Sex games 1

My wife and I got married in the 1970s, We lived in Nashville and it was full on party time. We were a very social couple and went to parties nearly every weekend. There was always lots of pot and drinking. My wife was was a full blown exhibitionist. She wore mini skirts, short dresses … Read more

Cuckold on vacantion

It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt therapeutic to finally have a week away all to ourselves. We had … Read more

CUCKOLD: Officer helps his wife fuck a colleague

Officer helps his wife fuck a colleague, cuckold story, The Decimator was on the second of its four year tour of the United System’s so-called unknown territories, which was about one hundredth of the adventure it sounded. It was a good, stable position usually given to relatively recent graduates into the Forces in need of basic … Read more

Shawn brings his longtime girlfriend Sarah to Craig’s party wearing nothing but heals

Shawn brings his longtime girlfriend Sarah to Craig’s party wearing nothing but heals.. Sarah was getting ready for the big night. “Babe do you have an extra razor? I forgot to pick up mine at the store today,” she asked Shawn, her boyfriend of 5 years. “Yeah check the second drawer, there should be a … Read more

Fantasy of my wife having a threesome with two other men

Fantasy of my wife having a threesome with two other men, sex stories, loving wife, We’re driving through my wife’s old town when we pass a restaurant named “Carlos O’Kelly’s.” The name always stood out to me. And as I’ve been doing for the last hour, I make a dumb comment, “it’s your favorite place, right?” … Read more

First time as a cuckold

First time as a cuckold. As a young deputy in a small department we would have ride a longs. Some officers would have their wife ride along; some would take some woman they met. This happened on midnight shift. When things were quite, we would find someplace and fuck. My wife Debbie, LOVED fucking in … Read more

Surprise early arrival.

I had been away on business and wasn’t due back until late Friday. Having been away for most of the week I was as horny as anything. My cock had been at semi hard all the time for the last 36 hours and was now aching. The business ended more than a day early and … Read more

CUCKOLD: My wife brings home a stranger after work

CUCKOLD: My wife brings home a stranger after work, My wife brought him home after work one night. She was a little drunk, otherwise I like to think she might not have had the guts. But, slightly tipsy, she’s always a horny flirt. Usually I get to benefit from that, but it appeared someone else would … Read more

3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck

3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck, sex stories, loving wife, Watching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But … Read more

A young Asian wife makes poor decisions and gets a gangbang

A young Asian wife makes poor decisions and gets a gangbang, sex stories, loving wife… Amy looked back at her husband David nervously, she had dragged him here when it was clear from his reaction that he didn’t want to come and she felt kind of guilty about it. “Are you sure you don’t mind” She … Read more

Cuckolding from a Woman’s View, Sister was about to be shared by her husband

Cuckolding from a Woman’s View, Sister was about to be shared by her husband.. Main Characters of the story are Mandy & Bud, Jan & John, and Mary & Don. “Mandy wait until I tell you what happened last night!” my sister almost yelled into the phone at me. It was Jan and while I was … Read more

Husband shares wife’s sexy Polaroids with friends

Husband shares wife’s sexy Polaroids with friends, loving wife, sex stories, I don’t know how things got this far out of hand. It started simply enough. Several years ago my husband began taking boudoir photos of me which I thought were for his enjoyment only. He said he wanted to take them with him on business … Read more