FTM in the public transport (gay)

FTM in the public transport (gay)

Hi, FYI English is not my forst language so I apolgize for any mistake in the text. Hope you enjoy!


Another day, another day like any other, commuting by the same subway, so full of people that we are rammed like sardines in a metal box. There isn’t even the tiniest room for personal space and the crowd has pushed me into a corner of the car. Plus, I have to wait until the very last stop where my house is.

Another stop and I see myself being pushed against the corner so quickly that I didn’t had time to turn around. I tried to zone out the music I was listening to, since all I could see through the window were the subway dark tunnels.

I was suddenly pulled back to reality by a light brush -or rather, a caress- against my hip. But I tried not to think much of it; it was probably someone shifting around. Another brush happened, a caress that went from my hip down to my buttock. I immediately tensed and the hand disappear instantly.

I tried to turn around to confront whoever was behind me, but he moved faster, lunging at me and making any movement impossible.

“Hush, wasn’t it what you were looking for posting those tweets?”

‘What?!’, well, yes, it’s I posted some tweets mentioning this kind of fantasy, but everything was kept anonymous. What the hell was happening? I tried to break free from his grip when I felt his hands on my waist.

“If you keep up with this behavior, people will notice and I promise you that I will make them know that you were the pervert one begging for it in social media.”

“You’re the pervert one here, so leave me alone, now,” I blurted out in a whisper. Although, as much as I didn’t want to, I had to admit that it was turning me on in a way.

He didn’t say a word and skillfully slipped both hands under my sweatshirt, , in less than a second, the I have in my right nipple. I tensed up at that sudden and contact, even though it had been over my t-shirt.

Seeing my reaction, he didn’t hesitate for a second and kept them. The little strength I might have been able to exert against him, vanished between the gasps he was provoking me.

“P-please, stop… T-this is not right,” but I went unanswered. An abrupt jolt run through my when I felt a pinch in both nipples. I thank whatever I was able to hold a from escaping my .

However, that made his movements rougher and I became more sensitive. I could barely hold back my gasps that were increasingly intensifying. It was so, that I had to cover my mouth with both my hands. How was even possible that it was turning me on so much?

I felt my legs growing weaker and a let myself rest over him a little, who held me firmly and thought of it as an invitation to continue exploring my body. I was startle when a I notice him playing with the button of my pants and when I heard the sound of the zip after, only perceptible for both of us. ‘Wait, does he know that I’m trans?’ I mean, he must since he read my tweets. But my inner voice was shut the moment I heard his.

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