The best mom

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Then it got better. Yep. Mom rested a minute, then smiled at me and disappeared under the covers. I felt a warm wetness seconds later and felt my mother sucking the head of my dick.

“You’re cock feels so nice in my mouth. I love sucking you.”

My eyes popped in surprise to hear such a thing. It was shocking. In a good way, sure, but I had never even fantasized about hearing my mother say that–and she said it so naturally!

“Wait, mom! Wait a second.”

That’s the last thing my mother expected to hear, but I had realized when I saw her legs that I was missing an opportunity. I pulled one leg over my head, scrunched down and maneuvered myself so that I could perform oral on my mother while she sucked me. We were essentially doing a 69 while laying on our sides.

“Oh, honey, I don’t know if I have another orgasm in me tonight”

But she did. I sucked and licked her passionately while she sucked me. It didn’t even take that long. I teased her clit with the tip of my tongue, lapped it, sucked it, then lapped again. Before long, my whole face was wet with her juices. I loved her taste and she loved what I was doing because she came before me. I’m kind of proud of that. It was only a few seconds, but she bucked and came quietly, I could feel her body tense and hear her muffled joy. Seconds later, I filled her mouth and felt her swallowing in between gentle sucks. I released her legs, fell back against my pillow. This is the pinnacle, I thought to myself. It can’t get any better than this. No way, ever.

But if it didn’t actually get better, my mother prolonged our happiness. She climbed on top of me and began to plant kisses on every inch of my face, saying “I love you” in between every kiss. I put my arms around her, hugged her tightly and fell asleep shaking my head, wondering how a guy could get so lucky.

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