Sister, brother and family

“No. No. Of course not. Cuddle as long as you want.”

A long minute later, Janet was standing, scrubbing her face with her hands, dismayed by her lack of discretion. She watched her adjust his shorts into place. After brushing each other off, she took him by the hand, and instead of heading towards home, she led him out of the sand-trap, continuing their walk. They walked for long minutes without speaking. Janet became aware of her brothers funny walk. Jeffrey was feeling the oddity of having his briefs soiled with cum.

“If you had a girlfriend, you’d be used to that.” She teased. “I apologize for my indiscretion, but I am all by myself right now and I’ve always had a hard time controlling my libido. Watching two people go at it was just too much. We need to keep this between you and me, okay?”

“Libido? Controlling it? Ahh, you like to fuck?” He thought it through. “Of course, Sis, you and I are best buddies!” Jeff chirped.

Janet cut her eyes curiously at her brother and thought ‘men, they are all alike.’ They were nearing the gate that they used to to exit the golf-course and walk the half mile back to their home.

“So, what you are saying, is that you enjoyed our little indiscretion?” She questioned, near the driveway.

“Did I say that?”

She continued, ignoring the obvious, “I suppose best buddies could… lets say… be naughty together occasionally, if they were so inclined?”

“I didn’t know you could read minds?”

They both chuckled.

It had been two days and Janet, laying in her bed lightly toying with her panty-covered pussy, was wondering why her brother had not brought up the subject that they had agreed-upon. The light knock at the door startled her, causing her to jerk her left hand from beneath the covers.

“Yes.” She acknowledged.

The door opened a crack. “Janet, are you decent?” Came the whispered query.

“Come in, Jeffrey.”

“I just wanted to tell you that mom and dad have left for the wedding.” He said, coming into the bedroom and walking to her bedside. Janet was not overly surprised, but still curious, as to why he wore only his briefs and T-shirt. She could see a large bulge in his briefs. She pondered how large her brother might actually be. He felt hugh as they dry fucked on the course.

“And… you wanted me to know that… because?”

She inwardly chuckled as she watched her brother fidget, trying to find the words. “Are you horny, dear brother?” She asked, as she threw the covers to her left. She saw a startled look come to his face as he gazed upon her naked breasts. She would have given $1 million for a camera to freeze the moment. Had he noticed and understood the reason her nipples were firm that standing tall?

“Why don’t you go in close the door and locked it. We would not want to be caug… surprised.” Janet suggested.

As he returned to the bed, she beckoned him with open arms between her parted and lifted legs. He entered the bed from the side and maneuvered between her legs, catching his weight on his elbows, embracing her shoulders. He kissed her on the lips awkwardly and firmly, causing her to shake her head to break the kiss.

Please wait…

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