Mom and son share his boyfriend

Mom and son share his boyfriend.. I always say to people that Donnie and I are like the Gilmore Girls, only Mom and son. Like Lorelai Gilmore I was only in my late teens when I gave birth, a senior in High School with a reputation of being as easy as First Grade Math. The guy I think was his Dad barely hung around to graduate and we’ve seen him only two or three times since; and on each of these times he was trying to touch me up for a loan. Having a kid so young matured me, at least a little, I got an apartment and a job, quit the pot and while I’m not teetotal the number of times I’ve been drunk since Donnie was born barely reaches double figures.

That’s not to say I was always Mom of the year; but I wasn’t one of those Trailer Trash Teen Mothers you see on TV who seem only to care for partying and slurping their faces off with good looking guys. I certainly wasn’t chaste, and over the years I had plenty of dick, not just in my pussy, but my mouth and ass as well; but if it came to a choice between Donnie and getting laid – well, I had a dildo to remove any frustration.

So eighteen years after he was born I had a small, but nice house, a job as deputy bar manager and a great relationship with my son. I always felt that the key to having a good Mom and son dynamic was communication and that meant I would talk to Donnie about anything and I mean anything; not just my job or our finances but sex as well. It was a joke between us that when I paid off the babysitter and went to kiss him good night I’d score my date; one or two star I wasn’t ever seeing again, three stars meant I’d blown them, four stars they’d fucked my pussy and five stars my ass.

It became a running joke as I came in from work, especially as my son moved past the need for babysitters and he’d call out ‘Met any five stars tonight Mom?’ and I’d reply ‘No, but I met a three star in the toilet’ and we’d laugh ourselves hollow. Outside the house he quickly developed a reputation as a shy and sensitive kid, good at his studies, poor at sport. He settled well at school though, there were a few issues as there were with any boy, but nothing serious and if he wasn’t going to be voted Class President he wasn’t unpopular, having a number of friends and a greater number of acquaintances. I think I noticed early that a number of them were pretty girls, drawn to him because of both his sensitivity and because he was so obviously uninterested in them sexually. I knew before he did that he was gay and encouraged him to come out.

I wasn’t sure how it would go and for the first few weeks after he had announced to his school he was gay I waited in baited every night for him to come home and tell me how he’d been bullied. He never was; even the masculine jocks seemed to accept it – school, or at least its pupils, had become more liberal since my day. It was a few months after he came out that he started dating; mainly guys as sensitive and bright as himself. Our conversations about my sex life expanded to include his and I smiled proudly as he told me everything; his first kiss, a make-out in the back of his car, mutual masturbation and oral, plenty of oral. But the trouble was that his dates were too much like him, willing to go down on a guy and suck some cock, but not masculine enough to spread their partner’s ass cheeks and spear their hole. So at a few months past eighteen and in his senior year Donnie was still a virgin.

And then he met Troy…

It was about eleven thirty at night as I parked my car after another shift at the bar. Donnie’s cheap second hand model that I’d bought him for his eighteenth was already in the drive. I thought this might be bad news, as I knew he was out on a date tonight, a guy from the school across town who one of his female friends had introduced him to. That he was back this early suggested the date had not got well. I opened the door prepared to offer tea and sympathy to my darling son.

He was on the couch and he wasn’t alone. Beside him was a young black guy who I assumed was his date. It certainly didn’t look like they weren’t getting along as their mouths were clamped together as they played tongue tennis, their hands moving over each other like they were an out of control octopus. I gave a cough as I entered and the young man sprung from Donnie as if my son had turned electric. Donnie wasn’t put out at me walking in when he was making out, and there was no reason he should be, we’d both walked in on each other plenty of times before and in more intimate situations as well. He smiled in greeting, “Hi Mom, this is my date Troy.”

I looked at interest at Troy who far from my son’s usual dates. Normally as I said Donnie went for pasty faced and sensitive guys with long hair and thin slender bodies visible under smart pants and neatly ironed shirts. Troy was a muscular black six footer with his hair in cornrows and his biceps visible beneath the short sleeves of his T-shirt, pecs pushing at the tight material and beneath his jeans was a bulge. He looked the type of guy Moms warned their daughters about and secretly lusted after themselves. And certainly the first part was true, as I imagined Troy’s huge dick erect and sticking out at right angles. But I wasn’t the sort of Mom who wanted to put any crimps on my son’s love life, so I smiled, “Hello. I’m Donnie’s Mom.”

From the look of lust Troy gave me I could tell that he was a player. Not that I minded, or blamed him, I was wearing a low cut blouse and at thirty-six I still had a sexy figure and an ample bosom. He gave a low, dirty smile, “Hi Donnie’s Mom,” and put out his hand for me to shake.

I felt a frisson as I shook it, “Call me Alice, please…”

He grinned and Donnie snuggled closer to him as I asked, “How was your night?”

Troy grinned and I saw him put his hand on my son’s knee and squeeze it as Donnie answered, “It went really well.” He turned to Try and smiled, “Really, really well.”

“You look like you’ve hit it off,” I replied.

“Yeah, we have,” Donnie looked at me, “I was wondering if Troy could stay the night… it’s late to get home.”

It wasn’t that late, but I certainly wasn’t going to tell my son or his new boyfriend that; if Donnie wanted Troy to stay with him, so did I. I smiled, “Of course.”

“Thanks Mom,” Donnie stood up, “We’re just going to go upstairs to bed.”

I wondered if Donnie had been waiting for me to come in to tell me; I wouldn’t have minded anyway and he knew that, but it was considerate that he wanted me to know he had company. I smiled and gave him a smile, “Have a good night. I think it’s a starry.”

“It’s a bit overcast,” replied Troy who couldn’t understand why Donnie tittered.

He looked questioningly at my son who took his hand and said, “I’ll explain later.”

I made myself some late supper and watched some TV, before going upstairs. The light was on in Donnie’s room and I could hear some muffled groans and slurping sound from the room, like someone was giving a blow job and someone else was enjoying it. I smiled as I showered and dried myself before heading to my bed. I shut off the light and for the first time realised how thin the wall was between myself and

Donnie’s room.

The first sounds were the squeaking of a bed and the knock of it against the wall in a rhythmic tattoo, like someone banging a drum. And then I heard Donnie, “Oh my God Troy, oh my God. Oh yeah, stick it in my ass baby, stick it in my ass. That’s so good, I’m loving that fucking huge dick in my butt, stick it me, fuck me good.” My hand automatically reached down for my pussy stroking the warm hole until it was slick as my son squealed more. “Fuck it harder, Troy. Fuck my asshole open. Oh shit my big stud, you’re tearing me… oh fuck me big boy. Nail it open.”

There was something really hot about listening to my eighteen year old son loose his anal virginity to his black boyfriend and I continued to stroke at myself listening to the bang of the bed board and cries of my son. “Oh shit Troy, your cock is so big it’s killing me. No, don’t stop, please don’t stop, fuck me harder with your huge schlong. Fuck my pasty white pooper with your huge fucking prick. Rip open my asshole Troy, fuck me, oh my God fuck me.”

The banging got faster and more violent and Donnie’s wails of pleasure got louder and more high-pitched. “Aaahhh, aaaaah, aahhhh, fuuuckkkk, aaaahhh, fuuuucckkk!”

Then the banging went silent and the screams ceased. I was still smiling and touching my cunt as I went to sleep.


Donnie was sitting at a kitchen table in his PJs when I zoomed in, still in nightdress and robe myself. I grinned at him, “Has Troy gone? Tell me everything,” I said and poured myself a glass of orange juice before refilling his.

“Yes, he had to go home and get changed before basketball practice,” my son said. Then he grinned wider, “I’m officially not a virgin anymore.”

“Go on,” I giggled.

He smiled, remembering the night. “When we went upstairs to my room I knew he was going to fuck me and I was so ready for it. We started slowly, continuing where we left off downstairs, a heavy make-out session. He’s such a good kisser Mom, so controlling and strong, as he held me close at times I could have just cum there and then. But as we made out I started to feel his cock under his jeans and as stiffened I helped it out and moved my mouth from his lips to it…”

“Was it big?” I asked excitedly, I thought it would be, Troy looked the type to have a giant dick.

My son smiled and held out his hands a long way apart, “Massive Mom, like a log, I’ve never seen one so big.”

“Lucky you,” I giggled, “Go on tell me more.”

“As I was saying it was massive that my mouth could hardly take it, I was getting jaw strain sucking it, but Troy was really getting off on it, moaning and groaning and keeping his hands on my head, helping me down. But just when I thought that he was gonna keep me there until he came he let me go. And then he told me that he had another hole of mine, he wanted to fuck.

“I’m not going to lie Mom as we stripped naked I was both really scared and totally excited. It was going to be my first time and with a dick so big that I knew I was going to be stretched and sore. I was quivering with nerves as Troy lay me on my bed, ass up. I thought he might work me with his finger first or slowly go in, but he said the best way was like jumping in a cold pool and go in all at once, especially as his cock was still wet my saliva.

“So that’s what he did. He positioned himself behind me and took me hard. It hurt, but he was right, I quickly got used to it and if my ass felt like it was being stretched it was like it was being stretched in a good way. He started pounding me hard, I might have been a bit loud, I didn’t keep you awake did I?”

I smiled and shook my head, “It doesn’t matter Donnie, I’m sure my screwing guys has kept you up as well. Anyway carry on with your story.”

He grinned and took a sip of the juice, “I don’t how long he fucked me for, but every second was heaven, I’ve always enjoyed cumming when my dick was sucked or from a handjob, but they were nothing compared to what it felt having Troy bang me. Every sense was heightened and I was in perpetual state of ecstasy. But after a while he told me he was ready to cum and then he shot in my ass…”

That’s the great thing about having a son, I didn’t need to worry about pregnancy. I said, “That sounds so hot. I can just imagine you lying that hunky stud’s cum dripping from your shithole.”

“You don’t need to imagine Mom,” he opened his cell and flicked along to the photos, “Troy took a souvenir shot on my phone. He said every guy should have one of the aftermath of his anal cherry being popped.”

He passed me the phone and I gasped. The shot was a selfie by Troy, Donnie lying on his back, his asshole still gaping and cum trickling out, as Troy leant over him, his large cock half-flaccid and glistening soaking from where his spunk had covered it – he looked a total stud. I said, “Wow, you’re so lucky, that Troy looks like a complete hunk… I’m so jealous.”

Donnie gave a wicked grin, “He thought you were hot as well.”

I laughed, “So he’s not blind then.”

“We were talking after it about we’d banged, about how close you and I are, best friends as well as Mom and son and he said you were hot and that he’d like to screw you.”

I looked down at the photo on the phone, seeing the wide open asshole of my son and the huge dick that had opened it and my pussy felt horny at the thought of Troy in me, pounding at my cunt and then turning me over and taking me in the butt. “I’d like to fuck him as well, but you got him first… as I said I am so jealous.”

My son grinned, “As I said we were talking about how close we are and I had a suggestion for Troy, which he was up for…”

“What is it?” I was intrigued.

“He joins us for a threesome and fucks us both.”

I didn’t need to think before nodding enthusiastically, “Yes, count me in.”


We didn’t waste any time in arranging for Troy to come back; I had the evening off the next day. Donnie and Troy agreed that after Donnie finished school he’d drive across town to Troy’s and pick up the sexy hunk after basketball practice and bring him back to our house for our threesome. The next afternoon seemed to drag by, I must have looked at the kitchen clock a thousand times, as the minute hand slowly ticked over and his larger counterpart moved even slower. And once the school day was over and I knew that Donnie was picking up Troy time seemed to hardly move at all and my eyes scarcely left the clock. Donnie rang me when he’d got Troy in the car, but luckily the traffic was light and it was a little bit earlier than I expected (but later than I hoped) when I heard the front door open and Donnie call out, “We’re here.”

“I’m in my bedroom,” I called back, “Come join me.”

As they came upstairs I quickly shoved the magazine I was reading in a draw and got into a sexy pose on the bed. I was only wearing a tiny nightdress that didn’t quiet cover all my bare slit and I pulled my legs up under me so that I was half-sitting, half-reclining with my butt in display, but my shaven haven hidden between my thighs. The door opened and the boys came in; Donnie knew what I’d be wearing, we’d spoken about it over breakfast so he wasn’t surprised, though I think he was impressed. But whilst Troy knew we’d all be fucking I don’t think he’d been expecting me to be so ready and so hot looking. He grinned and I could see a rumble under his pants, “Fuck Alice, you’re looking fine girl.”

“I’m feeling it,” I giggled and stretched out a leg so that he could get a glimpse of my pussy; I’d shaved it earlier and was as bald as a coot.

“Shit Donnie, your Mom is one fuckable babe” grinned Troy, he slid his hand down to squeeze the tight buns of my son and Donnie giggled excitedly. I moved my leg a little more, exposing more of my sexy slit and Troy’s large dick bulged at his jeans, “I’m going to enjoy this.”

“We all are,” I said, sliding off the bed and walking towards him sexily, “Now let me and Donnie get you undressed. You don’t want to get these clothes all sweaty; they’ll just get in the way.”

“Sure,” grinned the black hunk. I stood beside him and started to kiss him, my mouth pressing at his as my hands undid the buckle of his belt. Donnie was beside me, his hands next to mine, undoing the jeans’ buttons and pulling the zip down. After a few seconds Troy’s mouth disengaged from mine and went to my son’s. I didn’t feel any jealousy as they kissed passionately and hungrily, more like gratitude that Donnie and I were so close he was including me in their fucking. I dropped to my knees and removed Troy’s pumps and socks, tossing them across the room, before my hands and head went back up to the top of his jeans. I pulled them down his muscular thighs and calves, my eyes dropping with them, mentally devouring his thick, strong legs. He stepped out of the jeans, still kissing Donnie and my eyes went back to Troy’s pelvis.

His cock was sticking out of his boxers and Donnie hadn’t been lying about its size. It was near nine inches and almost as thick as my wrist, rock hard and circumcised so that the head was exposed, shiny and gleaming in the light of my bedroom. I pulled down his boxers, giving me a look of his huge balls swinging below, the hair shaved away so they seemed even larger. Then as he continued to kiss my son I started to lick his huge dong, running my tongue up and down it, covering it with my saliva. It was huge and it took a lot of tongue to cover it all, sliding round from the top down the shaft to lick and lap at the balls. And then when I’d licked every inch of the hard ebony shaft I opened my mouth and started to suck it.

There was no way I could have taken it all in, even if my jaw is used to opening wide; the schlong was too thick and too long. But I could still take the top in, sucking and slurping at it, trying to wiggle my tongue round it and push it at my cheek to take more. “Yeah, Alice, suck it good,” grunted Troy as my son stepped away.

I couldn’t see what Donnie was doing as I concentrated on mouthing up and down on Troy’s huge member. But it didn’t come as a surprise when my son kneeled before me as naked as the day he was born. I pulled my mouth away, licking my lips and giggling, I gently turned Troy so that his prick was pointing at my son and said to Donnie, “Your turn now sweetie.”

“Yes Mom,” said my son.

I watched with excitement as he opened his mouth and started to suck it. He wasn’t as experienced as me, so he wasn’t taking it as deep, just getting the first two or three inches in and then drawing back. But as I don’t want to suggest it was a cock-sucking competition between us so I’ll say Troy’s feverish groans were every bit as loud and passionate as when I’d been sucking him, “That’s it sexy, suck my big black cock, swallow my dick, leave it nice and wet. Oh, boy, that’s so good.”

I began to lick at the base of the prick, my tongue sliding round his large, shaven black balls and down at the base. My face was close to Donnie’s and I could see in his eyes how much fun he was having, even if the dick was suffocating and making his eyes water. I was having fun as well; this wasn’t the first time I’d done a threesome – several times I had shared a guy with girlfriends, but it was a new and exciting experience to do it with my son.

It didn’t take long for us both to make Troy gasp with pleasure, his cock quivering with excitement and slick with our spit. But we didn’t want him to cum yet, it would have been a waste. So I stood up, tapping Donnie on the shoulder so that he would follow my lead. He did, wiping his lips with the back of his hand and standing next to me as I took one of Troy’s hands. Donnie took the other and we walked backwards to the bed, bringing Troy with us. I stopped as the back of my legs hit it and pulled off my nightdress. The black hunk grinned, looking up and down my fantastic body with my bouncy tits and lovely pussy, before switching to Donnie, slender and skinny and smooth with his six-inch cock, small beside his boyfriend’s, but hard and erect. I let go of Troy’s hand got onto the bed, spreading my legs open and prying apart my pussy lips, “You get to fuck me first, make me cum.”

Donnie was still holding his lover’s hand as he pulled him onto the bed, smiling as he said, “But leave plenty for me, I want to be fucked good as well.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give it you both hard,” Troy grinned.

Donnie took hold off his lover’s prick and led it to me, guiding it in. I groaned as it entered, the thick dong prying apart my lips. My son’s hands moved from his boyfriend to my pussy, pulling apart the flaps to help Troy enter. I groaned and did my part as well, pushing my ass up and lifting my wet cunt so it slid up the dick. Troy moved up and down, his hard muscular arms positioned next to me, his palms pressing down on the bed as he lifted himself. “Ooohhh,” I moaned, “Stick it in me Troy, stick that cock deep.”

It didn’t take long before Troy was dipping into me good, his power, my experience of dicks both being helped by Donnie’s hands prying me apart. I groaned and gasped as the massive dong slammed down me, ramming at my G-spot. Donnie let go off my pussy and got onto his knees. I could see him stroking at his rock hard prick as with the other hand he laid his palm on his lover’s back and went up and down with him. He lent forward and began to kiss and lick Troy’s salty, dark skin. The young stud grunted, “Oh yeah baby, oh yeah that’s good,” without saying whether he was talking to me as I bucked at his poundings or my son who was massaging and kissing his back and side.

Soon, as the big dick rammed inside me, I was orgasming like crazy, squealing and shrieking in ecstasy, my insides turning to goo. I writhed and bounced, thrusting myself at Troy and pushing my titties at his firm pecs. “AAAahhhh, aaaahhhh, aahhhhh,” I cried out as I was stimulated into orgasm after orgasm. And all the time I was being fucked by Troy, Donnie was kissing him, his lips moving down the young man’s back to his hips and ass, kissing and licking the firm butt cheeks as they rose and fell over me. It was such a turn on, if I hadn’t been orgasming repeatedly already I’d have cum. “AAAAhhh, aaaahhhh, aahhhh,” I cried again as the pleasure ripped through me.

“You now boyfriend,” said Troy. He pulled his cock, shiny with my cum out of my cunt, “On your hands and knees.”

I lay there panting as my son took position beside me, raising his ass in the air, his hard cock pointing downwards. I raised myself into a sitting position to watch as Troy moved behind him, pulling apart his cheeks. He grinned at me, “Want to help spread ’em?”

I laughed and reached out with my hand, prying apart my son’s buttocks like he’d done for my pussy lips. My face was just inches from his hole, my eyes fixed on the huge dark dick hovering over it. I watched enthralled and excited, my pussy hot and wet, as Troy shoved his dick into my son’s waiting asshole. Donnie squeaked and shivered as the huge prick punched in, raising his butt higher as Troy pulled back and shoved again, ramming deeper. I dragged at the cheeks, pulling them as far apart as I could manage to help and Troy pounded forward again, sending even more of his thick dick down Donnie’s backdoor.

“Oh yes, give it me, give it me,” Donnie called out in pleasure and Troy thrust harder and deeper and I cried out in excitement as I watched the full shaft pound it, the big balls bouncing at my son’s ass cheeks. I wasn’t the only one to squeal as Donnie gave another cry of excitement, “Oh, oh, oh, that’s so good, give it me, give me your big dick hard.”

I rested my chin on my son’s ass and watched in close up as he was fucked, the full length of Troy’s massive schlong impaling my son’s pooper. Donnie was loving it, shrieking and gasping in ecstasy, his buttocks trembling and shivering as he was pounded into orgasmic bliss. It was so sexy that as I watched I couldn’t help but finger my own slot, sliding my middle digit round and into my hot hole, stroking at my sex as Troy fucked my boy’s butt.

Donnie squealed in pleasure as the thick dong penetrated him, “Fuck me, fuck my tight white ass. I want you to bang it hard and tear it open. Fuck me with that big black dick.” He was chin down now, one hand out in front of him gripping at my bed, whilst the other was between his legs jerking at his cock.

I continued to watch enthralled as the black dick went in his other hole. His asshole was spreading, little wrinkles like craters spirally out from the rapidly open hole. I couldn’t help but my move my face closer, my chin nestling between his cheeks licking and lapping at the cock and the gap between the hole. “That’s it, that’s it,” grunted Troy and continued to speed up as my tongue flicked at his dick as it went in and out of my son’s ass.

Donnie and I were masturbating away, trying to get everything out of the experience. Donnie came first, squeaking in pleasure and vibrating even more than he was already as he spurted his cum over the bedding. I gasped in pleasure as he shook and tensed, continuing to hit my spot and sending myself into an explosion of ecstasy. Troy moved faster, slamming his dick down my son’s shithole and even as I came I was continuing to lick up and down the rapidly moving member. “Yes, fuck, fuck, this ass is so tight it just needs some tongue. Shit baby this is so fucking hot.”

Suddenly the young black man stopped, his face showing all the signs of intense pleasure, “Fuck…” he gasped and paused, “Fuck…” he repeated.

The cum was bubbling out of my son’s ass, streaming out as the tight hole was overfilled. It looked so yummy that even as Troy was pulling out his cock I was sticking my tongue into replace it, slurping at the cum, licking it into my mouth, enjoying the salty taste. Donnie gave a moan of pleasure as my tongue swirled round and then he looked up as Troy crawled round the front of him. “I want to suck your cock, Troy,” my son said sexily.

“Okay, boyfriend,” Troy said.

I shifted position so that I was fully behind Donnie so I could still lick at his cummy asshole and see what he was doing with Troy. The big black Senior was lying on his back, hands behind his head, his prick under Donnie’s face. My son began to lick and kiss the schlong, which was still wet with ass and cum. Troy grinned as the tongue moved round his dick, which even while flaccid looked massive, “If you get me hard again I can fuck your Mom’s butt like I fucked yours.”

That was a real turn-on and I swept my tongue harder into Donnie’s asshole as an encouragement for him to do more for his boyfriend. Whether it was my tonguing or his own enthusiasm for his boyfriend’s dick Donnie’s licking sped up, slurping all-round the huge member. It didn’t take long before it was rising hard and Donnie’s mouth wrapped round it, relubricating it with his spit.

I moved away from his ass, which I had virtually cleaned of all cum and towards Troy’s huge prick. Donnie lifted his head from it and said, “Here you are Mom, I’ve got it up for you.” He slithered back a foot or so to give me space to get on my haunches over Troy. I pulled apart my cheeks and Donnie took hold of his boyfriend’s schlong, keeping it straight and pointed towards my hole as I lowered myself down.

I landed on it, working myself up and down so that it was entering my poop chute. I’d been fucked there plenty of times before, but if Troy’s wasn’t the biggest he had to be close and as my tunnel expanded to fit his wide girth I knew why my son had been screaming so loudly and so passionately when his boyfriend had popped his anal cherry. It was massive, it felt even thicker than when it had been in my pussy and I eased myself down I could feel my eyes watering.

Not that Troy gave me much time to get used to it. He looked at me as I gradually lowered myself and grinned, “Better to do it quick,” he grinned and reached for my waist. I had barely time to digest his words before he was thrusting up, slamming his huge dick deep into my asshole. And if I’d been stretched before I was doubly stretched now, squealing in pain and pleasure as the cock rammed deep and far, “Aaaahhh, fuuuuckkk, aaaahhh.”

We quickly got into a rhythm, me bouncing up and down and him thrusting up before dropping back onto the bed. Each time we connected his black balls slapped against me and his thick prick hammered up my anal fuckhole. I shuddered and gasped, enjoying every second. And then Donnie joined in, his lips moving to the base of Troy’s balls to lick at them and slither up the shaft, meeting my asshole as it shot down. I gasped some more, laughing and giggling as I felt the tickle of my son’s tongue at my ass crack. Up I went, knowing his tongue was following me up the schlong and down, his tongue slithered to the balls and began to lick them. “Oh, aahhh, this is so hot, my God, I love having my ass fucked,” I cried out and went up the dick.

“Yeah, fucking a son and Mom, it’s so fucking cool,” grunted Troy, “You’ve both got the fucking tightest shitholes ever. They’re so fucking fuckable.” As he was talking he was still thrusting up, ramming the dick up my hole and stretching it open so that all the nerve endings were singing in excitement.

“AAAhhhh,” I screamed as I came. My fingers shot over my cunt, rubbing at the wet hole. The dick carried on pounding up my ass, thrusting and ramming, opening my ass and stretching the walls. I could feel my son’s tongue licking and lapping at my butt and his boyfriend’s cock, Donnie’s hands brushing at my buttocks as he kissed the hole. The huge schlong slammed up me, it really was hitting the spot. I was screaming and shrieking in pleasure, my entire ass body a testament to the pleasure a dick up a butt can bring.

“Okay, on your knees in front of me,” Troy ordered and I complied, getting off his cock and kneeling in front of him as he stood up on the bed, vigorously jerking at his huge member. Donnie closed beside me and we wrapped an arm around each other’s shoulders, pulling ourselves even closer to each other as we looked up at the sexy black man towering over us. Troy grunted and his schlong spurted his hot sticky cum. Gobbet after gobbet of silky white cum shot out, splattering over my face and Donnie’s. The salty strands dripped from our noses and mouth and chins, down my titties and his thin chest, down our tummies to pool and slide down the cracks between our thighs. I couldn’t believe how much sperm there was for his second shot of the night, plenty would be an understatement.

“Let’s give you a clean,” I giggled and brought my cum covered face towards his dick, licking and cleaning one side with my tongue as Donnie did the other with his. Troy lay down again, resting on his elbows, watching us run our sexy tongues over his huge dong. Between the two of us we cleaned it quickly and Donnie started to move up his boyfriend’s body, kissing at his first chest and even firmer pecs before ending at his mouth. I watched, proudly, as my sweet and delectable son swapped spit with the hunky black man. As Troy’s hands moved to cradle Donnie’s butt and he began to kiss passionately back I knew it was time to leave them to it. I picked up my robe and left downstairs to make something to eat.

As I left the room I was sure that whilst it might have been the first threesome with my son it wouldn’t be the last!

Added by Teller

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