An anxious stepdaughter’s virginity is finally lost (True Story)

Sophie blushed bright red at her ‘s words.

“Although you really should go on the pill now, darling. Perhaps your father can write you a prescription too?”

I nodded slowly, still unable to believe what had happened.

“I’d better get dressed, Princess.” I said, swinging my legs around and standing up. “I’m due at work this morning. And I’m sure you and your Mum want to talk.”

The closeness to my ‘s beautiful body had already brought me half an erection. Embarrassed, I found the towel from the previous night and wrapped it around my waist. The tent was too obvious to hide. I looked at Sophie. We both giggled.

“Will you be ok now?” I asked her.

“I feel fine Dad. No. I feel great.”

“Breakfast in ten minutes?” I asked, turning towards the door.

“Dad!” Sophie called from behind me. I turned to face my daughter.

“Thanks!” She said. I flushed red and, smiling, left the room.

Half an hour later, after a quick shower and an even quicker breakfast, I put my head into Sophie’s room to say a quick goodbye. Sophie was not there, but my wife was busy stripping the bed.

“Hmm” She said, holding up the bottom sheet. On it was a clear pink oval stain, about six inches across. I blushed when I realised in must have been a combination of my semen and a few drops of my daughter’s blood, ground into the linen by our writhing bodies.

“You’re an angel, Suzie!” I said, meaning every syllable of it.

“I might well be!” She replied. “But you’re late!”

I kissed her full on the lips and rushed from the room, banging on the family bathroom door as I passed and calling out

“See you later Princess! I love you!”

“Love you too Dad!” Came through the door over the sound of running water.

I hurried downstairs, out of the front door and drove too quickly to my surgery, arriving a full half hour late to my patients’ disgust.

The whole of the next day passed surprisingly quickly and uneventfully. I wrote the necessary two prescriptions and my wife obtained both the morning after and the contraceptive pills for Sophie, along with a large pack of condoms.

The surgery was very busy and, after a late start, I was detained until well into the evening. It was after dinner, before I was able to talk to Sophie about what had happened. Susie was getting ready to go out to play tennis and the two of us were in Sophie’s room again.

There was an awkwardness in the air. Embarrassment along with a strong sexual frisson.

“Princess.” I said, struggling to keep my voice sounding normal. “Last night was wonderful for me, and I hope you enjoyed it too. I know your mum has bought all that…..stuff…, but you mustn’t feel obliged to do it or anything else with me again.

Sophie was listening attentively.

“I want you to know that you are still my daughter and I’m still your Dad. If anything else happens between us it will only be if and when you want it.”

She nodded, but still looked a little puzzled.

“I will try and treat you exactly as if nothing had happened, unless you give me a sign that you want otherwise. I won’t put you under any pressure. If you want me to be just a Dad again then that’s fine.”

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