“Perfect!” her friend exclaimed.
“You think that’s good?” Terri went on smugly. “Wait till you hear what else I’ve done for Elle.”
“Well” the second woman said, “come on. What have you done now?”
Terri reached into her voluminous handbag and pulled out a sheaf of papers.
“What is it?” the first woman asked.
“It’s a book contract for Elle!” Terri said triumphantly. “She’s never believed she was good enough, but I knew better. So I took a copy of her manuscript, pretended to be her agent and sent it off to a publisher. Sure enough, they’ve offered her a contract.”
She winked at the other ladies. “Maybe it will turn out to be my wedding present to her!”
The second woman shook her head in admiration and raised her glass. “I nominate Terri Feldman for Yenta of the Year!”
The three women laughed and drained their glasses. Terri looked at her friends and smiled. “I don’t know about that, but I do know one thing,” she said. “If you want to get something done, it doesn’t take a costume or super powers. All you need is a little chutzpah.”