Cousin Matthew comes to stay

Walking home from work I was taking my time. Usually I like going home as working at the warehouse was boring but being seventeen there wasn’t many jobs to choose from. The reason I was going slow was my aunt Jane, uncle Ron and cousin Matthew would be there. Don’t get me I love my aunt and uncle and when I was I liked playing with Matthew whenever we would visit each other. However when we got older I found him to be a bit obnoxious and annoying.

They would have arrived by now and wouldn’t be leaving until Monday. I would have to share my room with Matthew until then. Dad and I moved another bed in there yesterday evening for him. When I finally got home I went into the kitchen and my aunt and uncle were in there with my mum. I hugged them both and kissed me then said “Matthews’s in your room if you want to go say hi”. Slowly I walked upstairs and when I reached my bedroom the door was open and he was sitting on the bed looking at his phone. “How you doing Matthew?” I asked and he then proceeded to tell me all about , the new he has made and what job he wanted to do when he graduated. I couldn’t even get a word in and by the time he finished talking dinner was ready.

Dad was home now too as we sat and ate. Aunt Jane asked me about my job and asked if I was . I told her I wasn’t seeing anyone and she said that Matthew was single too. After dinner we sat in the lounge talking with Matthew speaking the most then even though it was early I said I was tired and went up to bed. After using the bathroom I went into my room, stripped down to my boxers and got into bed. Turning out the light I wanted to fall asleep before Matthew came to bed and luckily I did.

When I woke in the morning I looked over at Matthew and saw he was sleeping. However what I saw next surprised me. His duvet was pulled back and his boxers were pulled down and his large was fully erect. I couldn’t but stare not that I’ve ever had any interest in men or dicks. As I looked I felt my dick harden and I didn’t know why. I looked away feeling ashamed and stared at the ceiling. My dick was erect now and I really had the urge to jerk off but I didn’t want to be aroused after seeing his dick and also I didn’t want to come with him in the room.

Getting out of bed I put my joggers on and a t-shirt and bending forward I walked to the bathroom without anyone seeing me. After brushing my teeth and washing my face my had gone so I was able to pee. After washing my hands I went downstairs for breakfast. As I finished Matthew came down and unusually he didn’t say much and he seemed to avoid looking at me.

After helping clear the table I went back up to my room and played video games. Some time later Matthew came in and shut the door. Standing there he said “I’m sorry if you saw me naked earlier. I fell asleep forgetting to pull the duvet back over me”. “That’s ok Matthew I’ve seen naked men before” I replied. He smiled then hesitantly said “Was my dick when you saw me?” Looking at him I said “Yes it was but don’t worry”. “Thanks” he replied. “Besides with a dick your size you should be proud to show it off” I said and he laughed.

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