Mom moved her hand away while I removed my hand from her clit and thrust forward just as Mom pushed sending my dick another half inch inside her.
I was sex crazed and kissed Mom deeply while I rolled her onto her back to center myself on top of her. Taking hold of her thighs, I spread them wide and pushed hard. My dick sank deep, and Mom wailed as her ass lifted off the bed meeting my thrusts. In and out, in and out, faster and quicker I went until Mom was bucking and thrusting. Her moans were almost screams when I got up on my knees and put her legs over my shoulders. Holding her thighs tight to me, I rammed vigorously inside her soaked snatch.
“Oh fuck Tyler! Oh fuck! I’m cumming again” Mom shouted as she tensed up, and I kept pounding away.
I felt myself ready to explode again but this time I didn’t hesitate and rammed deep inside her cunt and held myself there as my cum emptied once again inside my mother.
When my climaxed finished I dropped my sweaty body upon my mother and listened to our pounding hearts. Exhausted I fell asleep lying on top of her with my dick still inside.
When morning came. I looked up and quickly and played back what took place last night. Mom was nowhere to be seen when I sprang from her bed. I went into my room to dress, and that’s when Mom popped inside.
She was dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a yellow tank top. It was obvious she was braless as her nipples poked at the material.
She smiled when she saw me staring and her chest and said, “You feel better now?”
I smiled back and nodded yes.
“Good. Now let’s make sure you stay that way.” Mom said as she closed my door and removed her clothes.
We fucked in my room that morning and again that evening.
Mom said we could keep fucking if I forgot about Bethany, which I readily agreed to.
Added by bob0