the way down to her ass, parted where her outer lips had opened up, her inner lips barely open in between.

I kissed Susie’s thighs, working up to her pussy. I licked around her pubes, savoring their softness, then ran my tongue up one side of her outer lips, then down the other, then right in between her spreading inner lips, getting just short of her clit, then going back to the bottom. I kissed her labia, sticking my tongue in between them, then took one side between my lips, sucking gently, then the other. Susie was now wide open and juicing copiously. I looked up to see she had leaned her head back on the seat, and was first moaning, and now whimpering, begging me to make her come. She put her hands in my hair, taking it in both hands, grabbing as I slowly licked in between her open inner lips. This time, I paid off, licking up and over her clit, then holding it in my lips as I swirled my tongue over it.

That put her over the top. Susie cried out, then moaned, her hips shaking and releasing a flood of juice from inside her steaming vagina. I held on as her orgasm washed over her in waves. When it subsided, I released her clit and looked up. She had a dreamy look on her face.

“Oh, sweetie, that was so good, so wonderful. I haven’t felt like that in ages,” Susie said, smiling down at me. I got off my knees and rose up so we were face to face, kissing her gently. I felt the head of my cock resting on Susie’s belly, leaking precome onto it, making a slick spot.

“Ages??” I asked, incredulous.

“Ages,” Susie replied. “My husband quit doing that about 25 years ago, he thinks it’s unappealing.”

“Really,” I said, looking at Susie in disbelief. “If you were my wife, I’d be having you like this every day. You’d be too tired to walk.”

Susie smiled, then kissed me. We looked into each other’s eyes for a few moments. Susie’s were showing a mix of anxiety and desire, as if she were having an internal battle with herself over wanting me to finish what we started, versus knowing that if she did, in the next few minutes she was going to completely dishonor her wedding vows.

Susie reached up and kissed me sweetly. “Make love to me,” she said softly. I slid her down on the seat, lifting her left leg onto the back, setting her right leg so her foot was on the floor. I looked for a moment on her open thighs, her bush framing her spread labia. I positioned myself so that my cock was now placed at the opening to Susie’s pussy, the head resting on her clit. I kissed her deeply, then moved the head of my cock down so it was at the entrance to her wide open pussy lips. I slowly pushed in, making her moan. I felt the head spread her, then her vagina accept me.

I stopped with the head just inside her, letting her feel it. I could feel her pussy still pulsing from her orgasm, around my cock. After waiting a minute or so, I pushed in all the way, the head of my cock bottoming out on her cervix, and my balls just touching her ass. I held there a moment, savoring the feel of my cock finally inside the woman I had watched so many times on TV, wishing this very thing would happen some day. I felt her pussy pulsing around me, and knew she would make me come soon. I pulled out, then slid back inside her, this time going in deep enough that my hanging balls came to rest fully on her ass. I kissed her again, my body now in a full body press with hers, her small, pretty tits pushed into my chest.

“Oh…” Susie said as she felt my balls on her ass at the same time the head of my dick poked the entrance to her womb. “That’s…filling!!” I slowly pulled out, teasing her clit, then pushed back in deep again. Susie sighed as my cock opened her up more. I pulled out again, making sure to drag the top of my shaft on her clit, making her jump. When I hit bottom again, she wrapped her legs around me, holding me inside her.

“I love how you feel on me, your chest on my breasts. That’s such a turn on,” Susie whispered, her eyes sparkling. I rose up to get some leverage, and started to pump slowly but steadily; Susie responded by meeting my thrusts, her hips pushing up at me. I was getting greater depth now that she had come once, and was now building to another climax. Her gentle moans were now becoming more urgent as we pounded together. Susie was playing in the hair on my chest, running her fingers through it, and grabbing it when she’d get a jolt in her pussy from our frantic mating.

“Oh!! Oh God…Mmmmmmm…Oh that’s sooo good!!” Susie cried out as her orgasm over took her. I slowly stroked in and out of her during her orgasm, finally pushing in til I could feel my cock in her deepest reaches, getting soaked by the wetness of her coming. Susie looked up at me lovingly, then kissed me. “That was so good. You feel so good inside me, and you make me feel….Mmmm!!!”

I smiled down at Susie. “You’re making me feel pretty good too,” I said, starting to pump her again.

“I can tell,” she said. “You’re getting so stiff, and filling me even more now.” She was meeting my thrusts again, and I was getting the full stroke of my cock in her pussy. I was getting close to my own orgasm, my cockhead swelling.

“I’m going to come, Susie,” I said, looking in her blue eyes. She suddenly got a panicked look.

“No, don’t!! Don’t come inside me!! Pull out, pull out!! Please pull out!!” I pulled out of her immediately, my cock pulsing as come was starting to flow from the head. Susie grabbed my cock and stroked, bringing me fully over the edge. I shot a long streak of come that hit the underside of her left breast, then another that landed between her tits. Susie held my cock as I continued to spew, long white ropes of semen that left a stream of white from her tits down to the last bursts that had landed in her bush. Susie looked relieved that my load had not gone in her pussy, but she could not take her eyes off my spurting cockhead while I was coming.

Susie sat up on her elbows. “Sorry if I sounded like I was in a panic. There’s no way I can go home with another man’s come inside me. Even if my husband doesn’t want to go down on me, he still likes a romp once or twice a week, and we’re due. If you came in me, I’d be in big trouble. Especially a load like that!!”

I smiled at Susie. “No need to apologize-I know that just wouldn’t do. I’m thinking I’m pretty lucky to be here at all. I don’t blame you; I’d do the same if I were in your position. We should have said something when we started.”

“True,” said Susie. “We really should have. But I was too into the moment-and I think you were too-to bring it up. No harm done.” Susie looked down at the river of sperm on her belly, taking some of it up with two fingers and rubbing it on her tits, then licking her fingers clean. She then looked at me. “I wish I could have felt that gushing inside me, though. I know I’d love feeling it in me all afternoon. Well, maybe next time.”

Next time?? I thought. She wants to do this again!! I may have to buy a whole fleet of vehicles. Susie scooped up another healthy glob of sperm, licking it off her fingers as she looked into my eyes. We cleaned up and dressed, then moved back up front, doing our best to make ourselves presentable for our return. We held hands on the trip back.

As we pulled up to the last traffic light, Susie squeezed my hand. “You know you can’t say a word about this to anyone,” she said, looking serious. I looked back at her, pulling an imaginary zipper across my lips.

“I never tell,” I said. “That’s the fastest way to ruin a lot of lives and some friendships.” The light was about to change. We kissed quickly, and turned the corner, arriving back in the lot a minute later.

“So, what did you think??”

“I like the test drive in the Tahoe best,” I said, smiling at Susie. She laughed. “I’d like to take them out again next week after I’ve had some time to evaluate the pros and cons,” I said seriously for a moment.

“Why don’t you come back Tuesday morning and see me. We can take out the Traverse and Tahoe again. We’ll make it a lunch date.” Susie squeezed my hand and got out. I followed her to her office where we discussed some things about the two vehicles. We shook hands and I was off.

I walked into the dealership about 1030 on the following Tuesday. As I was asking the receptionist to see Susie, I heard a familiar drawl calling me. Susie was coming across the floor to greet me. She looked good in a floral print wrap dress that came about two inches above her knees. It was a great way of teasing me by just giving me enough of her thighs to be enticing while still looking business like. We shook hands, as we had during our first encounter.

“Come back to my office a moment, we’ll go over some things,” Susie said, smiling warmly. We walked back to her office in the back of the sales floor. She went around to her side of the desk. “I put together some numbers on the two cars you were looking at,” she said, moving a folder from the side of her desk to the center. She leaned forward as she looked for a couple of papers inside it. As she leaned toward me, but slightly to her right, the wrap hung open, and I could see inside the top of her dress. My heart skipped a beat when I realized I was looking right into her dress to find the pink nipple of her right breast. I was loving Susie more every minute-demure and businesslike on the outside, underneath, a hotbed of desire. My kind of gal!!

Susie found both pages she was looking for, a price quote on the Tahoe and Traverse we had taken out on my last visit. We looked over the prices. They were quite good. “That’s quite a deal,” I said. “You’ve really gone all out to get this sale.”

“Well, you have good trade value,” said Susie with a smile, looking directly into my eyes. I had all I could do not to reach over the desk and kiss her. “Why don’t we get that Traverse and take it for another spin??”

We walked out to the floor, Susie got the keys for the same unit we had the week before. We went out to the lot, where we picked up the van. Susie had me take it over to the shop. “The middle seats slide forward and come out,” she said. “I’ll have the shop foreman hold onto them while we take it out.” Finally, about 1130, we were on our way.

“What looks good for lunch??” I asked.

“I’m looking at it,” said Susie. A smile spread over her face.

I laughed at Susie’s unexpected flirting. “I know what I want, too.” I thought a moment. “I wondered if you might not have second thoughts about doing this again.”

“Me?? No way. After that licking you gave me last week, there was no way I wasn’t having a second helping. But in the meanwhile, let’s hit Quiznos, they have a really good prime rib sandwich.

“Quiznos it is,” I said, and started that way. I took my time, taking some turns around town just to get a feel for the van again. Susie and I talked quite a bit, sharing more of our life stories. As we drove, I was getting a good look into Susie’s dress from my angle in the driver’s seat. The hem had climbed when she sat in the van, giving me a good look at most of her thighs. I wondered if her pussy was as unclad as her tits.

We got to Quiznos, and I got out first. I came around to get the door for Susie. She swung out and I had the answer to my question: no bare pussy, but she was wearing a pair of dark blue panties, quite sheer, showing her bush underneath, except for the blonde curls that were covering the tops of her thighs, her panties not being wide enough to contain all her pubes. Susie just smiled, and we went in to get our sandwiches.

Back in the van, Susie asked if I remembered where we went the previous week. I did, and she said to go there. We did, parking back out of the way, as we had on our last visit. We ate our sandwiches, continuing our earlier conversation. When we were done, Susie suggested we try out the back seat.

“Come on back,” said Susie, climbing between the front seats into the open area created by removing the center row. “Plenty of room back here.” She sat on the rear seat, patting the seat next to her. Her legs were slightly open, and I could easily see her panties, the paradise within calling to me.

I climbed back, joining her. “No way I was not having dessert after that lunch.”

Susie laughed, then leaned over to kiss me. Our kisses had become quite passionate on our first test drive, and this one was just as passionate, only more so. I reached into her dress, massaging the breast she had been teasing me with all morning.

“Mmmm….Susie sighed.”I’ve been waiting for that all day. I love your touch on me.”

“I’ve been waiting for that since you flashed it at me in your office.”

“I’m such a tease,” Susie giggled. “No wonder you were looking at me the whole ride over here.” Susie kissed me again. As we kissed, I found the clip on her dress, releasing it, letting her dress fall open. She laughed at my quick advance. “You don’t wait long!!”

“If you’re going to tease, you have to be prepared to pay off,” I said, opening her dress. She was now sitting next to me, her dress open to expose both of her shapely tits and the blue panties that were giving me a great view of her blonde curls, and the lips beneath that were already spreading.

Susie, taking in her situation, looked at me. “You’re off to quite a head start. I have some catching up to do.” She kissed me again, unbuttoning my shirt as our tongues danced. With every button she’d open, she would run her hand over my chest, til finally she had them all undone, rubbing my chest up and down. We broke our kiss and she pushed my shirt off. Now she dove for my chest, licking and tonguing my nipples, and pulling the hair with her teeth while she massaged every part of me. “I love a hairy chest, and yours is just magnificent!!” Susie kept playing in the thick hair for another moment or two as I played with her tits.

“I think your chest is magnificent, too,” I said as I played with her right nipple, which was now as hard as a pencil eraser.

“It’s not, really. I wish they were bigger.”

“Bigger isn’t always better. I know we’re all conditioned to think that way, but it’s not always so. You are wonderfully proportioned. I would not change a thing about you. Besides, all the girls with the big knockers in high school are now carrying them around in a sling. You’re still riding high. So you may have had the last laugh after all.” I looked into Susie’s eyes. She looked as if she were going to cry. She leaned over and kissed me, a sweet, soft, loving kiss.

“Thank you,” she said quietly. “I’ve always lived in the shadow of the girls with the big tits. They’ve always gotten the attention. It’s great to know you love me as I am.”

“And I could never do anything else. I think you’re beautiful. I always have, ever since I first saw you on TV.” There, the truth was out.

Susie laughed. “You got a crush on me from watching my commercials?? That’s sweet.”

“You’re sweet,” I replied. “Now that I’ve met you, I have to say you’re every bit as nice as you come across on TV.”

“Thank you.” Susie gave me a short kiss. “I try to do right by people. I’m glad you see that.”

“If your husband could see you right now, he might not agree.”

“True,” said Susie. “But I’m not perfect, and a girl has to have a little fun.” Susie smiled, then leaned over to kiss me. It was a long, sexy kiss. I broke away from it and kissed her neck, then down to her right breast. I kissed the underside, finally arriving at the nipple. I kissed and gently sucked on it, making her areola puff out as it became erect. I continued gently tugging at it with my teeth, swirling my tongue on it til I heard Susie sigh out loud. I kissed her again, then went to the right nipple, giving it the same treatment. Susie again sighed out loud, and I could feel her hips shifting.

“If you keep that up, you’re going to make me come without ever getting close to my pussy,” said Susie, in a low voice filled with tension.

“I hope so,” I said, smiling up at her. I resumed my attention to her left tit, while squeezing and playing with the right one. Three minutes later, Susie sighed, then whimpered. I felt her hips thrust next to me. I looked up to see her face was in a grimace as she came. I released her breast and kissed her.

“Mmmm, that was wonderful. You make me feel so good. Let’s work on you a little now.” Susie undid the button on my jeans, then unzipped them. I lifted my butt off the seat so she could get them down to my knees. She got off the seat and knelt in front of me, pulling them the rest of the way off. She took my stiff cock in her hand, stroking gently, bringing up a drop of precome. “Oh, look at you!! Just can’t wait, can you??” She smiled up at me, taking the head in her mouth. I just leaned back and enjoyed her mouth all around me, sucking up and down, and running her tongue all over me as I became even harder.

“Susie, honey, if you keep that up, you’re going to get a really big dessert.” Her magical blowjob was getting me close to the edge, especially since I was getting a good look at her small but supple tits swaying as she moved up and down. I reached down and held her face, slowing her. “Nice and easy, you’ll get a surprise.” Susie looked up, and I met her gaze, looking into her blue eyes. I got her to stop her motion. “Don’t move,” I said. I could feel come welling up, but knew if I could get her to hold still, I wouldn’t shoot the whole load. I started to ooze sperm into her mouth, a long thick stream that filled it. She swallowed as my come kept flowing, finally trailing off. I lifted her face from my throbbing dick, which was still seeping come. I pulled her up so she was sitting in my lap and kissed her, tasting my come in her mouth. She met my kiss eagerly, and it quickly became a sloppy, lustful kiss as my come flowed between us.

We finally pulled away from each other. “Wow!!!” said Susie. “No one has ever done that with me!!”

“Come in your mouth like that, or kiss you after??”

“Yes,” said Susie, laughing, and wiping the streak of semen that had escaped her lips off her chin. “Actually, my husband will come in my mouth, but he usually shoots everything he’s got when he does it. I’ve never gotten a mouthful where it just flows like that. And he won’t kiss me after he comes, even if I swallow it all-which is almost all the time. Unlike many of my friends, I like the taste of come.” Susie smiled sweetly. “Yours, by the way, is really tasty.”

“Thanks!! I think a lot of guys are put off by the idea of tasting come, even their own. I always kiss my partner after I come in her mouth. It’s the sexiest, most intimate kiss you can have.”

Susie looked at me a moment, as if she didn’t know what to make of me. “Kissing you after was really sexy,” she said.

I kissed her. “Yes, it was. Now I have another intimate kiss for you.” I swung her onto the seat and knelt in front of her, the extra space left by the missing seats making it easy for me to get where I wanted to be. I kissed up Susie’s thighs, nuzzling the stray curls escaping the leg bands, making her giggle. I then started to pull on Susie’s panties. She lifted her ass off the seat, and I slid them down her thighs, down her calves, and over her feet, tossing them back up on the seat.

“See how much room you have with the middle seats out?? Isn’t that a great feature??” Susie was too cute.

“If I buy this, you’re coming over to show me how to pull them out, and why it’s such a good idea.”

Susie laughed. “I’ll do that. Service after the sale is important. We are customer friendly, you know.”

I kissed through her bush, finally landing on her spreading labia. I kissed her lower lips, my tongue going inside her as I gently sucked on her inner lips and clit. Susie gasped when my tongue went inside her, then let out a long sigh as my lips pulled on hers. I licked up and down her opening, just dipping my tongue inside her, making Susie’s sigh turn into heavy breathing as her orgasm built. I swirled over her clit, and once again she gasped. I kissed her labia again, gently, just barely touching them. That made Susie jump, then release her breath.

“You’re going to wear me out, and I won’t ever get off the seat,” said Susie between gasps.

“That’s the idea. I’m going to make you too tired to get anything done this afternoon.”

“You’re terrible,” she laughed. I resumed my assault on her now wide open pussy, licking up the middle, then getting my lips around her clit. Susie moaned, then I put two fingers inside her, far enough to massage her G spot. It took about 30 seconds for her to flood my face with her sweet woman come. I held on, just letting her ride it out. When her hips stopped shaking, I slowly let go of her clit, and moved up over her. Susie looked up at me, and I leaned down, kissing her. It was also a long sexy kiss, just as we had shared after I came in her mouth.

“Now you’ve tasted both of us.”

“Mmmmm, that was different. As I mentioned, my husband doesn’t do that much, and he never kissed me after oral sex. I really do taste pretty good!!” Susie smiled. “I like that. I may put you on an extended service plan.”

I laughed. “You’re funny. I like that you make this fun. Making love should be.”

“We need to get serious a moment. Hand me my purse.” I reached over behind the front passenger seat and handed it to Susie, sitting back down on the seat next to her. While she was fishing around, I reached into my jeans pocket and pulled out a condom. Much as I loved taking her bareback and coming all over her, I wanted the feel of coming inside her. I knew she wasn’t going to do it if she had to go home to her husband, so I was prepared. Apparently, so was Susie. As I pulled my condom out, she pulled one from her purse. We looked at each other and laughed.

“I guess we’re both ready!!” I said. Susie was still grinning.

“Yes, we are. I think we both want the same thing,” she said, kissing me. “After last week, I wanted to be prepared. I so wanted to feel you coming in me, but didn’t dare. Having this on won’t be quite the same, but at least I can feel you swell and throb inside me when you come. Maybe I’ll even feel you shoot into the rubber.” Susie unwrapped the package in her hands, stroked me a couple of times, then rolled the condom down over my bobbing erection.

Now that Susie had my cock wrapped, she sat up on my lap, facing me. My rubber clad cock was standing up between us, slightly pulsing. She started stroking me, and kissed me, long and deep. She pulled away from our kiss, looking directly into my eyes. Susie then lifted up off my lap, my cock still in her hand, and pointed it right at her open labia. I could feel her warmth as she lowered herself onto me, the head of my dick easily entering her. She slid down til my balls were touching her ass, and let out a sigh, then kissed me.

“It feels so good to have you inside me again,” Susie said quietly. “Ever since last week, I’ve been wanting you. I almost called you over the weekend.”

“You should have. I was free. We could have arranged a meeting, if you could get away. I know that’s probably not easy for you to do. Don’t do anything to get yourself in trouble, but you can always call me. If I’m not available for some reason, I’ll tell you. Just don’t get your hopes up so high you crash if I can’t make it.”

“Thanks,” said Susie, giving me a sad smile. “Sometimes I need to get away for a little while. And I won’t pin my hopes on you being there, but it will sure be nice if it happens.” I pulled Susie down tighter onto me, making her squirm. “Wow, you’re so deep in me.” She grimaced as she felt the head of my cock pressing on her cervix. “I wish I could feel your come spilling inside me.”

“Now, now, Susie,” I said in a sort of scolding voice. “We can’t have that. Sending you back for hubby to get sloppy seconds just won’t do. If your husband finds out about our test drives, it will be the end of this for sure, never mind all the other bad things it will bring.”

Susie looked at me for a moment, thinking. “You’re right. I can’t take the risk of all that just for a few moments of intense pleasure.” She kissed me. “Much as I want it.”

“And I want it, too, don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing I’d rather do right now than pull the rubber off and flood your insides. But you have a lot to lose if anyone ever finds out about this.”

Susie looked at me again with her blue eyes. “That’s true. Maybe some day it will happen. I think about it a lot lately.”

“It will happen in its own time. Patience, dear lady.” I kissed her as I was rocking her on my cock. I was getting harder by the minute as the feeling of being inside her tight confines worked its magic. I leaned her back, making enough room for me to get my hand between us. I slid my thumb down to where we were joined, making contact with her clit. Susie jumped as I played with her hot spot, then moaned as I picked up my pace. Susie rode me slowly, lifting up til my cock was almost out of her pussy, then sitting back down on me. The slow pace was having its effect on me, and on her as well.

“You’re getting so hard inside me, and poking me so deep. You’re making me crazy.” I pulled her close with my free hand.

“I hope so. I want you to go off like a rocket.” I held her tight, grinding the base of my cock into her clit even as I was rolling my thumb around it. Susie kissed me hard. We were now in a full embrace, my cock deep in her, kissing deeply, and her tits pressed into my chest.

The full contact overwhelmed Susie, and I felt her hips start to thrust into me rapidly. Susie started out with a whimper, then she cried out. I felt a rush of juice flood the hair around my balls. “Oh, God, I’m coming so hard,” she exclaimed breathlessly, then kissed me so hard I thought she’d knock a tooth out. Her pussy was clenching my cock, and I knew I would not be able to hold out very long. I let her orgasm finish washing over her, just holding her to me as she came down off the high. She looked up at me with a very satisfied look, her hair now all astray, and caught her breath. She kissed me again. “That was incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard.” Susie looked at me. I could see the wheels turning.

“No, I can’t come inside you.” I said, anticipating what she was thinking.

Susie laughed. “You read my mind. I know we can’t do that. I was just thinking, though, how it would feel with your sperm swimming around in my pussy all afternoon while I was at work.” A shiver went through her as she said it, then she smiled. “It’s such a nice thought.”

As we talked, I started slowly moving Susie up and down on me. I was primed from the intensity of her coming on me. I was now ready. “Susie, honey, I’m going to come.”

“Mmmm, let me have it!! I want to feel you filling that rubber inside me.”

I leaned her back, looking in her eyes. I put her hand on the base of my cock, and pushed in, allowing enough room for her small hands to hold it.

“Hold on, Susie, here it comes,” I said quietly, still looking into her eyes. They got big as Susie felt me start to pump my come into the rubber, my cock pulsing as her fingers held it.

“Oh, that’s hot!!” Susie said, our eyes locked on each other. “I can feel you throbbing. And I can feel you swelling inside me. Mmmmm…..” She smiled, still looking at me. “Oh!!” she exclaimed, as a strong burst of come shot into the condom. “That was…strong!! I really felt that!! And you’re making me so warm inside!!”

I kept pumping the condom in Susie’s pussy full of semen, a heavy load that was leaking out the bottom by the time I was done, a good 8 or 9 blasts. She leaned forward to kiss me, less urgent than earlier, but still a loving and lustful kiss. We broke the kiss after a few moments. I eased Susie up and off me, holding her as she lowered herself onto the seat beside me, her pussy slowly closing up now that my cock had left it. Her bush was soaked from her several orgasms, and even a little of my come that had leaked in the aftermath.

“I hate to do that, but my come is already leaking from the condom. After taking that precaution, I don’t want to wind up making you a mess anyway.”

Susie laughed. “Yeah, that would really defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it??” asked Susie, looking at the come filled rubber. “No wonder it’s leaking out, though. Look at all that hot sweet come!!”

I laughed. “Bet you never thought you’d be getting that out of a guy at this stage.”

“Not hardly,” said Susie. “I like it, though. Nice to see I can still get a man started at my age-I mean, I’m 61, it’s not like I’m a sweet young thing anymore.”

“I have a feeling every guy who comes into your dealership thinks about doing this to you. And you’re surely sweet.” I pulled the condom off, being careful not to get any come on the seats or the carpet. “Hand me that sandwich wrapper.”

Susie handed me the bag from lunch. I pulled one of the papers they used to wrap our lunch out, dropping the used condom in it, rolling it back up and putting it back in the bag. “Hide the evidence. We can toss that somewhere on the way back,” I said, smiling at Susie, getting a laugh. “We should get started back.”

Susie looked at her watch. “Oh, yes, we should,” she said with a look of alarm. “I have to meet someone in 30 minutes.” She found her panties and slid them on up to her thighs. “Got a napkin in that bag??” she asked, realizing she was still quite wet. I pulled out several, handing them to her. She wadded up a couple, then proceeded to wipe up the mess between her thighs.

“I can clean that up for you,” I offered.

“No you don’t!! We’ll be here all afternoon!!” Susie laughed. “I’ll help you, though.” She leaned forward to take my wilting cock in her mouth, licking the head, then the shaft, and back up. “Tasty,” she said, looking up at me. Susie sat back up, pulling her panties up and getting settled into them. She got her dress back on as I got dressed. We shared a quick kiss, and got back up front. We held hands as we drove back to the lot, stopping to toss the bag with our lunch wrappers on the way. We kissed at the last light before the dealership, as we had on the last test drive.

“Thanks for a really helpful test drive,” I said. “I might just take this one.”

Susie smiled. “We are customer friendly,” she said, kissing me again. “Call me in the morning. We’ll write it up.” She squeezed my hand as we drove onto the lot. We walked into the office, and I gave her some info to get me started on the purchase. We said our goodbyes and parted. The next day I came in and did all the paperwork for the purchase. Unfortunately, Susie had prior commitments and we couldn’t celebrate the sale. I wondered if the test drive was the last time I’d see her.

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