Her Other Life – Cheating wife

Suddenly, the map disappeared. His phone had been turned off again. No matter, I’d remembered the street name. I’d just cruise it until I spotted his truck. Which was parked in a driveway, next to a familiar looking car. Must be one of his friends. All the lights were off, but I rang the doorbell anyway. It was almost a minute before a very bedraggled Dave answered the door. His hair was matted with sweat and his face glowed. He was shirtless but in the nylon boxers he used as pyjamas. As I glanced down, I noticed the impressive tent effect that every other time I’d seen it, instantly made me wet. This time, however, the implications were horrific. I slumped against the doorframe. It was either that or fall over. Dave looked at me with a grim smile. I can only guess at the stricken look on my face.

“Yes, that’s exactly how I felt when I found out about you and John.”

I knew my mouth was opening and closing as he led me, speechless, into the house and installed me on the couch. He went into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water and an A4 sheet of paper. The side facing me was blank.

He didn’t say anything as I guzzled the water. Just sat opposite me, with a neutral expression on his face. My mind raced. What did he know for sure? It may have been two or three minutes before I was settled enough to try the only path I had left. Bluff on a very weak hand.

“I… I don’t know what you think you know about me and John.”

With a sigh, my husband turned the sheet of paper to show me the other side. It was a photograph and I clearly recognised an overhead view of my own bed. Dave’s bed. It showed John’s torso leaning over my back, mercifully obscuring his cock buried in my anus. His left hand was gripping my kidney area. The right was firmly on the back of my head, pushing it into the pillow. Dave’s pillow.

Instantly, every argument I could, or ever would come up with, was blown out of the water. I knew everything but surrendering to his mercy was a complete waste of time. I knew that with the same surety that I knew if I held my breath, I would pass out two minutes later. I just dropped my gaze from the disgusting sight and awaited my fate which I now knew was well out of my hands.

“I warned you about him, didn’t I? But you thought you were too clever to get trapped, didn’t you?”

I didn’t even consider answering that.

“For the record, I knew instantly when you returned home that first time. I didn’t need to hear you shout, “No, John”, when I came home and tried to start something that night. I’d just returned from screwing your friend Julie as a thank you for her telling me she’d seen John groping your ass and kissing you in his office. I was disappointed when you turned me down that night. I’d always wanted to fuck two girls in one day. No, that had to wait until I came back from screwing Paula as a thank you for telling me what happened at the bar. You remember that night, don’t you? It was the night you had four flat tyres. I was going to give it to you as soon as I got home, but decided that was a little cheeky. So, I waited until you were asleep, washed up a little, then banged you. I have to say, that as an experience, it’s a little over-rated. Christ, Lisa, were you so self-absorbed you didn’t even notice that I suddenly just banged you like a whore?”

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