Mom’s hot evening with my friends

I am just 19 years old as I got the taste of a lady ,her sexual organs ….boobs…..vagina are still in my eye as we both have enjoyed sex twice before a weekly trip to we both have lost their natural bonds as I have pleased him with my long cock as well as with my oral sexual I want to reveal the truth that my friends Ishant and Lokesh have seen the porn video that I have recorded in Shimla as they watched my mom Nancy as well as sister my friends are looking for physical love with my mom Nancy and I assured them that I will try to convince my mom for .its a weekend as my mom is sitting In balcony with me and Renu with a cup of coffee ,I am waiting for my sister to leave us as she have coffee and walked away now while looking at Nancy ,I asked……..

“mom ,I want to know your opinion
(Nancy)sure you may ask
(Rajiv)but don’t be in anger ,need a reply only
(Mom)ok what’s your problem ?
() I think we should enjoy groupsex together in the evening
(Mom)oh what we have done in Shimla
(Rajeev)let me clarify,my two friends are looking for sex with you .”

And mom walked away in anger as I am feeling I walked to my bedroom as I have my towel and clothes ,moved to washroom for bath.its 09:30 am as we three have breakfast together ,now my mom Nancy came in my room as I am studying a book while lying on bed.looking at me ,she said……”Rajeev ,if I give you my response in a positive manner ,than where we will have group sex?
(Rajeev)you can leave Renu at home as dad is here and we will give them excuse of any party
(Nancy)ok let me think but than where we will enjoy?
(Rajeev)in Ishant’s farmhouse .”

And than we spent a day in our home as we have planned for a hot evening as well as night.I have asked my friends Ishant and Lokesh for arrangement as we both mom and son have clarified about a party in mom’s friends house tonight.Lokesh will pick up as he will come at 07:00 pm and in the evening my mom is busy in preparing dinner for my dad as well as sister.its 06:35 pm as my mom entered her bedroom and I am in my room changing my dress,after some time ,my mom came in dinning hall as I am sitting there ,she is looking gorgeous in her traditional outfit of saree and blouse ,her blouse is deepnecked as I can see her she put a high heel sandle and put purse on her shoulder as we both left for party ,waiting outside our home for 5-7 minutes ,Lokesh came in a red Zen car as we both sits Lokesh is driving car towards the outskirts of town as we three are going to Ishant’s farmhouse.we reached after 20 minutes as Ishant is there to greet us,we three entered his farmhouse and than inside it’s well decorated dinning hall.

My mom Nancy is sitting on sofa as we three guys are in bedroom ,Lokesh……”we will have drink first than we will enjoy together
(Rajeev)ok .”

As we three removed our shirts and jeans /trousers ,looking like a strong guy in our undies and vest only ,we walked to dinning hall as Ishant have hold a bottle of wine and soda ,we both guys have glasses in our we put it on table as my mom Nancy put her palms on her face……

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