Poppy gets fucked by everyone, A Holiday Orgy

We were sharing a holiday villa with two couples and a pair of bachelors. Vicky and Ben were old friends from college and Lisa and Charles were friends of theirs. Mark and Adam were both worked with Charles. I had met Lisa and Charles before but Mark and Adam were new to us. The villa was luxurious and remote with a large swimming pool.

Poppy and I had been married seven years and although I don’t think that she had been unfaithful to me I knew that I had never been faithful to her. She was curvy in all the right places with C cup breasts and long brunette hair. She also had the advantage of being extremely beautiful and we had a great sex life. Although she was not particularly into anal and only let me fuck her in the arse about once a year, she regularly did most other things. She gave great blowjobs and loved having her pussy licked and fingered. We both fantasised about threesomes and had talked about it but agreed that while it was a nice thought it would never happen.

On the second day we were coming back from the private beach when we walked past one of the ground floor bedrooms. The veranda doors were open and we could hear the unmistakeable sounds of sex coming from within. Poppy crept closer, more out of curiosity because she had never seen anyone else having sex before and wanted to catch a glimpse. When she got close enough to see into the room she stopped and I saw her mouth literally drop open. Whatever it was had obviously shocked her immensely and I crept up behind her to see what was going on.

Inside, Vicky was on the bed, her arse in the air with Adam grinding into her from behind. Mark was standing in front of her, his hands gripping her blonde hair as he fucked her mouth while her husband Ben was standing to one side, his cock in his hand. Vicky was moaning and thrusting back to meet Adam’s pelvis but unable to speak because of the cock in her mouth. She continued fucking Adam and sucking Mark for several minutes before she pulled Mark’s cock out of her mouth.

“Lie down you big fucker!” she told Mark, “I want you in my cunt!”

As we watched, she shifted forward so Adam’s cock slipped out of her pussy and Mark lay down on the bed and it was only then that Poppy and I saw the size of his cock. It was no wonder Mark had been gripping her hair so hard and why Vicky was unable to speak with it in her mouth. It was at least ten inches long and thicker than her wrist.

Vicky took Mark’s cock in her hand and spat on it before kneeling astride him. She manoeuvred her pussy over the engorged head of his cock, holding the shaft as she slowly guided it into her cunt. As the head slipped between her lips she gave a long groan and we saw her draw breath in sharply as the massive cock slipped further into her cunt and she cried out.

“Oh fuck! This is huge!”

She pushed herself up on Mark’s chest and started to rock gently back and forth using her bodyweight to slowly ease herself down onto his cock. With a lot of heavy breathing and the occasional whimper, she managed to get about half the massive cock into her cunt before she started to push herself up and down on it. Looking from behind, we could see that with each thrust down, she took maybe half an inch more of the giant penis.

Each time she rose up again, her cunt lips were pulled out, clinging to Mark’s cock and as she worked her way down, her breathing became more and frantic until she finally managed to bottom out with her cunt lips pressed against Mark’s balls. In this position she pushed herself up on Mark’s chest and caught her breath before Mark started moving his hips.

As Vicky rose up, Mark’s cock withdrew a couple of inches from her cunt and as she forced herself back down onto it, Mark thrust his hips up to meet her. Starting very slowly, Vicky ‘s pussy accommodated Mark more easily and after a minute or so, a good six inches of Mark’s cock was pistoning in and out of her body.

Vicky was leaning forward now, her pelvis held just above Mark, his impressive cock ramming into her vagina when she stiffened and cried out:

“Oh fuck! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Her whole body spasmed and as Mark rammed his cock into her, we saw white fluid flood out of her cunt and down Mark’s cock.

“Jesus Christ that feels good!” Mark groaned as he continued to pump into her. Vicky’s husband Ben walked round behind her, his erect penis in his hand and took up position between her legs.

“I told you she squirted!” he said to Mark in a matter of fact sort of way, and as Mark continued fucking his wife, he spread lube on his cock and around her anus and eased his cock into her. As he entered her arse, Vicky let out a deep moan and Adam climbed onto the bed and grabbing her head, fed his cock into her mouth. She didn’t need much encouragement and as Adam’s cock disappeared into her mouth, she grabbed his arse with one hand and his balls with the other.

It was as incredible as it was unexpected and Poppy and I stood there mesmerized. As we watched Vicky being pounded in all three holes, I saw that Poppy had a hand between her legs, two fingers under the gusset of her bikini.

Vicky’s muffled cries increased and she cried “Oh fuck, oh fuck! I’m cumming again!” and as her vagina spasmed, Mark grunted and his hips stayed thrust to their maximum height as he ejaculated deep inside her. As Mark pumped his sperm into her vagina, we saw Ben stiffen, his pelvis thrust forward as he came in her arse. A few moments later Adam ‘s pelvis shot forward and he pulled Vicky’s head down onto his cock as came in her mouth.

Ben and Adam slowly disengaged from Vicky’s arse and mouth and Vicky collapsed onto Mark, his huge cock still impaled in her cunt. As she got her breath back Vicky slowly slid forward on his stomach, pulling herself off his cock and we saw it slowly ease itself out of her cunt. It was so big that it took her about ten seconds to slide its entire length out, her cunt lips hugging his cock head before it finally popped out.

Vicky was streaming cum out of her arse and cunt, which was literally gaping open. I looked down at Poppy who was fingering herself frantically.

“I think we should go now!” I whispered to her and literally pulled her away. We didn’t speak until we were back in our room and as soon and the door was shut her mouth was on mine. I pulled her bikini gusset to one side and felt her cunt. It was soaking and I pushed two fingers in.

“Fuck me now!” she ordered.

I didn’t need any more encouragement and pushing her on the bad, I lifted her legs over her head and ploughed my cock into her soaking cunt. I fucked her on her back for a minute before pulling out. She turned over and pointed her arse in the air with her legs apart and kneeling between her legs I entered her cunt form behind, ramming into the hilt. She was so incredibly wet that her labia were soaked with her girl cum running into her arse crack and I used my thumb to massage the outside of her anus.

She was pushing back frantically and using her juices as lubricant I slipped my thumb into her arse, feeling my cock in her cunt. As I felt my own climax building Poppy told me that she was about to cum. I increased my pace and a few seconds later Poppy’s arse and vagina spasmed as I filled her cunt with my cum. As we collapsed on the bed, I eased my thumb out of her arse and we lay together, my softening cock still in her cunt as we got our breath back.

“Did you know that Vicky and Ben were into that?” Poppy asked me.

“They never mentioned it to me. I know that Vicky had a threesome with another couple at university but I thought that was all over when she married Ben. It was pretty hot though. I think she really gets off on being used!”

“I think it’s more a control thing. She started off calling the shots but then the guys just took over and she had no control over what they were doing and how her body was reacting. When you’re being fucked by someone you always feel a bit submissive but this takes it to another level.”

“You sound curious.” I said, my heart racing.

“You should be careful what you wish for!” Poppy said with a smile. “I’ve never seen anything as hot as what we just saw and I don’t think that orgasm will satisfy me for long!”

We showered together, tenderly touching each other all over our bodies. and went to the pool to lie in the sun. We had been there only half an hour before Vicky, Ben, Adam and Mark came out. No one showed any hint of what they had been doing that morning despite us watching them closely for any signs. We lounged around for the rest of the morning occasionally cooling off in the pool but mostly reading and chatting and at midday, Poppy and Vicky disappeared into the villa to make lunch.

After lunch, we went back to sunbathing and Vicky took off her bikini top and lay on the sun lounger sunning her large breasts. It was truly a beautiful site seeing her almost nude, (not that it was long since we had seen her completely nude) and no one was particularly taking notice of it, so when Poppy took her bikini top off also it seemed a natural progression.

Adam and Ben came out with some cold beers and when they saw that poppy and Vicky had both taken their tops off, Adam complained that why was it was acceptable for girls to get their boobs out when the boys had to keep themselves covered up. Vicky turned over on her sun lounger and peered at Adam over the top of her sunglasses.

“First, you’ve been bare chested since we got here, and secondly, I didn’t hear anybody tell anyone they had to keep their clothes on. Did you, Poppy?” she asked my wife.

“I don’t think I recall anyone saying anything about that!” Poppy murmured and with that she and Vicky provocatively wriggled out of their bikini bottoms and lay naked on the sun loungers face down giggling at each other. I started to get the impression that they may have been talking when they were making the food.

“OK girls!” said Adam and he pulled the draw string of his Bermuda shorts and let them drop to the ground. While not as big as Mark, his flaccid cock was still impressive and as Mark and Ben followed suit, I found myself sliding my shorts off as well.

There is something about lying naked in the sun with a beer and two gorgeous women in full view, one of whom you have just fucked, the other of whom you have just seen being gang banged, that makes you start to get stiff and as I lay stretched out, my hand strayed to my now fully erect cock. Looking over at the other three men, I was not the only one who was excited. We heard the sound of a car pulling up and although my first reaction was to look around for my shorts, no one else moved so I went with it.

Lisa and Charles had been on a trip to the nearby town since that morning and as they got out of the car with their arms full of shopping bags they were presented with sight of six naked bodies lounging round the pool.

“Jesus I’m hot!” Lisa exclaimed and putting her bags down she quickly started to remove her clothes. As she peeled her sweat soaked shirt off her large breasts fell free. She then wriggled her arse out of the skirt and panties she was wearing and dove into the pool, rapidly followed by a naked Charles. After splashing around it the water for a few minutes, Lisa emerged from the pool and picking up a towel, walked round to the girls and swatted them on the behind with her towel. “It’s the hottest part of the day, you idiots! Not even the locals go out in this sun. Get in doors!”

She was right and we were all in danger of burning. Since everyone was naked there didn’t seem any particular rush to put clothes on, just to get into the spacious living area in the centre of the villa and we helped carry the bags in and put the beer in the fridge.

Poppy walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, my heart pounding.

“Hey Lover!” she teased, “Let’s just see where this goes! OK?”

“OK!” I reassured her. I sat down on one of the oversized arm chairs and Poppy came and sat between my legs. My cock was now rigid, as were the other four cocks in the room and I could feel my pre cum leaking out as Poppy leant back against me. I positioned my cock in the small of her back and as Lisa came round with beer for everyone she let her hand brush against Poppy’s breast and I felt her stiffen slightly.

I draped my arms round her waist and put my right hand on her breast and my left on her stomach. Vicky and Ben were sitting next to each other on the sofa opposite us and Adam went and sat next to Vicky. Once Lisa had finished handing out bottles, she went to the other sofa and sat down in between her husband Charles and Mark. Both the other girls were now sitting between two naked men.

We made small talk and I saw that Vicky and Lisa were openly playing with their husbands’ erect penises. As Lisa finished her beer, Mark took the empty bottle from her and placed her hand on his huge cock. As Vicky saw him do this, she handed Ben her bottle and took hold of Adam’s cock. There was little pretence where this was heading and I felt Poppy’s heart pounding as I fondled her breast, my other hand sliding down to her cunt.

Poppy was soaking wet and she moaned slightly as I slid my fingers past her clit and inserted a finger into her cunt. She spread her legs and leant back against me. Needless to say I was rock hard as I saw Lisa briefly take her husband’s cock in her mouth before leaning to the other side to try to get Mark’s member between her lips.

Vicky was now lying on her sofa with Adam kneeling between her legs eating her cunt. She was moaning onto Ben’s cock as Adam licked and fingered her. Poppy was breathing fast and I inserted another finger into her sopping wet hole. As Poppy started grinding herself down onto my fingers she leaned back and kissed me.

“I want you to fuck me!” she murmured. I pulled my fingers out of her and she stood up. I slid down in the chair and still with her back to me so she could see the action in the rest of the room, she took my cock and guided it between her cunt lips. She was so wet I slid in up to the hilt immediately and Poppy leant back, putting her feet on my thighs so that she could lift herself up and fuck me. I put my hands under her arse to help her, feeling her girl cum seeping out of her and I spread the copious juices down to her anus.

Lisa was now kneeling on the floor sucking Charles’ cock with Mark slowly feeding his monster cock into her cunt. Vicky was in a similar position to Poppy sitting on Ben’s cock, her head turned so she could suck Adam’s cock. We had been in this position for several minutes when I felt a hand on my balls and looked past Poppy to see Lisa kneeling in front of me. She was licking Poppy’s clit and my cock as it entered her cunt and gently playing with my balls.

I groaned and Lisa gave me a wicked grin. She pulled my cock out of Poppy’s cunt and engulfed it with her mouth, taking it deep into her throat before gently inserting it back into Poppy’s cunt. As she did so I saw Mark kneeling behind her, gently guiding his oversized cock into her pussy. She moaned in pleasure, taking my cock out of Poppy’s cunt again and sucking it.

As she inserted my cock back into my wife, she let her fingers play around her labia, guiding her girl cum down towards her anus where her fingers met mine and we played with Poppy’s sphincter as I fucked her, first my finger, then Lisa’s, until we both had a finger inside her. I looked over and saw Vicky on all fours being fucked by Ben and sucking Adam’s cock on the other sofa.

Poppy was moaning and grinding her pussy onto my cock and her arse onto our fingers. Every few strokes, Lisa pulled my cock out of her cunt and ran her tongue round the head of it before easing it back inside her. Poppy had so much girl cum leaking out of her cunt and down to her anus that Lisa was able to insert two fingers alongside my one finger. As she pulled my cock out Poppy’s cunt and sucked it, she took her fingers out of her anus and gently angled my cock backwards to replace her fingers.

I felt Lisa slide my cock backwards towards Poppy’s anus and with all the lubrication the head of my cock slid easily into the outer part of her sphincter. Poppy checked herself and took a deep breath, relaxing her muscles and as she relaxed, my cock slid gently into her anus. I could feel Lisa’s’ fingers in her cunt as Poppy sank further down onto me until I was buried in her arse to the hilt.

I felt Lisa add a third finger into Poppy’s sopping cunt, and as she slid further in she pressed backwards, rubbing the end of my cock in Poppy’s arse through her vagina. She sucked on Poppy’s clit and moved her fingers backwards from my balls and started gently pressing a finger into my anus. There was so much lubrication from Poppy that she was able to work a finger in with little difficulty and I could now feel Lisa’s three fingers in Poppy’s cunt pressing against my cock from the front and another finger inside my anus.

Poppy started moving slowly up and down on my cock and Mark withdrew his cock from Lisa’s cunt and walked round to her head. She greedily sucked on Mark’s cock, struggling to get the huge head into her mouth, and taking her fingers out of Poppy’s cunt, she deftly positioned Mark’s cock against the entrance to my wife’s cunt. I realized that my wife was about to be fucked by another man and that she was about to have her first experience of double penetration with two cocks. This made my own cock even harder and Lisa leant forward and kissed Poppy on the lips.

Lisa lifted Poppy’s legs up and pressed them backwards, telling her to hold her ankles and turning back to Poppy’s cunt she licked her opening, her clit and Mark’s huge cock again. She inserted three fingers back into her cunt and fucked her with them for a few strokes before adding a fourth finger making Poppy moan with pleasure. I felt her take all her fingers out of Poppy’s cunt and as she brought Mark’s cock into contact with her vaginal entrance again, Poppy’s sphincter gripped my cock tighter and Mark slowly entered her, stretching her vagina more than it had ever been stretched before.

Once the head of Mark’s cock had entered her pussy, he stopped to let her get accustomed to the size. Her anal sphincter was still gripping my cock tightly making me harder still and Lisa dropped to the floor, sucking my balls and inserting her finger back into my anus. I felt Mark push further into Poppy’s cunt, working in slowly but surely to increase his depth with every stroke in the same way we had seen him fucking Vicky that morning.

Feeling Mark’s cock force its way into Poppy’s cunt was an incredible turn on and Poppy was staring at him with a glazed look in her eyes, unable to speak. I had once fucked her pussy using a butt plug in her arse, and had fucked her arse with a dildo in her cunt but nothing compared to what she was now experiencing. Vicky now walked over to us, and after kissing Poppy deeply on the mouth, she kissed me deeply before straddling my head and lowering her cunt to my mouth.

She spread her labia with her fingers and my tongue delved into her soaking cunt, the aroma quite overpowering. She rubbed her clit which was just above my nose and ground down onto my face.

The feeling of licking Vicky’s cunt with my cock buried in Poppy’s anus and Mark fucking her cunt was quite incredible. Poppy was now moaning out loud with each thrust as Mark increased the speed and depth of his strokes. As Vicky’s cunt engulfed my mouth she shifted herself forward so that her anus was positioned over my tongue. I licked around her puckered hole before slipping my tongue inside her, causing her to grind down onto my face again.

Mark’s thrusts increased in Poppy’s cunt as she relaxed. Her entire pelvis was being invaded and stretched and as she became wetter, Mark was able to increase his speed and depth until his cock was almost completely out of her cunt on each thrust, plunging back inside her to the hilt. With her legs bent up onto her chest, impaled on my cock and with Mark fucking her relentlessly, she had lost all control.

Adam now positioned himself behind Lisa and entered her cunt while Ban and Charles, their wives being fucked and sucked by other men, came and stood either side of Poppy’s head. Charles gently guided her mouth onto his cock and after a minute, Ben guided her head over to his cock on the other side, feeding it into her throat until her nose was pressed against his belly.

Poppy now had a cock in her arse and another in her cunt. She was sucking another two cocks alternately. She had never had anything like this before and she seemed in her element. As Mark continued to pound her vagina, his thrusts became faster and deeper. On each stroke he was pressing into the hilt and with my cock buried deep in her arse, I felt Mark’s cock slide up my shaft and over my cock head to reach the deepest part of her vagina.

Each time Mark’s cock penetrated her inner depths, Poppy gave a stifled cry onto which ever cock she was sucking. Mark withdrew his giant penis until it was just resting in the entrance to her vagina and Lisa took it into her mouth, moving it back and forth between my wife’s cunt and her own mouth. Mark was breathing hard as Lisa inserted him back into Poppy’s vagina and he rammed himself into her up to the hilt. Again, I felt his huge cock head slide up the front of my shaft, ease over the head of my cock and into the depths of her pussy.

With his hips pressed forward as hard as he could, I felt Mark stiffen and he cried out as he suddenly came deep inside her, his whole cock expanding again and again as his cum spurted repeatedly into her, filling her vagina more than it had ever been before. As Mark filled the deepest reaches of her cunt with his cum, Poppy’s orgasm finally came with her cunt and her arse spasming in unison. The combination of Lisa playing with my anus, Vicky sitting on my face, my cock in my wife’s arse and Mark’s giant cock jerking in her pussy sent me over the edge and I came like a madman, pumping my sperm deep into her rectum.

As I came, Lisa slid another finger into my arse and massaged my prostate, keeping me cumming for what seemed like minutes. I felt Mark’s cock soften and he slowly withdrew his spent penis from Poppy’s cunt but Vicky still had her cunt grinding onto my face so although I had just cum, this and Lisa’s attentions were keeping me hard. But even considering what had just happened and what we had seen this morning, I was not prepared for the next chapter.

As Mark withdrew his cock from my wife’s cunt, I felt a flood of semen gush from her and run down around my cock which was still deep in her rectum. Lisa ran her tongue from my balls up to my cock that was still embedded in Poppy’s anus. Cleaning Mark’s cum out of her cunt, she started stretching her open, easily sliding four fingers into her cunt. I felt her withdraw and gently add her thumb to her four fingers. Poppy moaned onto Charles’s cock which was deep in her throat and pushed her hips forward as Lisa’s entire hand entered her pussy.

I had only ever managed to get three fingers inside her before, but the fact that she had just cum, the stretching of Mark’s cock and Lisa’s hand being smaller than mine meant that she was able to take a fist in her cunt for the first time in her life. Lisa fisted her gently for a minute or so before Charles withdrew his penis from her mouth and took up his position between her legs.

Lisa gave her husband Charles the same treatment as Mark, sucking his penis while gently fist fucking Poppy until she replaced her fist with Charles’s cock. She was so wet that his cock was immediately in to the hilt. Lisa was still controlling what happened to my wife, taking the cock out of her cunt and sucking it every few strokes. Charles’s cock was not as huge as Mark’s but you would not describe him as small and he certainly knew how to use it. He used his full length with every thrust, withdrawing it and rubbing around her entrance when Lisa was not sucking it.

After only a few minutes I felt Charles’s cock jerking in Poppy’s cunt and I knew that my wife had just taken a second load of sperm in her vagina. I could feel his cum flood into the deepest part of her cunt and Poppy gave a little yelp as he pushed in as far as he could. We stayed locked together for a minute as Charles recovered and he withdrew his cock from her vagina to be rapidly replaced by Ben.

Sliding his penis into the hilt he fucked her hard for several minutes. Lisa was still between her legs and as Ben withdrew his penis, Lisa sucked him deep into her throat and eased her fist back into Poppy’s cunt. She was being stretched open repeatedly by Lisa’s fist and the three penises she had taken inside her cunt and this made both the inside and outside of her cunt swollen and far more sensitive.

Vicky was still sitting on my face as Lisa alternated her fist and Ben’s penis in her vagina and after a few minutes I felt him thrust his cock in as far as he could as he flooded her vagina with the third load of cum that afternoon. As Ben withdrew his cock from Poppy’s cunt, Adam, who had been fucking Lisa, pulled out of her cunt and replaced Ben. He must have been on the verge of cumming as he ejaculated in Poppy’s cunt after only three strokes.

Poppy had taken four loads of stranger’s cum in her cunt in the last hour and had had her first experience of double penetration and fisting. Lisa eased my cock out of her arse and she and Adam helped Poppy on very unsteady legs over to the nearest sofa and lay her on her back. Vicky took my hand and led me over to the sofa.

Vicky lay on top of Poppy in a sixty-nine position and told me to fuck her. I didn’t need any more invitation and slid my cock into her cunt. I had been eating her out for the last twenty minutes and I slid straight into the hilt. Vicky moaned appreciatively but she was busy cleaning four loads of cum out of Poppy’s cunt. As I fucked Vicky, I looked at Poppy who’s head was directly under Vicky’s. She was staring up at me with a glazed look in her eyes and I pulled my cock out of Vicky’s cunt and offered it to her.

Poppy sucked on my cock greedily before guiding it back into Vicky’s waiting cunt. Vicky’s cunt felt completely different to Poppy’s. Poppy has always been fairly tight (although I seriously doubled that it was anymore) and Vicky’s was easier and softer to fuck, although she had fantastic muscle tone and as she relaxed to admit my cock on each stroke, she tightened up as I bottomed out.

Fucking a new cunt for the first time since I got marries, it was not long before I started to cum, I half pulled out of Vicky’s cunt so that I came just into the entrance to her vagina and not too deep inside her, and used my cock to scoop my cum out of her cunt and into Poppy’s waiting mouth. Poppy opened her mouth as my cum dripped out of Vicky and as she swallowed it I gave Poppy my cock to suck clean. Vicky climbed off and Poppy slowly sat up. I sat next to her and put my arm round her although there was nothing to say bit we were not finished.

Lisa and Vicky came and sat either side of Poppy and taking Lisa and Vicky’s lead, Poppy pulled her legs up so all three girls had their cunts exposed in a row. As the ‘newest’ member of the group I was invited to go first, working my way along the row. The rules were fifty strokes in each hole to make sure everyone got a turn and starting with Lisa, I Put my hands on her legs and slid into her cunt.

It was an incredible experience fucking Lisa’s cunt while staring at Poppy but the fifty strokes went very quickly and Mark was waiting with his huge cock. I pulled out and shifting to my right, I plunged my cock into Poppy’s cunt. She grinned at me and I heard Lisa gasp as Mark’s cock entered her vagina. The fifty strokes again went quickly and I withdrew slowly from my wife’s pussy, a string of our juices hanging between my penis and her cunt. I shifted to my right and positioned my cock against Vicky’s cunt entrance as Mark replaced me between Poppy’s legs. I watched in fascination as he rubbed his huge cock, still dripping with Lisa’s juices against my wife’s cunt and slowly pushed in. As he pushed into Poppy, I pushed into Vicky, still looking into Poppy’s eyes.

Mark slowly but firmly pushed forward and Poppy’s labia stretched around her head of his cock. As it disappeared into her cunt, her labia were pushed in with but with all the wetness from the fucking she had already had, Mark’s length kept on sliding further and further into her until his pelvis hit hers and she cried out. My cock was crazy hard in Vicky’s cunt as I slowly fucked her, matching Mark’s strokes in Poppy.

Although she had already been fucked by Mark, I had not seen it close up as she was sitting on me with my cock in her arse, and I was fascinated by the sight of it. As Mark withdrew, Poppy’s labia were pulled out, clinging to his cock until he had pulled out about six inched before he pressed back into the hilt again. Each time Mark pulled out his cock was coated with a white mixture of her girl cum and the four loads of sperm she had taken earlier and each time he plunged his cock back into her cunt, whimpered. I think he must have been fucking her deeper than he had before because there was nothing like a cock in her arse to hinder him.

I matched Mark’s strokes in Poppy’s vagina with my own in Vicky’s vagina and as we reached the fifty, Mark pulled out of Poppy leaving her cunt literally gaping open, a stream of juices running out of her cunt and down over her anus. As I vacated Vicky’s cunt, Mark immediately replaced me at her entrance and plunged in to the hilt.

Poppy’s cunt was still gaping open as Charles took his penis out of his wife Lisa’s cunt and entered Poppy and I could see that for the first ten strokes she must have barely felt him, but as her cunt regained its normal size she started to appreciate his cock. After the requisite fifty stokes, he was replaced by Ben.

Once Adam had fucked Lisa, he moved onto Poppy’s cunt and Mark told me to fuck Lisa’s her arse with the same rules. Standing in front of Lisa, I pushed her legs back and she helped my position my cock at her anus and as I slipped in past her sphincter I again looked into Poppy’s eyes and she took Adams’ cock in her cunt. The feeling of fucking Lisa’s anus while Poppy was being fucked by another cock was another new experience and after Adam pulled out of her cunt, I shifted to my right again to fuck Poppy’s arse.

I pushed back on her thighs and she reached down to guide my cock into her anus and as I entered her and started fucking her slowly and carefully, I heard Lisa moaning as Mark gently eased his giant cock into her anus. I realized that Poppy was going to have to take Mark in her anus in a minute and the excitement of this made my cock even harder. Lisa was panting and groaning as Mark fucked her arse as gently as he could but his sheer size meant that she was having difficulty taking him.

After fifty strokes, I withdrew from Poppy’s anus and watched in fascination and amazement as Mark withdrew his cock from Lisa’s body leaving her anus gaping open. I shifted to the right again and Vicky pulled my cock to her waiting arse as Mark took his position in front of Poppy. He rubbed the head of his cock around her vagina to get extra lubrication before sliding it down to her arse.

With my eyes fixed on Mark and Poppy, I pushed into Vicky’s anus. Mark held his cock on the entrance to Poppy’s sphincter and allowed her to get used to his size before he slowly pushed into her. Our eyes were locked together and Poppy winced as the giant cock stretched her anus open wider than her wrist and slipped inside. Mark kept up the pressure without moving as Poppy’s anus slowly relaxed and I watched incredulous as more and more of Mark’s huge cock head gently slid deeper into her sphincter. Poppy cried out and tears welled up in her eyes as Mark pushed forward and as I slid my cock into Vicky’s anus, Mark’s cock continues sliding further and further into Poppy until his pubic bone was pressing against her.

I slowly pulled out of Vicky as Mark pulled out of Poppy but only about three inches before he pressed in again. Although he was only able to fuck Poppy very gently, I was fucking Vicky hard and she was encouraging me. As Mark continued to pound his cock into Poppy’s anus I felt my cum rising and I ejaculated deep inside Vicky’s arse. I was still cumming as Mark finally pulled his cock out of her anus leaving it gaping open.

Charles followed Mark in Poppy’s arse, and Mark moved onto Vicky, using the extra lubrication of my sperm to ease himself rapidly into her arse. Ben, followed by Adam moved their way along the line, fucking the three girl’s arses in turn and at last all three girls were panting and speechless, their own and various amounts of our cum seeping out of all their holes.

Mark was lying on the opposite sofa, his huge penis still erect and I realized that he had not cum since he came in Poppy’s cunt and he clearly needed some urgent relief.

“Can you help me, Poppy?” he said, beckoning to her, and she gingerly stood up and walked over to him. Kneeling on the floor at the side of the sofa, she started licking the end of his cock, stretching her lips round it and as she used her right hand to play with his balls, she managed to get the head in her mouth. With one hand on his balls and the other wanking his shaft, Mark used a hand to press Poppy down onto his cock and it was not long before his hips bucked as he finally shot his cum into Poppy’s mouth.

This time we were all truly spent and I put an arm round Poppy as we walked slowly back to our room. There was nothing to say and we showered together, touching each other gently, washing the cum and the sex off of our bodies.

“That was incredible!” I said to Poppy. She smiled at me resting her head on my chest. “I didn’t know you had it in you!”

“Well I’m pretty sure I had everyone in me!” she said, “but we have another week here and I have a feeling that we haven’t finished with group sex yet! Vicky told me that she saw us watching her this morning and although I don’t think I’ll manage another session like that for a few days, the idea is that everyone fucks everyone every day!”

The holiday was looking brighter by the minute as we drifted into a post orgasmic sleep.

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