Maid from Heaven – Part 53

Please read the previous part here ( Maid from Heaven – Part 52 ). Now let’s continue

She said “yes, I know what you want to ask. Don’t worry I know how to handle him”. I replied “fine then. But if you need any then don’t hesitate to call me”.

She nodded ok and left to the kitchen to do her chores. Then we had breakfast by when I was uncomfortably thinking about the Uma was going to have today.

After Uma fed me breakfast we had another intense bout of sex on the dining table. Unsurprisingly, she was more aroused than I was and back to moaning loudly without a care for anything in the world.

After we finished she cleaned me with her mouth followed by a kiss with her million-dollar smile and left to her room. I saw it was nearly 9am which meant time for her first bed mate for the day…

As expected Aslam parked outside sharp at 9am and went straight to her. I got busy making calls to my customers and planning my day. Then at 9.45am Uma came down wearing a light pink frock with floral patterns looking hot and incredibly desirable like always.

She sat in my lap and said “just to let you know, it was the usual. followed by one bout of only”. I smiled and asked “why do you need to tell me about it”?

Uma replied “I didn’t want to make you wait till bedtime to tell you the details. So what time will you be back today Krishna”? I said “I am not sure but maybe around 6. Why do you have any plans”?

She said “nothing planned yet. But whatever time you finish your work, you call me”. I said “fine” followed by our good bye smooch for the day. Then she left with Aslam after covering her face with the veil he had given her.

Shortly afterwards I left too. Then I got a message around 1pm from Uma to call her back when free. I was out having lunch with my client, so I stepped out and called her.

After exchanging pleasantries, she asked “are you coming for lunch”? I said “no I am having it right now with my client. Have you had lunch Uma”?

She said “Yes, I had. Raja had brought me lunch today and he just left. If you don’t mind can I ask you something”? Raja was expected to drop her back but I am surprised listening to the lunch part.

I said “yes Uma go ahead”, she said “since you are not coming for lunch now and Jiju had called in the morning asking to meet. So I was thinking if I could invite Jiju over”.

I replied “it’s your choice, why do you even need my permission”. She replied “no he had called when I was in the . So I thought I should check with you before”.

I said “Uma it’s your and I have already told you many times that you have the right and freedom to do whatever you want…”. Uma replied “no, I wanted to check if you don’t have a problem because the other night you both were talking some business thing”.

I said “you don’t worry about that. What you do with him is purely between you both”. She said “ok, thank you Krishna” and disconnected the call. I had a strong gut feeling that this time Uma will go for the kill all the way.

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