My first one. I started moving it and it was so slippery down that my dick came out when I rose up to dig again. I persisted and could move inside and outside as her thighs wrapped me around. I could not find the correct angle to hold it inside for some time and she adjusted her hips upwards to accommodate my thrusts within. She held me by my buttocks and folded her knees upwards to give more leverage and at that very moment I reached the climax. I started to pour inside her and fell on her like a crumpled piece of paper. I was so relaxed to the extent I did not know what happened further and slept like a slumber dog, without even wearing anything. The next day morning she woke me up with a coffee and asked me to dress up smilingly. She asked me what happened yesterday and said you were a shy boy and see now how bold you are. She said her husband has never tasted her pussy like the way I did.
The days that followed were full of love and fun and it went on for a period of four years. Never did I feel it a guilt and our attraction only grew over the days. I understood romancing a woman whom you respect and whom you fantasize is nothing but a boon. Thereafter their family has to move to Madurai as her husband was promoted as territory manager. I too entered my engineering college and I missed her a lot.