Public group sex

This is a very long story about a time in college where I went skinny dipping with the RA and another guy with my roommate. Shenanigans ensued.

My freshman year of college, I was invited over to my RA’s room to have some drinks on a weekend. The school I went to cleared out every weekend because a majority of students lived about an hour away, so they all went home to do laundry and get real food. My mom had moved recently and was now all the way across the country. So, I never went home anymore. My RA, Kyle was the same way, he was Canadian and never went home, so we did a lot of drinking on the weekends. He was older, 24 or 25, and I had just turned 18 and had been at college for about two months at that point.

This weekend was a bit different because my roommate, who I’d known since I was in first grade, decided not to go home so we could hang out all weekend – which was awesome cause I’d been pretty depressed lately and had just broken up with my HS boyfriend.

I texted back my RA and asked him if Laura could come over with me later to drink and watch a movie. He was into it so he went off to the store with his friend Ryan to get beer and snacks and vodka. Both he and Ryan were grad student RA’s, and Ryan was a bit older but not sure how much.

Laura and I got in the ancient dorm showers which looked like gym showers, it was just a long line of showers and they were separated by a thin sheet of foggy plastic that didn’t offer much privacy. The plastic started at about eye level and went to just below my butt. Laura and I are both pretty short, so it wasn’t a big deal, but anyone over 5’4″ would be staring at each other, and anyone under about 5’1″ would be flashing their pussy at the people in the next shower over.

Laura is tiny, about 5’2″, I could just see the top of her white pixie cut sticking up and the outline of her thin body and tiny boobs, but she had a bit of a bubble butt that was cute af. I’m a bit taller but have always been in good shape because I run so much.

Anyways, so we got cleaned up and Kyle and Ryan swung by and we walked back to Kyle’s dorm room. Since he was the RA, there was no real concern of getting busted, plus like I said, the place was pretty much abandoned. We got back to his room and Ryan was rolling a joint and we started drinking beers and shooting vodka.

After about a solid two hours of dancing around and drinking and being stupid, Ryan said we should go to the gym and go swimming. It’s a 24 hour work out center, but the pool closes at 9pm – but he had keys because he used to be a lifeguard. Ryan was a pretty talented swimmer and had a super chiseled body. He was about 5’10” and had a shaved head. Kyle was around 6’1″ and had a more lumberjack type body, shaggy beard and hair and broad shoulders. They were both super cute and smart, but they kind of treated us like kids cause we were freshmen. Lots of calling us little girls and kiddo and stuff, it was annoying but they were still pretty fun to hang out with.

It was an olympic size pool, and we all started climbing in the stairs side. The pool area was pretty dark and damp. We didn’t prepare by grabbing suits or anything. Kyle and Ryan just stripped down to their boxers. Laura stripped down to a green thong with a clover on the crotch and a blue sports bra. I was in kind of chill mode, so I was wearing running shorts with nothing underneath and a black tank top with no bra, so I just dove into the pool wearing all that and all three of them instantly started teasing me.

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